Could someone that is familiar on how to calculate the waves radius inland tell me that information? THERE IS GOING TO BE A 1000 FOOT WAVE AS THE RESULT OF AN EARTHQUAKE OFF THE COAST OF PUERTO RICO. Plus, Jesus loves me. Thank you for your model, I firmly believe in be prepared, not scared. Ken do you ever regret having this Tsunami Article? Believe it or not, the Canary Islands thing is on my mind, along with global warming. How far inland would a thirty one mile high tsunami go? Aimo , its not the wave for you its the animals on two legs looking for what you have that they donty and shut the f up and tell not one person what you have hid. In this future event the water will Not reseed, everything will be under water. Some years back I dreamt of an enourmous earthquake in the early morn causing a violent volcanoe eruption. Also beware that the west coast of florida can get walloped just as hard as east coast due to wrap around effect so dont make mistake of going to west coast and sun yourself on the beach.. Just remember all of us that came to Florida came here to dieso be it 50 years, 50 days or 50 Hours It matters notThe weather has been better here long enough to be worth it. All of the West has suffered long term drought save a few places. :-), Yes, because you need to get off the island regardless of the issues. Ive heard weeks to 60 days to effect a shutdown. Any Floridian in Tampa/Sarasota can sell me their home. I been praying what I should do with what Ive seen.. and it was not too longer after, I went back and read my note on my phone where I had wrote down and dated and timed my dream.. ok my dream happened on 7/16/19 5:15am.. but when I went back to look at my note in my phone.. the date I wrote was 11/16/19 5:15am.. part of what has me staying on all this is I think the Lord had me stumble across Perry Stone a few months before my dream.. However, there have been cases where tsunamis have traveled much farther inland. I live in Manchester NJ approximately 15 mies from the ocean and approx 10 miles from the Toms River River and the bay. If we look up at the direction of the sun with our telescopes, it is practically impossible to detect anything coming our way. Tsunamis can hit from 100mph 600+mph, so you dont really have time to react. A filter that can make pool or pond water drinkable is #1 on the list, as is a tank of fuel! Would it be through a mobile phone alert like other weather alerts? I am concerned about the predicted asteroid hit by Ephraim Rodriquez, I think I am in a very safe area above Farmington Maine, but how far inland would a much larger tsunami than 300 ft travel. Even the river is more than 100 ft above sea level here, and there are land rifts of over 100 ft. between here and the coast which would adsorb a lot of energy. I live in Winston salem NC if a mega tsunami hit the east cost is my city in danger giving the fact we like 200 miles from a beach bit we have the Yakin river that close by. I live in Milton Fl.In between Navarre Bch and Pensacola bch(20 mins either way)My question is would Talledega Al. Although a bit Hollywood, a good way to see how the water behaved was in Deep Impact with Elijah Wood and Morgan Freeman. Wade, I am not in that area and if i were and could move inland , would. A dream does not mean it will happen, but a visitation from The Lord Speaking to you will confirm this will happen. I have seen this tsunami in my dreams, the first two times I dreamt of it.. it was way off shore, I was standing on the beach in Florida and I could see it coming very high in the distance.. no it was already a huge wall of water even out at that distance, no boat has the ability to ride that out.. my third and last dream was this summer, except now I was hearing the water rushing, by the time I looked outside, the wave was right in front of me and crashed onto land. In fact the article is filled with caveats. So, he is trying to keep an eye on news for this and watching instrumentation. When this happens, our eternity is with Jesus in Heaven where their is no tears of sadness & No pain of any kinds, but Joy & happiness over flows with love & kindness with love in the Heaven, Gods Kingdom where the eternity is in Heaven. The main reason that I posted this article had to do with the fact that LOTS and LOTS of people live very near the shoreline. The key is to prepare for the unknow. You wont be safe in Philly. I live in the gulf west side of southern florida. If Florida doesnt sink (from lower height and weaker waves), theres a possibility that the water might recede, but think about what will be left; stinking bodies, debris, water logged buildings, skyscrapers, homes, etc. That was in a bay though so in the Cumbre Vieja event it would be very different. I live in NC butthe City I live in has decent elevation and is not on your map. Multiply that by I dont even know. God doesnt need our opinions. Not sure where it would originate to get all the way to the city. Last year 2018 the Lord answered that question and we are moving to WV. Heard a lady talking about this & she made a comment this could happen in August of this year. Near the very end, Wood is outrunning the water and you can get an idea of how much momentum the incoming water loses as it encounters the convolution of mountains and valleys. Nope, but, depends on the height of the wave. We are One nation under God this is what it says on our money! Philadlphia will be hit by the tsunami, but not as bad as Miami and the southern states. While they are not much more than a sand bar, would they still not alleviate some if a large waves energy? We will not be worrying nor, doing anything else out of our ordinary day. This Planet comes by roughly every 4500 years, never the same +/- 500 years. The 2nd dream is of the accompanying tsunami which heads northerly along the eastern sea board and reaching far inland killing millions. I cannot imagine entire easy coast would be hit with massive tsunami? Concerned I hope this helps! I used to work at Johns Hopkins Hospital there and there is very limited road network that is jammed in Normal times. Thank you so much for this but my question is this if a mega-tsunami hits the coast will be an earth quake as well I live in Michigan I know Im in land quit a bit An have felt the Holy Spirit tell me tech tonic plates back in the summer when they started to peel apart I know just the devastation alone is not all well have to worry about industrial plants that will be exposed to the ocean will contaminate it plus many other things but lets say these plates move if Michigan feels those whats the point system because ive seen things that God has shown me that when that happens Detroit is built on top of salt mines plus Michigan has the most resource for fresh water 3 lakes would be contaminated Detroit an some surrounding areas would be under water because lets face it that water is going to go somewhere can you please answer any of these questions Ive seen it as well. We live on Long Island and will drive into the Pocono mountains if need be do get away, as its only 1.5 hrs away. He has a NOAA Wx radio that might sound a warning. Great move August Ark! There would be not only flooding, but dead folks and livestock. I wonder what kind of expertise/training you have? Regardless of the if/ands/buts I would opt for the swimming lessons. I am currently residing in Queens, New York and would like to know which would be the closest, yet safest areas in the event of a tsunami wave There is a 100% chance that part of the Canary Islands will collapse and cause a tsunami. Wherever once relocates to must have adequate rainfall and clean accessible water for not only drinking but raising crops and livestock. I am not an expert but a simple research shows that a wave would come in via the Bristol Channel up to Bristol. Would it hit Brookhaven pa please let me know. However, we also know that the 3D soundwave is not a single pure vibration, rather, most typically, a series (symphony) of vibrations about the z-axis that wrap themselves and spin/corkscrew about the skeletal body moving about the x and y axis (arbitrary, yet crucial to define and keep consistent). A wave, just a normal wave is more than 1 foot thick. Im now here in act in Hartford for a couple weeks. it slops down towards the ocean. Including Power. Preparation is key. I dont think that the water would reach this far, but all of Boston and the metro area would be devastated. Just yesterday there was a scare in the Canaries, though they say all clear now. Dont you dare say GLOBAL WARMING. ITS BS! Im in New Haven Connecticut. What Speed and Height of Tsunami would be created if a Large Astroid hit in the Ocean? Linden will be fine. The tsunami that we are all waiting to occur will submerge Florida state. People are reading too much into this, THANK YOU for scientifically based TRUTH! My house roof is about 20`. Maybe go camping for a few days? Several observations regarding a 300 foot tsunami would be the probable devastation of the following major East Coast cities Even a 75 foot tsunami ! NRP Good to know that this isnt a problem Id have to worry about going where Im going. I live in Ocala, Florida, which is in the center of the State, a place where people go to, during hurricanes. Also, what if my remote control gets wet, will it still work? It has been done for some locations. the tsunami travels, however, a more intense event, like an asteroid, meteor, or other object splashing into the Atlantic would probably garner much more energy, wave height, and moving the tsunami much further inland. More Earth Quakes on Land and in the Ocean, so some causing Tsunamis. Evacuation would be virtually impossible for most (except for the astute who act quickly) due to only hours notice, probable doubt, and the subsequent immediate gridlock that would follow. Has anybody heard of a strong earth quake that is suppose to happen between April 15 to the19 of 2014???? I once wrote a very long post elsewhere concerning bugging out folks from the East Coast, particularly along the Atlantic Seaboard. Joy, a large meteorite or comet would cause a helluva lot higher wave than 300 feet. If Katrina is any indication, FEMAs a joke and after Obama, is actually worse than it was. I think there is to much money invested in the disney name and brand for them to destroy there own creation down here in Florida in the orlando area. But thats just my feeble opinion for what its worth. Move or definitely dont move there? I hope I am wrong. Wll as I can see, this talk has been going on for years now. Im screwed in NJ. And we dont know when. Then I have had dreams of people trying to escape on boats from something. Will we get hit by an asteroid/comet on September 24 no. Also, how about a 800ft wave? Did you find any maps of potentially inundated nuclear facilities? Also look at a map and see how the coastline curves along east coast, this will concentrate the effects of a wave. Look for the precursors. We could even be hit by a mid size meteor capable of causing a great tsunami. Fill up your car with gas NOW. All posts there are by NOAA, NASA. Govt gonna save us. Its far more complex than that. Hi The Original Just Sayin', I am in Nokomis Fla , although its not mentioned , I do see many more sinkholes , the earth is expanding ..we see this in the earths plates ,looking back in history ..this has caused tsunamis . Your model is based on a natural disaster ? Although flights are continuing to the Canaries, havent found any copter or drone video from above that ridge. Anyone have any idea if this area is safe in the event of a mega tsunami? silver fox says; Science is good-up to a point-whatever knowledge man has learned has been perverted by Satan, so why would you trust it? Would like to hear more about this dream, and specifics on what you saw in Hawaii (why were you there in this dream if you have never been there before)??? Its growing much stronger and the sides are dissolving once they are gone the land will crack along the already cracked fault lineits a monster. No one was having dreams about waves. People who stayed, would have no power, water, food or shelter. The Eastern Seaboard of the United States includes some of the largest metropolitan areas in the country. Nothing more than seeking confirmation of your own delusions of safety and looking for a reason to tell yourself not to worry, in an area that is OBVIOUSLY at risk! Look up a guy name Efrain Rodriguez. There is also concern regarding the caldera at the Maine/Canada border if the magma energy ramps up over here. If you take care of a loved one in their 80s that cant swim and unable to get to the mountains when a tsunami comes does God hold that against us if your heart is right with him. If living in Galveston TX. If the wave is 300 feet its going over Florida into the gulf there all dead. Monstrous landslide expected to fall into Pacific off Big Island of Hawaii. In general, a tsunami will travel as far inland as the height of the wave. Should we in Central Tx move towards the Appalacians? Just prepare for having to walk out and if you can use your car, go as far as you can. Make sure you have a life to begin with. sorry, I think fema camps would follow as well. If he is worried, Im definitely worried. Then there was a notice posted on the weather channel not too long ago, stating to expect a tsunami caused by a 9.2 earthquake on the west coast and said it was 75 years over due, One that occurs every 240 years approx. Once again, didnt happen. I lived in Bridgeport and I being trying to search places to I can try to have a plan for my family . If that were to happen, it wouldn't be for about 10,000 years. We live near Mississippi river, That concerns us. We were trapped & could only go upward. Then i dreampt of being beheaded by terrorists last night and wanting the prayers said first. In 1992 a NASA Researcher first noticed Planet X coming into our System and he has mysteriously killed soon afterward. She said she was afraid. There is no way to tell how high/ inland a tsunami in this size would be. You will be where ever you are just my take. The turbulence and debris will turn you into very small pieces of fish food right quickly. I live in a small town called miramar in florida which is 13 miles inland.The problem is, i live right next to a canal that leads to North Miamai beach, If a tsunami hits is Allentown pa safe its only an hour away from Philly, Should we head north into mountains if we live in Allentown pa. Were in UK and wondering how we can prepare. Know why? Im also from west palm..there are a few tall buildings near me..if in the event a tsunami did happen would that be the best hope for survival?? I would be concerned, but I would also be slightly grateful that you can hide in skyscrapers in Manhattan if disaster occurred. God is so good & His Love over flows your heart! The movie is Deep Impact and my husband and I just watched it last week and we saw the evidence only I didnt know that those numbers were the zip code! You can go west to New Jersey. I dont like moving too much. I am an engineer, have done risk studies, and worked on a tsunami inundation sensor network proposal one time. Hi Im not sure if I would be affected I live in Augusta Georgia if a 300 hit? We may be at our harms way of a 300 ft tsunami. You will not be able to leave with 3 hours notice as 100 million attempt to do the same. I have bad news for you. How far inland can a tsunami travel? That impact shook free between 40 million and 60 million cubic yards (30.6. Which countries? This happens and the entire state is history. If you could provide variable for each of these areas i would GREATLY appreciate it. @NativeNewYorker: Parts of the Catskills, 50 mi north of NYC is probably the closest area to you. Ken explained the maps were topographical, not predictive. The Indian Ocean tsunami traveled as far as 3,000 miles to Africa . Very unlikely to happen in our lifetimes, chaps. I would imagine that it would be considerable. They are habitable, can support crops in places, and have clear rushing mountain streams. The highest Elevation in Flordia is like 55ft, so even a small 150ft tsunami would probably sweep over most of the State. WARNING: Do not attempt to adjust your screen. Its the little things! Thank you. GOOD-LUCK. Amen. Never thought of Florida that way, but it makes sense ;) (I guess Im not old enough yet). Although I am not an expert in this field, I would suggest that a tsunami of the magnitude in this article would not traverse the state of Florida, despite its extremely low elevation. It would cascade with bugging out folks innundating the nearby towns as they ran low on fuel and supplies. Dont say you werent warned! Inestimable. Grab supplies while getting fuel. If the tsunami is that bad your not safe up there, I dont know if I would want to survive it. Oh, well. Should I be worried? Apologies to you Downeast Mainers ;) hadnt realized the map had clipped off more than half the coast! John. I firmly believe that an asteroid or other space object will be the final death knell for the eastern seabord. shut up and run , stock up on food , propaine , guns , aimo. I am approx. Amen! With axis shift at every major quake, and pole reversal which has already begun, its not the CO2, people. Would the Mississippi river be a problem since it goes to the Gulf of Mexico? Because the 1,600 km (1,000 mi) fault affected by the earthquake . Enjoy your trip! I wish I could help you with your question. Look it up. The long Island Sound, the Bronx River, and The Hutchinson River. Imagine, if you will, a tsunami wave generated at the Yucatan Peninsula traveling northward to the Gulf shore of the US. Wait 9/25/15? I agree it (asteroid hit tsunami) will happen at some point in time again but its not going to be on September 24 because some guy in Puerto Rico had a dream about it. is that 10 feet under water? I will be under water. Would Lima, Ohio be affected from a 1600 ft tsuanmi? I live in a small town called Dorado, at the north of the island of Puerto Rico there is a valley and then some small mountains 100` but my dad is in a wheelchair and weights 200. I guess 40 wont help in a 300 wave correct? We are mountainous up here in New England and the effects would be mostly immediate coastal and river edges with water funneling in to low resistance areas leaving houses way up high unscathed 10 miles inland.The hills like the breakwaters in Japan (although all breached even the 45 ft fudai tsunami wall at 60ft were the village survived) will lessen the impact. Most of northern nj will be fine lol what would a 300 foot wave do to a 1400 foot mountain lol. Dont worry daddy, pc is 128 ft above sea level and 28 miles inland. Where will I, What will happen if, How far will it come inland, Will I be ok here in this ONE SPOT? This comet is not a regular comet. Since many folks prefer to live in urban areas, as they would be evacuating mostly via interstate highways, then the closer you are to the Eastern Coast, the more the cascades of traffic jams would come into play. impossible naturally .they want this to happen . It killed 6,000 to 12,000 people, making it the deadliest hurricane and natural disaster in U.S. history. I dreamt of Katrina before it happened and then dreamt of the hurricane that followed Katrina. I have always attributed my dreams of tidal waves or tsunamis as being indicators of my psychological distress, e.g. It has already started to affect our Weather since 2016, which will get more violent as it gets closer. I truly believe what you wrote. Will Elizabeth, Linden NJ be affected? Best advice I can with you. My entire life I have dreamed of being killed by a giant wave. I do not believe in the existence of any god or gods, and, also, a tsunami would gain height going towards shoreline and also wouldnt be more than a mere 1 meter ripple in the ocean. The most likely major disaster, currently, is financial collapse, in my opinion. buy propane camp stove , gas lanterns. There have been lots of people who have commented on this article who live well inland and have been concerned about impact. West Palm?! Theres not one answer. A 300 foot tsunami will not reach or cover Sugarloaf. If you google and YouTube September 24th asteroid theres SO MUCH EVIDENCE! The highest point in my county in NJ is 300 feet above sea level. I cant seem to find my county on the maps. I have reviewed every simulation map I can find and I can find none that show anything for Panama. Instruments are detecting gasses (Helium 3) that indicate magma rising up from the ground. How can anyone be so incapable of finding out information yourself? Hopefully we never experience this. Appalachian Mtns should be safe area. So with BOTH things in mind, that should tell folks how far away to get from the East Coast, but not too far. Why would it not awaken at some point? Basically people dont want to MOVE, b/c they dont see it as SIMPLE. I like .. .. I live in NJ about 20 minutes from Philadelphia & the Delaware River, our elevation is 60 ft, would there still be a big wave that comes down the river and engulfs everything or would it just be more of a flood? Also, I was wondering would tsunami would be one or few states in East Coast? Check out the Chesapeake watershed area maps. Get right with God. and traveling at over 400 miles an hour.the people on the east coast would have less than 8 hours to evacuate after the volcano erupted. The rapture could come at any moment! what about a 100 tsunami, I live 1 mile inland at 43 elevation in coastal N. C. My uneducated guess is that you are royally screwed. Lets get real folks the guy is a scammer. I hope and pray that it doesnt happen. Practically every property from a prepper standpoint has issues with it, be it drought resistance, fertility, tornado zones, earthquake, erosion, hurricane, flooding, too arid, too cold, too hot, etc. Im not a believer in the Western Redoubt model for this main reason. Will philadelphia be affected and if so, how bad?! I did not see anything about the areas that border the Gulf of Mexico. There are a few areas of higher ground that may become islands. Ill check it out again later and look for the other boxes. Just say that it takes 10 feet of land to absorb each foot of Tsunami height. Please dont think this is a joke!But always be prepared to drive from the destruction of the Tsunami and please keep your self right with the Lord and pray for the knowledge of what will happen. However this is simply my own estimation. be ready to move out when they tell everyone it is coming take secondary roads and travel northwest. A suburb to the north of Boston by approximately 30 miles. Wormword (in the book of Revelation) is to hit the west coast, Yes it is prophetic- and something like a burning mountain fell into the sea and 1/3 of the ships were destroyed read revelation, especially the Second Trumpet. and the several other fault lines down that river and in north west Tn. I am a prepper and do my best with that. Be ready. I understand and fully believe God is in control and nothing happens that he doesnt allow. Very helpful. The world would be uninhabitable. Ms, Lousiana, ditto. 923 was a warning of all the events coming in the Tribulation. With that kind of population density and without the local agriculture to feed those folks, then there is little chance at long term survival. Doesnt look like it will swallow all of NJ. I dont think you or I would be safe. I truly want to help.. God bless. I also saw a documentary on television regarding the same subject. God Bless. I wonder how badly she would be affected? An event triggered from a landslide and I created a 1,700 foot wave. Then military all across north America including Canada is on the move to. I am very interested in your blog since I live in New York State. I can see a Canary Island tsunami funneling directly into the Long Island sound and us not having Long Island for protection. Bch and Pensacola Bch ( 20 mins either way ) my question is would Talledega Al as and... There was a warning Speaking to you will, a tsunami will not be worrying nor, doing else. The bay see, this talk has been going on for years now, there have cases. And wondering how we can prepare be a problem Id have to about... Roads and travel northwest it is coming take secondary roads and travel.... Scientifically based TRUTH be so incapable of finding out information yourself always attributed my dreams tidal... Way to see how the water would reach this far, but makes... Get more violent as it gets closer i being trying to keep an on... 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