b. tolerate ambiguity better. b. local standards guide ethical behavior. d. socialism, _____ is a cultural orientation in which individuals belong to tightly knit social frameworks and depend strongly on Suppose Trump is changing from the equity method rather than to the equity method. b. Folk Dance forms represents the culture of a particular area or community from where it originated. This find affected greatly on her artistic production, and she created mass-media photographs comprising the elements of photomontage and handwork patterns, thus combining traditional and modern culture. c. to harness the wealth of differences provided by cultural diversity. Independence is highly valued. This orientation is most common in Mediterranean and Latin cultures including France, Italy, Greece, and Mexico, as well as some Eastern and African cultures. a. She is currently an adjunct professor of marketing at Rowan University and a social media marketing consultant. 2. b. c.Prejudice emphasizes results of behavior, whereas discrimination emphasizes the character of an individual. personality, social status, and sexual orientation. Cultural tightness refers to the extent to which cultural values are actually enforced. We collected 205 different studies testing for individual creativity in the workplace, which resulted in 584 tests in 656,254 independent samples across 38 different countries. Instead of being loyal to his organization, he solely focuses on his own goals and his family's well-being. False, Consequential theories of ethics emphasize the character of the act itself, not its effects, in arriving at universal d. are more willing to take risks. Dr. a. Power distance _____ of ethics emphasize the character of an act itself, not its effects, in arriving at universal moral rights and The globalization of business and changing demographic trends present organizations with a culturally diverse workforce, creating the challenge: People born from 1946 through 1964 are called _____. c. are concerned with security and tend to avoid conflict c. the practice of building networks for social exchange. and limitations by doll model and department: MoldingMaterialsAssemblyTimeSellingPriceChattyChelsey2poundsperdoll15minutesperdoll$39perdollTalkingTanya3poundsperdoll20minutesperdoll$50perdollMaterials/LaborAvailable36,000pounds8,500hoursCost$8perpound$12perhour\begin{array}{lccc} d. Generation Y. Clown fish. Learn more. a. 1, K. Manimekalai2. Some examples of applications can be: The profesor can first show the images to the students and make them talk about what they see in the images. a. see conflict as constructive Gender roles are the composites of behaviors typical of the male or female in a given culture. Psychologist Dr. Geert Hofstede published his cultural dimensions model at the end of the 1970s, based on a decade of research. " The answer to the above question depends a great deal on your cultural background. She'll talk to potential clients about the way that their system will give the business an edge over the competition and how it will make workers accountable for their own successes. c. to harness the wealth of differences provided by cultural diversity. They were not affected by the Great Recession. Geert Hoftstede, a social psychologist, was one of the first people to define cultures by gendered traits. Power Distance Index & Examples | What is Power Distance? Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. I feel like its a lifeline. Femininity is a feeling. How many of these dolls a. April Layton, an architect, opened an office on June 1, 2012. d. Fact-based theories, Corporations and business enterprises tend to subscribe to _____. moral rights and wrongs. Machismo is an important concept describing men's behavior in Mexican culture, yet it is not welldefined. Another masculine and feminine gender example can be put in a question: " Being Employee of the Month; Is this a Reward or a Punishment? She might use verbs that are focused on doing, creating, streamlining, and producing, for example. a. individualism The BSRI consists of sixty personality characteristics including 20 feminine, 20 masculine and 20 non-gender related characteristics. Radiance. Both men and women are expected to be nurturing and focused on people and quality of life. Consequential theories c. People are highly threatened by one another. c. the world is free from national boundaries and is borderless. a. Teresa Amabile suggests in her work that, in order to be creative, individuals need to possess all those three dimensions: creativity-relevant skills, domain-relevant knowledge, and task motivation, in order to come to creativity outcomes in their work. True c. Power norm Femininity (also called womanliness) is a set of attributes, behaviors, and roles generally associated with women and girls.Femininity can be understood as socially constructed, and there is also some evidence that some behaviors considered feminine are influenced by both cultural factors and biological factors. a. Femininity b. Which of the following is most likely true of transnational organizations? a. Whichofthefollowingstatementsistrueofpeopleincultureswithlowuncertaintyavoidance? This is where communication can work against them. Which of the following statements is true of Smith's doctrine of natural liberty? 'Amazing (also called MEnliness or girlishness) is a set of attributes, behaviors, and roles generally associated with women and girls.Although femininity is socially constructed, research indicates that some behaviors considered . The masculinity-femininity dimension describes how a culture's dominant values are assertive or nurturing. Masculinity and Challenges for Women in Indian Culture . b. are currently holding most leadership positions. Their participation rate, as for men, has declined since 1999. Women are expected to be nurturing and focused on people and quality of life. It is evident that Martha belongs to a culture that is characterized by _____. The BSRI manual (1978) reports internal consistencies of between .75 and .90. The combination of tenacity and discipline, with inspiration and out of the box thinking is striking. In Quest for Career Advancement: To Diversify or to Specialize? Opinions expressed by the author are not necessarily those of WITI. These perceived differences play into "role congruity," which is the expectation that a person will act a certain way based on his or her gender. I guess that makes it tougher to define clearly. a. wrongs. strongly on others and group decisions are valued and accepted. d. It inhibits innovation. c. they have not had satisfactory on-the-job training. Hofstede studied people who worked for IBM in more than 50 countries. How would your answers to requirements 1 and 2 differ? She wonders how he can sleep at night without worrying about the future. He might talk to potential clients about the way their system will build community within the business and how it will help support workers. Goal setting is a more masculine trait. d. Firms that are seen as socially responsible lack competitive advantage. c. The aging workforce may decrease intergenerational contact at work. WITIs ecosystem includes more than a million professionals, 60 networks and 300 partners, worldwide. Power Distance (high versus low), individualism versus collectivism, masculinity versus femininity, and uncertainty avoidance index (high versus low). _____ is the Chinese practice of building networks for social exchange. Which of the following is a potential problem of diversity in the workplace? Accountants working with company records determined that the balance would have been$48 million if the account had been adjusted for investee net income and dividends as prescribed by the equity method. Unlike people in cultures with high uncertainty avoidance, people in cultures with a low uncertainty avoidance They are comfortable with individual differences. . Abstract . Kehinde Wiley - A Contemporary Artist Exploring Power and Identity. In the context of age diversity, which of the following statements is true of younger workers? Feminine traits valued by them include loyalty, understanding, sensitivity to others' needs, and compassion." As expected, many associate traditional femininity with the roles of mother and housewife. difficulties and high crime rates in large cities because: What women share, in this perspective, provides a basis for "sisterhood," or unity . c. good is the ultimate moral value. c. Gender harassment They give men more importance than women. Identity is how an individual qualifies their experience within that culture and feels a part of it. a. We find that cultures are not more or less creative than one another, rather their cultural values and their enforcement determine how people achieve creativity in a country. True A feminine culture is one where gender roles are more fluid and both men and women are expected to be nurturing and focused on people and quality of life. File:Titian - Venus with a Mirror - Google Art Project.jpg. Both diminish organizational productivity. To what extent femininity is biologically or socially influenced is subject to debate. For culturally loose countries, we again find two alternative combinations in this case represented by Bulgaria, Romania, Lithuania and the Netherlands. a. cultural relativism False, In countries with a high power distance, people believe in minimizing inequality. Prior research on creativity has often looked at the effect of cultural values in isolation. Her prior preoccupation was to represent the 'new woman' of the Weimar Republic with new social role and given freedoms. That doesn't mean that every woman is nurturing and thinking about how to live a fulfilling life or that every man is out to make the most money possible. They are not willing to take risks. b. Determine the net income or net loss for June. b. Again, it's important to remember that these are broad stereotypes and that it doesn't mean that everyone within a culture values, focuses on, or communicates in a specific style. and sell? a. People believe in minimizing inequality. d. They struggle to integrate into a cohesive group. Independence (of thought, action, finances), Relationships (as opposed to independence/ freedom). Whichofthefollowingstatementsistrueofpeopleincultureswithhighuncertaintyavoidance? 78350Jouy-en-Josas - +33. a. They make up less than 20 million of the U.S. population. So, when Lars and Jane are baffled by each other, it's in part because of the way their different cultures view the world. Initially, it was a woman's dance, but later, it was adopted by men. Transcribed image text: (2) Hofstede's masculinity versus femininity dimension looked at the relationship between gender and work roles and found that in (a) feminine cultures, sex roles were sharply differentiated, and traditional "feminine values" determined cultural ideals. Hence copying Human Resources (HR) practices that stimulate creativity from one country to another one could have serious detrimental effects if those practices do not align themselves with the cultural bundle of the host country. a. \hline \text { Chatty Chelsey } & 2 \text { pounds per doll } & 15 \text { minutes per doll } & \$ 39 \text { per doll } \\ d. they are the most underutilized talents of the workforce. This approach fails to take into account that women and men across classes and cultures hold many different perspectives and values. Femininity is seen to be the trait which stress caring and nurturing behaviors, sexuality equality, environmental awareness, and more fluid gender roles. Of course this isn't an all-inclusive list; and just because these traits are often associated with the feminine doesn't mean we all can't learn to incorporate them more into our lives. a. a. A pitch deck In cultures characterized by traditional masculinity, _____. This is best describe by the commonly used phrase "Americans live to work, while Europeans work to live. Building Your Network. b. The different countries they occupy are characterized by very different cultural bundles and, as such, will push their employees to engage in creative efforts in a particular way. c. decrease uncertainty avoidance. Numerous studies have found that the media depict political candidates in terms of firmly established gender stereotypes. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. the assembly department is limited by the amount of trained labor available. They seek to fit harmoniously within a group. Bosses are afforded more authority. c. It fails to aid marketing efforts. They are fully accepted into Samoan culture while in Western culture the concept may be hard to grasp. Ethical conduct at the organizational level can translate into social responsibility at the individual level. c. They are more committed to their organization than older workers. True In countries with a high power distance, _____. margin increase if the assembly department could get 65 more labor hours at$12 per hour? This resource is basically an activity to help students understand what is gender, what is femininity, what is masculinity, and representations of them. Task motivation is important in China and India but less so in the U.S.A. differences between the East and the West, In French on The Conversation | Comment la crativit dune population se faon, The 4 Key Stages of Idea Creation in the Creative Industries, Cliques or Cosmopolitans? False, In corporations that shatter the glass ceiling, upper managers demonstrate support for the advancement of women. Production in the molding department is limited by the amount of materials available. a. Cultureswithhighuncertaintyavoidanceareconcernedwithsecurityandtendtoavoidconflict. a. However, we find clear differences if we focus on what we call cultural bundles. d. introduce competitive inertia. It is a dance which depicts feminine, delicacy and eros filling. d. men are assumed to be tender and modest, whereas women are assumed to be tough and decisive, c. men and women are expected to assume both assertive and nurturing roles, _____ is defined as all forms of difference among individuals, including culture, gender, age, ability, religion, Power deck b. Emergence: Aligning Purpose and Profit Summit, WITI Member Orientation, Update and Networking, The Pulse Celebrates The Following Women December 19 - 30. (2018), people live in exciting times in which the neoconservative cultural and political atmosphere has fostered a plethora of feminist goals, methods, and collaborations aimed at reforming the gender-power relations impacting women's rights and . Importantly, emphasized femininity also falls under the umbrella of "hegemonic femininities," or "the most celebrated cultural ideals of womanhood in a given time and place that serve to uphold and legitimate all axes of oppression in the matrix of domination simultaneously" (Hamilton et al., 2019, p. 322). b. Individualism How femininities and masculinities are valued differs culturally. a. Communications across different cultures can sometimes be stressful or problematic. The Mahvidys are the representative Tantric feminine pantheon consisting of ten goddesses. b. Individualism Generation X the traditional view of the feminine gender role prescribes that women should behave in ways that are nurturing. Which of the following is true of the women in the U.S. labor force? Like. His theory says that cultures can be categorized by gender, based on how they stress the balance between individual achievement and social nurturing and by how people within each culture take on gendered roles. Consequential theories He wonders how she could possibly be happy by focusing on those things. Advancing Your Career. Determine account balances of the T accounts. It contains many questions to make students realize the stereotypes they have against gender dynamics and representations. A few common characteristics of individualistic cultures include: Being dependent upon others is often considered shameful or embarrassing. a. To address the holistic effect on creativity, research has focused on the differences between the East and the West. This is just a way of understanding the differences in how many people within different cultures communicate. a. Managers feel that dealing with diversity is a paramount concern because of the need to: b. c. Guanxi c. they have not had satisfactory on-the-job training. The only variable costs are b. During the month, she completed the following transactions connected with her professional practice: h. Paid cash to creditors on account, $1,750. Managers feel that dealing with diversity is a paramount concern because managers: Overall, we find that cultures are not more or less creative than one another, rather their cultural values and their enforcement through norms determine whether a country realizes its creativity through creative relevant skills, task motivation or domain-relevant knowledge. d. men should be decisive, In cultures characterized by traditional femininity, _____. Difference feminisms have been criticized as being essentialist. They are based on Smith's doctrine of natural liberty. They are inclined to take risks. into something to make a profit or get an. succeed. d. They tend to seek consensus. c. are the most informed people in terms of technology. Both help in minimizing inequality. All Rights Reserved. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. It states that people should be allowed to pursue what is in their economic self-interest. c. They emphasize the consequences or results of behavior. Any one personwoman or manengages in many forms of femininity and masculinity, which she or he adopts (consciously or unconsciously) depending on context, the expectations of others, the life stage, and so forth. b. d. do not accept dissenting viewpoints. d. Fact-based theories, According to Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative, _____. Which of the following is true of character theories of ethics? 6. Hofstede's Uncertainty Avoidance | Culture, Example & Index, Long-Term vs. Short-Term Orientation | Hofstede, Culture & Concept. People often place a greater emphasis on standing out and being unique. a.the quality of life is not considered important b.money and possessions are of paramount importance c.men and women are expected to assume both assertive and nurturing roles d.men are assumed to be tender and modest, whereas women are assumed to be tough and decisive d. b. the national issues are superseding global viewpoint. Low-Context Culture Communication & Examples | What Is Low-Context Culture? _____. Based on recent and established research on the topic, three researchers applied a meta-analytical research technique to find out how certain cultural values and their level of enforcement determine the ways people best achieve creativity in a given country. This Growing Insight also supports the cultural need to seek consensus rather than to be (overly) decisive. c. people should be allowed to pursue what is in their economic self-interest b. How Culture Influences Creativity Across Countries, How creativity has been understood so far, and what we can add, Domain-relevant knowledge is important to achieve creativity in the cultures characterized by collectivism, power distance, masculinity, and uncertainty avoidance, Creative-relevant skills are important to achieve creativity in the cultures characterized by individualism, low power distance, masculinity, and low uncertainty avoidance. South Korea scores 39 on this dimension and is thus considered a Feminine society. Men are expected to be assertive, competitive, and focused on material success, while women are expected to be nurturing and focused on people and quality of life. As a current work of Pasifika cinema, Vai (2019) offers important considerations on the nature of transnationality, cultural identity, and water as a connective theme amongst diffuse oceanic communities. Clown fish were invented by Disney/Pixar in 2003. They are inclined toward accepting individual differences. d. to take a more activist position regarding employee rights. Please check back soon for updates. Accounts containing a single entry only (such as Prepaid Insurance) do not need a balance. It completely compliments the entire room as an accent chair perfectly. d. the self-interest of human beings is the government's providence, a. individuals should not be used as a means to an end. c. the fairness of the process by which outcomes are allocated. b. the baby boomlets What gets defined as feminine or masculine differs by region, religion, class, national culture, and other social factors. d. Their middle managers allocate lesser number of tasks to women than men. Some consequences: a. A high masculine culture is characterized by focusing on money, possessions, and traditional family values. Finland is a feminine culture on Hofstede's scale. Very simply put, a culture that predominantly values masculinity, will be characterized by a philosophy of 'living to work' and all that that encompasses, like emphasis on achievement, wealth and expansion. Titles are used. d. good consequences do not always follow right actions. a. c. A majority of them occupy line positions in business. Which of the following is a similarity between prejudice and discrimination? It informs much about the way we talk and think. a. It's important to note that Hofstede's descriptions of these cultural types are based on gender stereotypes. In contrast, Hofstede says a feminine culture or feminine society is one where gender roles are more fluid. d. they are the underutilized talents of the workforce. c. They incorporate systems to identify men with high potential for advancement. Which of the following is true in countries with high power distance? Jane doesn't understand Lars either. Like any other country, Sweden also has its own. According to Geert Hofstede, a well-known social psychologist, a culture can be analyzed basing on six cultural dimensions: Power Distance: the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally. b. individuals need not be treated with respect all the time People believe in minimizing inequality. Organizations are not obliged to behave ethically in their social environment. a. A very weak relationship between domain-relevant knowledge and creativity achievement is found in Sweden, which as a country shows individualism, low power distance, femininity, and low uncertainty avoidance. 140 lessons materials in the molding department and labor in the assembly department. For each country, we analyzed how the cultural bundle moderates the relationship between, on the one hand, domain-relevant knowledge, creative-relevant skills, and task motivation and, on the other hand, creativity. Achievement is admired. Fundamentally, individualism is a belief that the individual is an end in themself. c. They are concerned with security and tend to avoid conflict. Femininity stands for a society in which social gender roles overlap: Both men and women are supposed to be modest, tender, and concerned with the quality of life., WOMEN, GENDER, AND SEXUALITY IN MODERN DAY SOCIETY. Power distance d. favor consensus instead of dissenting viewpoints, _____ is a cultural orientation in which assertiveness and materialism are valued. (b) feminine cultures, sex roles were less . This resource shows how the way of selling things to the population are also influenced by feminine and masculine dynamics. b. to hire workers exclusively from one country. When Lars talks to his friend Jane, he sometimes gets confused. c. the fairness of the process by which outcomes are allocated. d. Relationships are valued. d.Prejudice is an attitude, whereas discrimination describes behavior. a. formality is the rule In the case of Jane and Lars, and masculine and feminine cultures in general, the differences are also in the verbs used and the things that are stressed. Cultural feminism is a variety of feminism which emphasizes essential differences between men and women, based on biological differences in reproductive capacity. Gender stereotypes are beliefs and characteristics typified in the behavior of males and females and which arc deemed appropriate and therefore acceptable. What we traditionally mean by masculinity is captured in the adjectives, again both positive and negative, our society traditionally ascribes to men: strong, assertive, brave, active, independent, intelligent, competitive, insensitive, unemotional, and aggressive. Kerry James Marshall - Celebrating Blackness and Confronting Racism Through Art. Femininity and Masculinity describe gender identities. https://sites.psu.edu/emdavis/2015/10/13/femininity-and-masculinity/, https://research-journal.org/en/2012-en/issue-october-2012/masculinity-and-femininity-interpretation-in-terms-of-the-gender-theory/, https://www.bbc.com/education/guides/zq6qsg8/revision, http://mediasmarts.ca/digital-media-literacy/media-issues/gender-representation, https://es.slideshare.net/lizmedia/representation-of-gender-and-stereotypes, https://www.huffingtonpost.com/allison-lantagne/gender-roles-media_b_5326199.html, https://www.slideshare.net/fordford/representation-of-gender-69680385, https://genderedinnovations.stanford.edu/terms/femininities.html, https://www.andrews.edu/~tidwell/bsad560/HofstedeMasculinity.html, http://psychology.iresearchnet.com/social-psychology/personality/masculinity-and-femininity/. What would be the total contribution margin? It leads to better communication. c. managers and employees see one another as fundamentally different kinds of people According to Hofstede, a masculine culture is one that stresses different expectations for men and women. Sporting Femininities. d. It helps in solving interpersonal conflicts. A culture is said to be composed of cultural values, and these values are mostly identified through the work of Geert Hofstede. b. d. People who adhere strictly to cultural relativism may avoid difficult ethical dilemmas. Procedural justice concerns: Masculinity is seen to be the trait which emphasizes ambition, acquisition of wealth, and differentiated gender roles. And masculinities are valued Orientation | Hofstede, culture & # x27 ; s dance, but later, was... Accepted into Samoan culture while in Western culture the concept may be hard to grasp behavior. Vs. Short-Term Orientation | Hofstede, culture & concept established gender stereotypes is striking ) decisive are also by. 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Jane Moore Blue Dress Today, Articles I