As the truck crawled through that downtown region, with crowds looking on, the whale exploded. The author of Psalm 73, Asaph, was almost like Elie Wiesel. a. Asaph had been checking out the people playing for the other team. Some of us today might ask those same kinds of questions: You might say, I have always gone to church, and tried to do everything right, but yet I have all this trouble right now but my brother, or my friend, who never goes to church, and never thinks about God, has this great job, a nice home, and none of the troubles I have. Asaph looked at the lifestyles, the cars, the clothing, the houses they lived in, the company they kept, and thought to himself: "They're getting everything God promised to His covenant people! "Then I understood their final destiny. We can also affirm the future because God's Presence companions us. He says in :16 that all of this WAS troublesome in my sight UNTIL I came into the sanctuary of God. Youll only regret it if you do. In fact, someone pointed out that over the past 20 years at the Oscar ceremonies, Harvey Weinstein had been publicly thanked in the Oscar speeches as many times as God! Thank you for the inspiration you provide. Anybody here know what I'm talking about? When I read that story I wrote an article and sent it to the Oklahoma Baptist Messenger, which basically said that because Whitney Hand knows Jesus as her Lord & Savior, that that wasnt the end of the story for her. You are currently impersonating {{}}. To ensure you receive the best experience on, we use cookies to process information about your visit. In further illustration of this exalted exercise, I would remark, that prayer is appointed as the act of our approach to Him. Ps 26:7-8) in dramatic transformation of the psalmists despairing doubt (vv. This psalm is a brutally honest confessional, from the heart of Asaph to the God he felt had given him a rip off. What does he mean by this? He can handle it! The challenge for the liturgist and preacher is to incorporate a critical reassessment of our culture in a pastorally sensitive manner. v2 But (this is what happened) to me. CSB Experiencing God Bible, Hardcover, Jacketed. 23-26). We're going to say the things that sometimes go unsaid about our struggles, our depressions, when we feel so alone and have no ready answers. Asaph takes his raw deal to the right place and finds out that he didn't have it bad after all. 15-16), After this passionate protest the speaker switches audience and addresses God for the first time. If you'll allow me to paraphrase it, it goes like this: "So this is how life really works! Scripture: Psalms 73:24. History will not see the wicked ultimately prosper. And it shows us that we can do that with God too; these Psalms give us permission to bring our honest hurts and feelings to God, and say like these Psalmists: I. ", Envy is the tendency to compare yourself with someone else in a way that leaves you feeling deprived. Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart. But because there is an eternity, what happens in this life is not even a speck on the timeline of eternity, and we know that things will be different there. They are utterly swept away by sudden terrors!. For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. And that lead him to the fourth word we need to see in v. 3: envy. Whitney Hand was one of the best womens basketball players who ever played for the University of Oklahoma, and she is also a Christian. But her sophomore year, she suffered a knee injury that took her out for some time. It suggests that the affirmation of faith in verse 1 posed a serious problem for the speaker. Psalm 73. Moreover, Psalm 73:28 also repeats the important theme of Gods nearness (Ps 34:18) and the key refuge metaphor (Ps 34:8, 22). There may be times when it seems to be going that way and it looks like that a lot in America today but the Bible says it will not end there. Under these circumstances, Psalm 73 helps believers to be honest with God. Scholars disagree concerning the compositional structure of Psalm 73.8 Nevertheless, rhetorical and stylistic analysis shows that the poem has been skillfully constructed. In fact, their existence is as insubstantial as a dreamhere today, gone tomorrow (cf. Clarke's Commentary. And their end will be terrible. But sometimes we never do see it here on earth. How did he get away with this, year after year? You have yours; I have mine; Asaph said he had his and he said he almost gave up because of them. According to verse 7, their hearts overflow with conceit. The concluding verse, verse 28, summarizes the new vision the speaker obtained in verses 23-25 and, what is more important, it serves as a clearer definition of what it means that God is good to the pure in heart (vs. 1). He tells it all in v. 13: Did I purify my heart and wash my hands in innocence for nothing? The Psalms, maybe more than any other part of the Bible, help us to explore the depths of our hearts. Lying Introduction to Psalm 73: "Seeing Clearly in the Sanctuary". They are healthy (vs. 4) and experience no trouble (amal), nor are they plagued (vs. 5). Who did something unfair to you at work? The third word we need to see became a private obsession for this worship leader: it was the prosperity these God-rejecters enjoyed. We'll be back to it some day. They do not deny Gods existence. Glorification also refers to our elevation to an exalted state in eternity. A sermon on Psalm 73 should also underscore the role that doubts and questioning plays in this psalm.59Questions and doubts are part and parcel of human experience, especially during painful suffering. But the man was a sexual predator. Or: I have always tried to do the right thing, and not drink, or smoke, or do drugs, but I have all these health problems; while people I know who dont care, but go and do whatever they want are totally healthy and able-bodied. God wants to do that for you. Sep 11, 2018. But he didnt get away with it, did he? The visit he made: Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. (Psalm 22:2) Asaphs Faltering Faith (A Man-Oriented Perspective) (73:1-3), They speak with arrogance and gain a following (vs. 8-10), Summary: The lives of the wicked are easy and prosperous (vs. 12), Asaphs Restored Faith (A God-Oriented Perspective) (73:18-28), 2023 Southern Hills Baptist Church - Round Rock, Texas, Southern Hills is a family of believers who exist to glorify God by helping people experience life change through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Psalm 73: Remembering the Truth in Times of Doubt. They make sure the cameras are clicking and the interviewers are there to fawn over them. Asaph realized that if he went public with his inner struggles, letting his cynicism and anger out in words, he would become a tool of Satan's for the ruin of God's people. How the Psalms Speak to All of Our Emotions Dane C. Ortlund. Psalm 73:1-3, Tags: 24 You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory. Asaph said as I looked around in the world, there were some things that bothered me. Be like the disciples in John 6, when Jesus had told the crowds that had been following Him some difficult things about what it meant to believe, and everyone was leaving Him. Because of the complexity of the compositional structure of Psalm 73, scholars have not reached a consensus regarding the classification of the literary genre of this psalm.13 Some classify Psalm 73 as a lament. The affirmation of verse 24a as it has been translated by the NIV has been of great comfort to believers in their suffering. "It was oppressive to me," he said. This service acknowledges the seeming inequities of life and the doubts that arise yet declares strength, hope and protection in God our Sovereign Lord. If youre going to turn your back on God in your distress, where are you going to go? They don't face the hardships I face. It is just like Psalm 73 says: You have set them in slippery places How they are destroyed in a moment.. How could I say to Him: Blessed art Thou, Eternal, Master of the Universe, Who chose us from among the races to be tortured day and night, to see our fathers, our mothers, our brothers, end in the crematory? (Night, 64-65). Presented here is a verse by verse exposition of the New . Clear Scripture Filters. They can take care of themselves. But it WILL change suddenly and even more dramatically, the moment they enter eternity. When they came to the elephants, the zoo keeper wanted them to have more than a verbal description, so he allowed them each to feel the elephant. Like Asaph, come into the sanctuary of God.. Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. But heres the thing: what if they hadnt been here to hear that word? His eyes were locked in on the prosperity of the wicked and he was overcome with envy. Survey respondents noted that temptations You didn't see that coming. So he says in :13, Surely in vain I have kept my heart pure and washed my hands in innocence. They aren't accomplishing anything. (Psalm 41:9), Listen, the real Bible not just the feel good parts of the Bible that get quoted in a lot of our devotionals the real Bible is FULL of these REAL, honest, hard questions that Gods people have brought before Him. Although the text of verses 4, 7 and 10 is uncertain,20 the general picture is clear. But in worship we see from God's infinite perspective. These subdivisions will be used in our exposition. Its the same thing with our daily Bible reading. I don't go to the clubs, I maintain all this discipline and for what? Asaph goes on to tell us here in Psalm 73 that God did show him the whole picture, and what he learned kept him from giving up . The first correction concerns the fate of the wicked in verses 18-20, which is introduced with the emphatic particle surely. In somber language he describes at length what was already introduced in summary fashion in Psalm 1:6b.34 Unlike Psalm 1:6b, however, God is directly involved in their destruction. The Hebrew word for prosperity is shalom. surely in vain I have kept my hands pure like Asaph here in Psalm 73, This slippery slope leads to utter ruin. Maybe people who walked by and saw the Rich Man & Lazarus were tempted to give up THEIR faith. In short, the wicked are totally self-reliant and autonomous people. The revelation of Gods word shows us this important truth: that what you see now, of the wicked succeeding and the godly suffering, is not how it is always going to be. :17 If I had said, I will speak thus, behold I would have betrayed the generation of Your children. But Asaph is in trouble. 13-14; vv. Why do dictators, child molesters, and corporate raiders get off easy? *other, THE STORY OF CHICKEN LITTLE Ps 30:7) recalls the word shalom in verse 3. How many rash words and unsifted actions have we wished to take back because of the negative consequences they brought about? That's right, it blew up. God is waiting to talk with you. or why have I looked for sympathy but there was none. (Psalm 69:20) Asaph had let envy in the door, and now it colored everything he saw. WHERE YOU STAND DETERMINES WHAT YOU SEE!. Blessed be the Lord for evermore. What happened to him, and what he saw happening around him, raised questions that caused him to give up his faith. Job was a righteous man who lost all his children, his possessions, and his health. Arrogant refers to people who make sure people notice them and what they have. The reader of Psalm 73 may wonder why the detailed profile of the wicked in verses 4-12 was inserted between verses 3-4 and 13-14. In addition, as he looked around he saw those who had no regard for God living in prosperity and apparent happiness. 3. The speakers extensive description of the wicked in verses 4-12 suggests that he was a careful observer and that he has been intensely occupied with the problem.19 His detailed description consists of two parts, verses 4-6 and 7-11. The closing verses (vv. Baptist, So there I am. Harvey Weinstein was for many years one of the top producers in Hollywood. Im sitting on the couchwith my eyes closedattempting to nap. He said in Job 10:18, Why then have You brought me out of the womb? In other words, his suffering was so great, why would God allow him to be born if he was going to have to go through all of that? Psalm 25:6-9 All The Wrong Notes. Their prosperity is only temporary. Thats the message of Psalm 73. Have you ever been betrayed? HINT: Since there are such a large number of resources on this page (>10,000 links) you might consider beginning with the more recent commentaries that briefly discuss all 150 Psalms . Publisher's summary: Confraternities were the most common form of organized religious life in medieval and early modern Europe. Psalm 73:28. How to Live with God as Your Portion By Kristine Brown . Sooner womens coach Sherri Coale was dejected at the press conference after the game. The opening statement that God is good to Israel, for example, recalls Psalm 34:8. He was fired from his company, kicked off of the Hollywood Academy, his wife left him, and criminal charges are being investigated. Isn't that just like life sometimes? 1. The admission that his feet almost slipped suggests that perhaps the law of God was not in his heart (Ps 37:30). Sermon: When You Get a Raw Deal - Psalm 73. How is that right? The repetition of the verb to tell (sfr) from verse 15 in verse 28c shows that the psalmists speech has now changed dramatically from self-pity (vv. Envy had poisoned him and had powerful effects on him. Why? I cannot go where He is not. Posted in Sermon Illustrations, Sermons | Tagged Asaph, Bible Reading, church, . 18-20). If Asaph had lived our century instead of his own, he might have been looking at the life of Hugh Hefner. Consider this godly guidance when you get a raw deal. Thats why its so important to be here at church on a regular basis. For all the day long I have been stricken and rebuked every morning" ( Psalms 73:13-14 ). It should be noted that the psalmists sobering moment begins, not in isolation, but as a member of a larger community to which he is accountable.26. Asaph went to "church." Bring your troubles, bring your questions, bring your doubts to God. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. For this reason they do not fear divine retribution. Using the imagery of clothing in this verse, the psalmist boldly engages in shrewd moral and economic criticism.22 According to this verse, the affluent are well-off because of pride and violence. read more, Scripture: His big concern is immediate gratification. While the first half of the Psalm is marked by a man-oriented perspective, he now sees things from a God-oriented perspective. The answer is that these verses serve as a rhetorical foil for the passionate protest that follows in verses 13-14. What is worse, according to verse 11, the wicked are very cavalier about God. "God I'm so angry! Consider this godly guidance when you get a raw deal. So dont cave in to your doubts. How can that be? 4-12; vv. Rating . Battling the Unbelief of Despondency. In the deepest part of your heart you just want it to end better for her. However, such is clearly not the case. This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. He said, I was so foolish for almost giving in to these questions, and almost giving up my faith. Hah." Before you bail out on God, Asaph wants you to sit with him and learn from his experiences. 2. In view of the cross-references to Psalm 24 in Psalm 73, it is suggested that the entry psalm be used in the liturgy. Because He had had thousands of children burned in His pits? Those who draw near -who come in the true spirit of sacrifice, and with the only available offering, the Lord Jesus, shall be finally saved; therefore, it is good for them. In :11 he says they say: How does God know? In v. 4-12, he breaks down what he had observed. According to Isaiah 48:22, there is no peace for the wicked. When you did the right thing, but got the back of the hand anyway. However, in verse 28a, which is introduced with the final emphatic phrase but, as for me (weani), good is defined, not in terms of property or prosperity, but Gods presence: But, as for me, the nearness of God (is) good to me!55 What a sharp contrast this new perception forms with the emphatic I in verse 2! v3 Some people had made themselves important. Ps 103:5; 104:28). What troubled the psalmist is that their lifestyle works.23. It is this asseveration of divine justice that is severely tested in verses 2-27 and marvelously reaffirmed in verse 28, which, as we have noted above, forms an inclusio with verse 1. A person may say, well I just dont feel like being there today but that may be the day that God is going to speak to you. :4 There are no pains in their death, and their body is fat. All he could only see their immediate pleasure. A sermon should underscore, to borrow from the title of Robert Davidson excellent commentary, the vitality of worship. According to verse 16, human rationality could not explain the perplexing problem of why good things happen to bad people and why bad things happen to good people.62 Only the communal experience (vs. 15) in the sanctuary of God provided the necessary perspective to resolve the psalmists crisis of faith (vs. 17). Brief outline from a message given at a nursing home, but suitable for any audience. However, a bad illustration can distract and confuse if the listener. He wrestles with the tension of holding onto God's goodness and sovereignty while dealing the tragedies he was experiencing. What do you do when with your theology clashes with reality? Consequently, the way of the wicked looks like a viable alternative way to live.24. Gluttony Unless otherwise specified, content on this website is licensed as Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0. (John 3:16 sermon), "The Message of the Cross" (I Cor. Asaph might have looked at Hugh Hefner and said, Surely in vain I have kept my heart pure, and washed my hands in innocence. Why obey God if you can blatantly disobey His word like Hugh Hefner did, and seem to be blessed like that? He kept his faith, but I lost mine. Dec 4, 1988. For example, my father recited the beautiful words of verses 24-25 of this psalm to my mother on August 27, 1945, just before she died. That poor man was carried away to eternal comfort, but the rich man found himself in agony in this flame. It is just as Psalm 73 says: You cast them down to destruction, How they are destroyed in a moment. Sometimes questioning and doubt is due to sin. Or maybe he does business with an ungodly person in town who seems to have the Midas touch. 3 For I was envious of the . 1 Chronicles 25:1 and 2 Chronicles 29:30 add that Asaph was a prophet in his musical compositions. Do not covet your neighbor's wife, his male or female slave, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor." Envy means "I want what you have." Psalm 26 Communicating Integrity. A key step in this process, of course, is to make the audience aware of the presence of Gods hand in their lives. An important step in this process is the recognition of the psalmists strident critique of the economic underpinnings of society in verses 4-11. How they are destroyed in a moment! Two weeks later, on January 29, authorities decided to truck the dead whale to a laboratory where they could do an autopsy. Elmer A. Martens. Then I perceived their end. There are a couple of things here that Asaph says changed his perspective on what he saw happening around him: A. They are utterly swept away by sudden terrors.. Envy is so common that God made it the subject of one of His 10 commandments: "Do not covet your neighbor's house. Surely You place them on slippery ground; You cast them down to ruin. Your community. That is where we meet Asaph in Psalm 73. He brought his confusion under the truth of God. 13-14) to praise of Gods handiwork (Gen 2:2).57 Now he speaks no longer as an ignorant beast; instead, through Gods guiding counsel he has now become a spiritually enlightened witness.58. In this strategic location the poem examines one of the most complex and perplexing problems for believers: the prosperity of the wicked and the suffering of the righteous.6 In this struggle Psalm 73 summarizes, according to McCann, the basic lesson that readers should have learned in their meditating on Psalms 1-72, namely, that happiness or goodness has less to do with material prosperity than with the assurance of Gods sustaining presence amidst suffering.7. Ever been gossiped about? Because they live at ease, therefore, according to verse 6, they are proud21 and violent. He was one of the great worship leaders in the OT. 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