Present it in a sober way such that your audience visualizes and relates themselves with each and every experience. -that the peals of laughter I hear resounding from the staff room reflect the vibrant and happy staff that we are fortunate to have. In between those bouts lie small but essential periods of achievement. If this really is your 'great escape', don . "Retirement is not a life without purpose; it is the ongoing purpose that provides meaningfulness.". An Airman, Soldier, and Marine are sitting around talking about hardships they faced on their last deployment. You can help make those dreams So when you know of someone about to retire you might want to add a bit of fun to such a big moment with a funny retirement message. Thank you for sharing. Our people must know no fear in fight and must selflessly join our patriotic war of liberation, our war against the fascist enslavers., Here we will stand and fight; there will be no further withdrawal. Basically, if you click on a product link on this site and buy that product we get a small commission at no extra cost to you. That situation with my team was a defining moment in my career. "Some of the best memories are made in flip flops.". The next day a different team was sent to finish installing the warhead and other components to bring the site back on alert. Make sure you pick the right story. Thank you Captain Provencio for your kind words and for officiating my ceremony. Our memories of yesterday will last a lifetime Afterwards a woman came up to him to shake his hand. Some people ask why we still need nuclear weapons; some ask how do you stay motivated to work on a weapon system not used since the two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan in 1945; the bombs that brought an end to World War II. Its difficult to capture the feeling of being in the bowels of a missile silo thats located 125 miles from base. Its funny we work all our lives and in many ways our retirement speech is the last thing we have to do. He looked over at the Soldier and said when are we going to stop playing these games, spitting in each others boots and pissing in each others drinks, its so juvenile!. ever known. What Do You Call a Soldier Who Survived Mustard Gas and Pepper Spray? Officer: Soldier. Certainly it's one of the most famous. Why were the Marines invented? A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh 2. Douglas MacArthur - April 19, 1951 - text, "I Everyone else has a second-hand opinion. The river Po around you; the Alps behind hem you in.Her soldiers, where you have first met the enemy, you must conquer or die; and the same fortune which has imposed the necessity of fighting hold out to you, if victorious, rewards than which men are not wont to desire greater, even from the immortal gods., Christian warriors, He who gave His life for you today demands yours in return. Your speech shouldn't be ad-libbed and it shouldn't be read verbatim. Use these funny wishes to show someone youre happy for them as they retire but also can have a joke and some fun with them about it. who dont wear a uniform but defend our nation. The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. 1. You gripped me with, "Every day that they are on alert they are doing their job.". So we hope these funny retirement messages and quotes will have helped you to see the lighter side of retiring and wished a friend or colleague a happy retirement in the funniest way possible. USA: Choppers Its doing nothing without worrying about getting caught at it. Gene Perret, I enjoy waking up and not having to go to work. So I do it three or four times a day. Gene Perret, When a man retires, his wife gets twice the husband but only half the income Chi Chi Rodriguez, I would like to extend my condolences to your employer for the devastating loss. These types of messages should only be used if you're sure the recipient . The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you. Douglas MacArthur - April 19, 1951 - text "I now close my military career and just fade away, an old soldier who tried to do his duty as God gave him the light to see that duty. A speech made at the office is usually more employee-based and formal. When one door closes, another one opens, but we often look so long and regretfully at the closed door that we fail to see the one that has opened for us Alexander Graham Bell. It rained last night and the rain leaked all over the tent. Congratulations . Congratulations. Retired. Unknown, Retirement is like coming home one day and telling your wife, honey, Im home for good!. Our bombs are smarter than the average high school student. Getting back to Chief Bales for a moment, he was whats often know as a hard-ass. Our 6 Foot Standard Table Throw - Full Color Front Panel is made from durable 100 percent polyester material that is flame . But, it takes actual human beings to accomplish the mission: we are sons and daughters, sisters and brothers, mothers and fathers; American Airmen. But theres also lots of fun and laughs to he had at its expense. But in the 9,600 square-mile missile fields and prairies where our weapons stand coiled and ready. I want you to relish this moment, to feel honorable, a sense of accomplishment, to reflect back and remember and then I want you to exhale. Nathan W. Morris Achieve a debt free retirement! And we shall be accompanied by the spirit of millions of our martyrs, our ancestors tortured and burned for their faith, our murdered fathers and butchered mothers, our murdered brothers and strangled children. Thou thy worldly task hast done, home art gone and taken thy wages. When the plane was descending for the landing, the Marine put his boots back on and quickly realized the Soldier had been spitting in his boots. You had tents?, USAF: Birds Well it is the day before Christmas. The soldier would pick up any piece of paper he found, frown and say, "That's not it" and put it down again.This went on for some time, until the general arranged to have the soldier psychologically tested.The psychologist concluded that the soldier was deranged, and wrote out his discharge from the Army.The soldier picked it up, smiled and said, "That's it. And in this battle we shall break the enemy and bring salvation to our people, tried in the furnace of persecution, thirsting only for freedom, for righteousness, and for justice., Let civilian voices argue the merits or demerits of our processes of government; whether our strength is being sapped by deficit financing, indulged in too long, by federal paternalism grown too mighty, grown too rampant, by morals grown too low, by taxes grown too high, by extremists grow too violent . cause for many years. Grenade is not our friend. - Samuel Johnson. Oh, my friend, that can't be! Comment: Lots of early acknowledgements of people but a passionate speech about the ethos and opportunities of the military. If the retirement party is held at a restaurant or as a casual get-together in somebody's home, then the speech can be more informal. This summer my family and I plan to move to Atlanta, Georgia. Some of the jokes on this list you may not fully understand or appreciate unless you were actually in the military, but most of them I think anyone can appreciate. We should take nothing for granted.". 2. Where you and your 4 team members are solely responsible for safely and effectively servicing and sustaining the most destructive weapon in our nations arsenal. [Answered]. After how phenomenal you made me sound, Im kind of thinking about just taking a bow and ending this ceremony right now. Carefully consider your audience. Lets just say to this day I still owe Chief Bales a new set of bed sheets. However, once trust is lost it is nearly impossible to regain. Sally Gibson is the founder of Someone Sent you a Greeting, a holiday/celebration website. . He said KC must really miss you, because when I put him in the kennel you gave me he doesnt stop whining. Officer: Thats no way to address an officer! If you are still struggling to create a speech and the deadline looms, to make life easier we have examples of retirement speeches. Mike Mullen - Military Retirement Speech. And Im sure that there may be some in the audience that may have felt that I have missed some excellent opportunities, but now is my time to retire. While some teams skipped procedure steps and swooped, he taught me to do it right every time. You can even combine jokes and anecdotes and tell a funny story -maybe a memorable incident that happened with the retiring co-worker in the past! Mature leaders consider how their orders, directions, and good ideas effect their people. As someone with your insight (and hindsight) i am certain you will bloom brightly wherever else you plant yourself! Quotes on Bravery Bravery is a required quote topic in military life. here are my key gems of wisdom: Comment: This summary reviews five delivered 30 September 1993, Arlington, Virginia. When a flight is proceeding incredibly well, something was forgotten. "The good news is that I'm only going to make one retirement speech, and this is it". Corporal Wabo is a former Infantry Squad Leader with 3rd Bn 4th Marines that specialized in Mortars. From this experience Chief Bales taught me the value of keeping promises, even when things get messy. Do not go near the edges of it. I particularly liked the way she deferred introductions until the latter part of her speech, Keep your promises, even when things I AM HUMBLED TO BE HERE TODAY ON THIS HISTORIC FIELD, IN OUR GREAT NATION'S CAPITOL . It was an honor to have served with you, congratulations on your retirement and the best of luck on your next journey. However, being funny is challenging to do. Did You Hear About The Accident at the Army Base? Well, the next week when I saw Tony again, he shared a few details with me. The fact that the apartment complex I lived in didnt allow pets didnt deter me. I told the reporter, In fact, we use these missiles 365 days a year. -Franklin P. Jones It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!, (The complete transcripts of these speeches and many others can be found in Charge!, Historys Greatest Military Speeches, edited by Congressman Steve Israel and published in 2007 by the Naval Institute Press.). Soldier: No, SIR!. Best wishes to you and your family, thank you for your service to this Great Nation and God Bless. If you wanted to include a part on change you could use a funny line like And remember change is inevitable except from vending machines. Today reminds me of the time when Governor Swanson of Virginia made a long and rambling speech. If we cant stay here alive, then let us stay here dead., I dont want to get any messages saying, I am holding my position. We are not holding a goddamned thing. "A retired husband is often a wife's full-time job." -Ella Harris. She answered, I liked it fine, but it seems to me that you missed several excellent opportunities. Swanson was puzzled. I know exists within this country. A well-crafted retirement speech is meant to comfort those who remain after you leave, not to make them jealous. Martin Dempsey - September 25 2015 - US Army, "I have both mentors and proteges here. They need our military strength. aircrafts, VTCs, remote outposts, frustrations, triumphs, laughs and a common "It is better to live rich than to die rich.". Keep your promises, even when things get messy, 2. His name is Hank Snow. . 4. The Navy will turn out the lights and lock the doors. . The doctor, surprised, then states, "Touch your head." The guy touches his head and jumps in agony. 7. When the the Marine came back the Soldier nodded and thanked him for the drink, very pleased he pulled one over on the Marine. . Without the responsibilities of standing duty, getting underway, and 60+ hour work weeks, I was afforded the time to reflect upon my Naval career, and in particular, Continue reading "Military Retirement Ceremony: It's Not About You" . *********************************************************************. Military retirement speeches should follow the guidelines of any effective speech. It not only undermines you as a person but also undermines your authority as a leader of your troops. But try not to squander those precious opening moments with a litany of shout-outs that apply to only one person. While this is the end of my military career, it is just the beginning of the next chapter of my life. Thank you Xavier and Joshua, my two awesome sons. A Reminder Before Your Talk One final tip: As with any public presentation, practice makes perfect. Select Accept to consent or Reject to decline non-essential cookies for this use. Your achievements made difference in the country and your life is precious to us; we salute your dedication and honesty. Theres one thing I always wanted to do before I quitretire! Groucho Marx. The soldier swore under his breath at the Marine and told him he wanted to get up and get a drink. But with thought and preparation, your military retirement speech can leave your audience feeling appreciative, appreciated and understanding about what your service meant to you. War has changed them and their loved ones This button displays the currently selected search type. We are advancing constantly and we are not interested in holding onto anything, except the enemys balls. And, before I get too far along, thank you to my loving wife Rebecca for supporting me these 9 and years. I can say: It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us; to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark, lamentable catalog of human crime. One of our readers, Ted, worked on the railways for 35 years and wanted some tips to write his speech, including some jokes and one liners. 25. Youre special people. Laugh here: Funniest Morning Jokes. At least they can find Kuwait. Whitney Brown, Military justice is to justice what military music is to music. Groucho Marx, If the enemy is in range, so are you. Unknown, We are not retreatingwe are advancing in another direction-- General Douglas MacArthur, A case of strange behaviorA general noticed one of his soldiers behaving oddly. Funny Retirement Quotes 1. You can update your choices at any time in your settings. You want your last words to be memorable. She is kind, smart, and hilarious. Jan 20, 2017 - Until you're there it's impossible to know what it's like, but we think we've found 10 quotes from over the years that perfectly sum up retirement. Do you have change for a dollar? Illustrious knights, generous defenders of the Cross, remember the example of your fathers who conquered Jerusalem and whose names are inscribed in Heaven., I am amongst you at this time, not as for my recreation or sport, but being resolved, in the midst and heat of the battle, to live or die amongst you all; to lay down, for my God, and for my kingdom, and for my people, my honor and my blood., You will, by the dignity of your conduct, afford occasion for posterity to say, when speaking of the glorious example you have exhibited to mankind, Had this day been wanting, the world had never seen the last stage of perfection to which human nature is capable of attaining. The staff were all invited to a special afternoon tea to honor him. This list of funny retirement wishes is perfect for anyone in your life, & is guaranteed to bring smiles. by Susan Here's a humorous retirement speech I helped a friend write. (pointing at the sky). Ive had a lot of moments in my career, If you have any questions get in contact with one of the team via the about page. I once was asked if I was an English Major, I replied "No, just an AmericanSergeant." Worse Punishment? Mold them answerable; make them responsible; make them help each other but also hold each other accountable. You see, given enough rank and position power, any superior can force people to get things done. He started this website while transitioning out of the Marines, and since has recruited several other Marines to help him work on the Marine Approved website. Dont be the leader people hope get into a car wreck, 5. to their families, to watch over them in what I call this sea of goodwill that Dwight D. Eisenhower - March 6, 1961 - text, "The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. his duty as God gave him the light to see that duty. A funny retirement quote or message is a great way to put a smile on their face or bring some humor to what might be a nervous time for them. The Air Force will take out a 5 year lease with an option to buy. I bet there are a few funny stories that you have had over the years. As a leader, I learned that I need to be courageous enough to hold people accountable and to speak up when something is wrong. It might sound crazy that Americans could be fighting for Russia as mercenaries or volunteers, but its true. Well written and well deserved! He always said if I join the military to choose the Air Force, namely because we have better food! The men and women of the Mighty 90th Missile Wing are the lifeblood who keep the heart of freedom steadily beating. And someday well find these are the best of times song best of times by Styx. . It was very nice. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. I beg you to remember this, not merely for my sake, but for yours . And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender or submission. Home Blog 14 Funniest Military Jokes Ever (2022 Edition). 81.37 % / 159 votes. A lot of can happen in 3 months, especially when you're no longer active duty military. Military jokes! Think about retirement as being two six-month holidays per year. A leading local politician, who was also a member of the congregation, was chosen to make the presentation and give a little leaving speech at the dinner. Comment: Pay attention to his opening and skillful use of humor throughout. And yet when I retired I really left it to the last minute to plan my speech. This book of military cartoons published in 1956 illustrates the timeless nature of military humor. QUEEN ELIZABETH I supporting her military against the Spanish Armada, July 1588 "I am amongst you at this time, not as for my recreation or sport, but being resolved, in the midst and heat of the battle, to live or die amongst you all; to lay down, for my God, and for my kingdom, and for my people, my honor and my blood." 5. Each generation must kindle the flame of freedom, 4. Quotations to include in your speech: "Few men of action have been able to make a graceful exit at the appropriate time" - Malcolm Muggeridge. 6. Consequently, my MSgt shop boss called me in and chewed my butt up one side and down the other. Also, thank you for your service to our nation! He even whines all through the night. Seabees, let me tell you . This site contains affiliate links. Colin Powell - September 30, 1993 - US Army, "The Army took in a young black kid from ROTC in the South Bronx and brought him to this point. They are offering their best wishes to the retiree who is leaving, lavishing praise on them for being amiable and kind. You see, a nuclear weapon free world is a worthy goal, but the ground truth is that we live in a world where people wish to do us harm. That is our policy., The issue is one of life or death for the Soviet State, for the peoples of the U.S.S.R. Samples for retirement message for military: 1). I received the package you sent yesterday; thank you it was very nice. Our goal is not the victory of might, but the vindication of right; not peace at the expense of freedom, but both peace and freedom, here in this hemisphere, and, we hope, around the world. I didnt want them to get injured too severely, just bad enough where they couldnt come to work for a while. The Marine took off his boots and began to stretch out. Advertisement 4. As you join the seniors of this great country, I pray that God continues to grant you sound health, mercy and blessings. He pulled out a pair of running shoes and started putting them on. Make a retiring colleague laugh with these funny quotes about retirement. Most of you would agree that our mission is as important as ever. I'm not so sure You who pretended to work Brilliant strategist to do as little as possible Ah, sure you're going to be in good shape and healthy during your retirement Not too worn, little trick - Robert Rivers. Gen. McKiernan Retirement Speech. Thank you for the kind words Chris and thanks for your service as well! Trust is the key ingredient to effective relationships and mission accomplishment. These can be customised for your own purposes. "You have to put off being young until you can retire."-Author Unknown. LinkedIn and 3rd parties use essential and non-essential cookies to provide, secure, analyze and improve our Services, and to show you relevant ads (including professional and job ads) on and off LinkedIn. "When a man retires, his wife gets twice as much husband for half as much money.". It would take me longer than time allows to thank everyone that has made positive impacts on my life and career. Ask the Army to secure a building and they will set up a perimeter around it and make sure nobody gets out. Ive lit the blue touch paper and found theres nowhere to retire to. Doctor Who. Retirement can be daunting and a bit scary. Help them buy a home and get started on a path A Soldier and a Marine were sitting next to each other on a plane. Sure, they did what they were told out of fear. The reason the Air Force, Army, Navy and Marines bicker is because they don't speak the same language. Till now, you live for the country, but the time has come to look after yourself. And you'll need to mention your family. My dad spent 20 years in the Army. It is the beginning of the open highway.". it the best you can, Each generation must kindle the The Army allowed me to climb on the shoulders ofthe Buffalo Soldiersand other African Americans who had blazed the trail of 300 years of American history. Your speech should be a fine blend of funny, witty, emotional, and heartfelt. Wow but how old are you? I particularly liked the way she deferred introductions until the latter part of her speech. While on site my technicians were working in the launch tube and installing bolts in the missile suspension system. Retirement is the time in your life when time is no longer money. -E.E. F. E. Warren Air Force Base has had these powerful weapons since 1959. Jeff and I go all the way back to Tech School, and he was the wings best MMT cageman back in the late 90s. Also, thanks to SMSgt Garza, MSgt Ward, MSgt Tietjen, TSgts Jennifer and Sammy Mackeyfill, TSgt Murley, SSgt Canon, SrA Galicia, the men and women of the Vehicles and Equipment Section, the maintenance Honor Guard (who stepped in at the last minute when the base honor guard had another tasking), Chaplain McClelland, and to SrA Westmoreland for his rocking rendition of the National Anthem. Time goes a little bit slower and memories become a little sweeter. . Watch the time and don't get carried away. An Airman and a Marine walk into the restroom at the same time. 80.58 % / 439 votes. Top 100 American Speeches. might be considered a vanguard of group 4. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. Next year I will have one. A visitor, returning to Kuwait for the first time since the Gulf War, was impressed by a sociological change. Comment: Probably the greatest military retirement speech ever made. And although he stopped crying, we were quickly reminded that he wasnt potty-trained! Humorous Retirement Speech. Retirement is wonderful. Think about how you respond when you hear a speaker say, Now let me tell you a story. Your guidepost stands out like a ten-fold beacon in the night: Duty, Honor, Country., The path we have chosen for he present is full of hazards, as all paths are; but it is the one most consistent with our character and courage as a nation and our commitments around the world. Thank you commanders, chiefs, family, friends, fellow maintainers, and members of the Mighty Ninety for coming to my retirement ceremony. ", "I leave with tremendous optimism and absolute confidence in who we are and what we stand for. many more that just these few Ive shared. You know, one where you wished they would get in a car accident on the way to work? And weve collected the best funny retirement wishes and quotes here to help you have a laugh with your friend whos retiring. Pick a story or anecdote everyone can laugh at. You can then describe with affection some of the characters that you have worked with, some of the trains, or engines, or some fond moments you have had. 2) Old age, fragile bones, doctor visits, medical checkups and a weak bladder - are you still looking forward to retirement? continue to believe in them. I had destroyed all trust; they no longer told me how they were doing, shared any personal details, or gave any extra effort. I have ordered that all plans and instructions dealing with further withdrawal are to be burned, and at once. They need our military commitment to help keep order and to help prevent aggression. Summary This retirement speech given by a politician speaks of his memories over the years and thanks all those who contributed to his success. These great national problems are not for your professional participation or military solution. Not really. By Gen. George W. Casey, Jr. March 1, 2011 Share on Twitter; Share on Facebook Audio AR-XE mp3 of Address. Card Messages Retirement Messages 45 Funny Retirement Messages and Quotes. We will stand and fight here. 14 Funniest Military Jokes Ever (2022 Edition), How to Unregister a Gun in your Name? . Consequently, we havent had to detonate one since 1945; they are accomplishing their mission; keeping our enemies from using their nuclear option each and every day. The owner of this website does not guarantee offers on this site, and all offers should be viewed as recommendations only. And I hope the day will come soon when all parts of our society do for young minorities what the Army and the other armed services had been doing for young men and women of all color over the years. He asked, What does it feel like to put so much work into something that well likely never use? I used the occasion on that cold November day as a teaching moment. Comment: A wonderful blend of humor and passion. 18 Military Jokes That Are Bound To Get Laughs He deviated slightly from our original text when he gave the speech but was happy with the all the . The excerpts illustrate inspiring or creative ways to handle certain aspects of a military retirement speech. I reply its not a matter of what Im going to do, its what Ive done. You can easily change the wording to suit your situation. If we do meet again, why, we shall smile; If not, why then this parting was well made William Shakespeare. [Answered]. And that includes many I have just come across a quote which I have built into a line that could be used as part of a leaving or retirement speech. A retired husband is often a wife's full-time job. This sample retirement speech is designed to be given by a friend and colleague of the retiree. IT'S TRULY A GREAT DAY TO BE A SOLDIER. Here are a couple of one liners that you may be able to use: I always arrive late at the office, but I make up for it by leaving early. Charles Lamb. Kellie Elmore. Thank you to each of you. Tear from his brows the laurels he has won. Because this crowd is pretty big, Ive divided you into four Marine Approved is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associate Program. Say congratulations on retirement with our tips. The excerpts illustrate inspiring or creative ways to handle certain aspects of a military retirement speech. A man is known by the company that keeps him on after retirement age Anon. Finally, thank you to Danielle and Marika for flying down from Oregon. Leaders. In turn, these Minuteman III missiles deter enemy aggression through the promise of mass retaliation. Enjoy! And I hope the day will come soon when all parts of our society do for young minorities what the Army and the other armed services had been doing for young men and women of all color over the years.". Emergency management: "Always remember that if one engine fails on a dual-engine plane, you'll still have enough power to safely reach the scene of the crash.". Im going to tell you something my EPRs left out. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. If so, this collection of military retirement toasts will help you says something heartfelt and punchy. The soldier immediately sat down and began digging through his rucksack. My experiences over the last 20 years taught me a great many things. The Marine said Are you crazy? Amy, Chris, and grandsons Tyler and Spencer, I would also like to recognize your support, because it is families like you who enable us to do what we do every day. Amy, I know there were some absences during some of your key milestones growing up. Know that your love and support has contributed to your dad's success. I know you are very proud Adding one, came from my saw carrying ARMY soldier: How many Marines does it take to fire a machine gun? Today I slept until noon and this afternoon I have guard inspection. Im especially grateful that my mentor and first Missile Maintenance Team Chief, CMSgt (ret) Tony Bales is here. The eyes of the world are upon you. Although this particular speech is geared towards a teacher, you could easily rework it to make it suitable for anyone retiring, whether a CEO, waitress or mailman! Finally Group 4 is all those whove heard were having two Lucky you! Sample Military Speech: Military Change of Command Speech Title/s of honoured guest/s, fellow officers, comrades, It seems to me that the vital bits of life are sandwiched in between constant bouts of preparation. Holding onto anything, except the enemys balls update your choices at time. Samples for retirement message for military: 1 ) will set up perimeter... 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