For example, many Jewish surnames are used to designate someone as a Levite (a member of the Hebrew tribe of Levi." Giphy Mller Meaning: A miller. Hirsch means deer or stag in Yiddish. The two most common Jewish names are Cohen and Levi. Of Russian and Jewish origin. This surname is derived from the Yiddish elements laykht meaning light and man for man. The name could have begun as a nickname. Patronymic surnames such as Jansen/Janssen, Hansen, and Petersen are the most common names in the far north (Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein). This surname has been adopted by those who were writers of religious texts. Jewish family names may be a translation of a Hebrew word or selected to honor a notable person in the Hebrew Bible. Literally "three feet" in German. A good explanation and a list of localities covered are found in Edlund, Thomas Kent. This is a variant spelling for Fischer which is an occupational name for fisherman. Jews distrusted the authorities and resisted the new requirement. Occasionally, it indicates a rabbi, but not always. This explains the use of patronymics and matronymics., In Yiddish or German, son would be denoted by son or sohn or er. In most Slavic languages, like Polish or Russian, it would be wich or witz.. It is a name that originally belonged to a family line, which came from Horovice, a town in the Czech Republic. Massarani - Bologna, Buriani - An ornamental surname of German origin. It is a toponymic name referring to the ancestral line, which once inhabited in the town of Zgan in Poland. The name of the city is composed of the Germanic elements ham meaning a water meadow and burg meaning a fortified town., This name is derived from the German elements hell meaning bright or light and berg meaning hill or mountain.. BWilliam Scott Goldberg, mononymously known as Goldberg, is a professional wrestler famous for his appearances in WWE and WCW. Mondov - Revere (sul Po) - -- Amsterdam : Scheltema & Holkema ; Polak & Van Gennep, 1967. For more parenting tips and tricks, find us on Pinterest: Are you a writer, expert, or influencer? Rimini - This toponymic surname is composed of the German word linden meaning linden tree and berg meaning hill or mountain., It is a Yiddish personal name that is composed of the Middle High German elements liep meaning beloved and man meaning man., It is another variant of the surname Lipschutz. It is a toponymic name referring to someone from places Liebschutz in Germany or Glubczyce in Poland or Liebeschitz in the Czech Republic. ", May be German or Jewish or both. Ariccia - 4. Schio - The word rabbi refers to Jewish religious teachers, and their name comes from the Jewish word rav meaning master., It is a Slavic patronymic form of Rabin and means son of Rabbi.. Verona - It is an Ashkenazi Jewish name composed of the Yiddish words kil meaning cool and man meaning man. The name means cool man and may have begun as a nickname. It is a name that is derived from the Hebrew word and means joined, attached, or united.. The word kaplan means chaplain in German and priest in Polish. It is a feminine personal name that means pearls in Hebrew. It is an Ashkenazi Jewish ornamental surname. This Jewish surname is a variation of the name Sason that means joy or happiness in Hebrew. What is the most German name ever? Viterbo - Hebrew word meaning "laughter," and the name of Abraham's son in scripture. This information is for educational purposes only and not a substitution for professional health services. It is a common situation during a phone call: the person on the other . Jewish family names from non-Jewish languages included: Sender/Saunders from Alexander; Kagan descended from the Khazars, a Turkic-speaking people from Central Asia; Kelman/Kalman from the Greek name Kalonymous, the Greek translation of the Hebrew shem tov (good name), popular among Jews in medieval France and Italy; Marcus/Marx from Latin, referring to the pagan god Mars. Check out this list of popular German surnames and their meanings to see if you recognize any. For example, Asch is an acronym for the towns of Aisenshtadt or Altshul or Amshterdam. It's from "silver" (silver) and "stein" (stone). You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our. Good(man) Yiddish translation of the Hebrew word for good: tuviah. It's a common surname for families from the Iberian Peninsula. A Jewish name for the old testament's Isaac and Rebekah's son, Ya'aqov (in Hebrew). When compared to a list of Jewish surnames on Family Education and other websites in the Where to Find More section, these emerged as some of the most common in the United States: Jews who settled in the nations of northern and eastern Europe became known as Ashkenazi Jews. Possibly a topographical or occupational surname for someone living by or looking after a fish trap. Torinesi - By Chuck Jackson from GENERATIONS,,,,,,, Surnames in Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia, GABIN List of Jewish Surnames, from a Polish Business Directory, English version; no Umlaut or other symbols, Rabbinic Names and Families - RavSIG @ JewishGen,, ) ), Maimon = Maimone, Miamon. Although Mller is the most common name in German-speaking countries, in some areas other surnames are more frequent than Mller. It is the Hebrew word for charm, brilliance or radiance., This is an ornamental name derived from Germanic elements zucker meaning sugar and berg meaning mountain.. In Europe, they were sometimes assigned at random by a census taker. Rignano - It is a cognate of the name Winrich. This name is composed of the Old High German elements wini meaning friend and reich meaning rich. It thus means rich friend and may have been used as a nickname. The website Behind the Name has a list of the 1,000 most common names in the U.S. People were given a name derived from their ancestors (ie. Number of Jews in the territories of Germany and Prussia around 1816 ; Number of Jews in the provinces of Prussia in 1825 and percent of total Jewish population ; Biggest Jewish communities in Germany around 1800 ; Biggest Jewish communities in Germany in 1925. Jeismann,Jeijsman,Jeisman (surname of Wesphalian origin) occupation:Ironman/Ironsmith. Montecorboli - Many surnames provide clues to a family's country of origin. It means sugarman in German and referred to a Jewish family line that were confectioners. Haddad Origin: Mizrahi Meaning: Blacksmith. In both cases, as previously in Hungary, for many families the newly adopted surnames had either certain sounds in common with surnames used in Eastern Europe or a similar meaning. Melli - Although they were forced to take last names, at first they were used only for official purposes. Ascoli - Eckstein Yiddish for cornerstone, derived from Psalm 118:22. Surnames of occupational origin include: Chazan [Cantor], Gabbai [synagogue official], Dayan [rabbinic judge], Coffen [Cohen], Tibbon [straw merchant], Sebag [black], Rofe [doctor], and Del Medigo [of medicine]. This is an ornamental name from Yiddish word gorfinkl meaning carbuncle. It denotes a precious red stone, especially a ruby or garnet cut into a round shape. Americanized form of German "Grun" or Yiddish "Grin." Means "a steward or farm laborer.". An Americanized form of a Jewish surnamefrom Poland, "Brokman." Sephardic Jews (from areas around the Mediterranean) did not start adopting family names until the 15th century when expulsion from Spain meant finding a way to keep family ties. It is the Yiddish word for flower and may have been a toponymic or occupational name. This is a patronymic surname that means son of Aaron. The family name Aaron is derived from Hebrew name Aharon meaning mountain of strength or high mountain., It is an Ashkenazi Jewish surname and a patronymic form of the personal name Abel. Likely a habitation surname, indicating the family lived in the German city by the same name. A habitational surname from the village of Yavor in Belarus, a country in Eastern Europe. It's recognized as the surname of the famous inventor and scientist, Albert Einstein. 6. InYiddish, "zetser" means a "typesetter.". It is an ornamental name composed of the German words spiegel meaning mirror and berg meaning mountain., This toponymic Jewish surname originated from the German words stein meaning stone and bach meaning stream or a creek.. It is an ornamental name from the Yiddish word falk meaning falcon., This is an Ashkenazi Jewish surname that is derived from the Yiddish word fayn meaning excellent or fine.. All these places trace their names to the Slavic word Lipa meaning linden tree., It is an ornamental name derived from the German word lowe meaning lion.. Castelbolognesi - Hoffman Origin: Ashkenazi Meaning: Steward or farm laborer. Mensch individuals are known for thinking of others, and being compassionate. Licata - It is the Russian word for tailor. The name is thus an occupational one. A descendant from the biblical tribe of Levi. Our team is comprised of parents, experts, and content professionals dedicated to bringing you the most accurate and relevant information in the parenting space. This surname is taken from the Hebrew personal name Yitzchaq meaning may he smile, may he rejoice, or may he always stay happy., It is the variant of the name Jablonski that is derived from the word jablon, which is the Polish word for apple tree.. This surname is adopted from the Spanish personal name Franco meaning free. It was used as a nickname for freed slaves. Perugia - Other place-based Jewish names include: Auerbach/Orbach; Bacharach; Berger (generic for townsman); Berg(man), meaning from a hilly place; Bayer from Bavaria; Bamberger; Berliner, Berlinsky from Berlin; Bloch (foreigner); Brandeis; Breslau; Brodsky; Brody; Danziger; Deutch/Deutscher German; Dorf(man), meaning villager; Eisenberg; Epstein; Florsheim; Frankel from the Franconia region of Germany; Frankfurter; Ginsberg; Gordon from Grodno, Lithuania or from the Russian word gorodin, for townsman; Greenberg; Halperinfrom Helbronn, Germany; Hammerstein; Heller from Halle, Germany; Hollander not from Holland, but from a town in Lithuania settled by the Dutch; Horowitz, Hurwich, Gurevitch from Horovice in Bohemia; Koenigsberg; Krakauer from Cracow, Poland; Landau; Lipsky from Leipzig, Germany; Litwak from Lithuania; Minsky from Minsk, Belarus; Mintzfrom Mainz, Germany; Oppenheimer; Ostreicher from Austria; Pinsky from Pinsk, Belarus; Posner from Posen, Germany; Prager from Prague; Rappoport from Porto, Italy; Rothenberg from the town of the red fortress in Germany; Shapiro from Speyer, Germany; Schlesinger from Silesia, Germany; Steinberg; Unger from Hungary; Vilner from Vilna, Poland/Lithuania; Wallachfrom Bloch, derived from the Polish word for foreigner; Warshauer/Warshavsky from Warsaw; Wiener from Vienna; Weinberg. It is the German word for goldsmith and is an occupational surname for someone who came from a family line of goldsmiths. Genovesi - Many Pimentels were important merchants/traders/dealers in the global spice trade. Schiano - It is a toponymic name referring to someone whose ancestors came from came from any of the several towns named Romanovo in Russia. Heinrich W. and Eve H. Guggenheimer, Jewish Family Names and their Origins an Etymological Dictionary (Ktav Publishing House: USA, 1992). Minerbi - This surname is an ornamental name adopted from the German phrase rosen baum meaning rose tree referring to the rose plant. A reference to the biblical patriarch, Abraham. With Jewish surnames, . It is a toponymic name for those who originally belonged to the German city of Speyer. This is a variant spelling of the German name Apfelbaum that means apple tree. It is also an occupational name from a grower of the fruit. Derived from "Pepper, pepper field, or grower or seller of pepper (Portuguese Jews controlled the global spice trade in the 1500s - 1600s). Taken from Yiddish "laykht" (light, not heavy), and "man.". Monselice - A surname for someone with white hair or a remarkably pale complexion. Lang/Lange/Long Meaning: A very tall person. 3. Related: 10 Traditional Jewish Recipes that Work for Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Hanukkah, A relatively common surname in Israel, it's the Aramaic word meaning "priest.". Samuel the prophet anointed the first two kings of Israel. Names based on Hebrew acronyms include: Baron bar aron (son of Aaron); Beck bene kedoshim (descendant of martyrs); Getz gabbai tsedek (righteous synagogue official); Katz kohen tsedek (righteous priest); Metz moreh tsedek (teacher of righteousness); Sachs, Saks zera kodesh shemo (his name descends from martyrs); Segal se gan levia (second-rank Levite). A German location-based surname, meaning "wild boar" and "stone.". 2. An Ashkenazic (a Jew of eastern European or German descent) Jew. It is very plausible that the choices were influenced by the general romantic tendencies of German culture at that time. These names include: Applebaum apple tree; Birnbaum pear tree; Buchsbaum box tree; Kestenbaum chestnut tree; Kirschenbaum cherry tree; Mandelbaum almond tree; Nussbaum nut tree; Tannenbaum fir tree; Teitelbaum palm tree. From Arabic, meaning "lucky," or "fortunate.". Some traditional surnames, such as Sofer (scribe), Kantor (Cantor), and Cohen (priest), are related to religion too. Modica - In addition to faith, Jewish surnames, their pronunciations and their spellings, can vary slightly by geographic location due to cultural assimilation, pointing to the existence of Jewish diasporasaround the globe. Family names can be unique or come in large numbers. It is derived from the German word Scheibe meaning a pane or sheet and the suffix -er. It is likely an occupational name for those who worked as a glazier or fitted window panes. Pisa -, It is believed to be an ornamental name from the Biblical place Dilon that likely meant loyal and true.. The name refers to those whose ancestral profession was that of a Shamash. It is derived from the Yiddish sandler or Hebrew sandelar meaning shoemaker. It refers to those with ancestors who worked as cobblers. Metonymic or Sobriquet surnames are descriptive and come from a given nickname. This page was last edited on 10 January 2023, at 14:37. Bolognese - Knig Meaning: King. For more information on naming in the Jewish tradition, please see Jewish name. The name Weil belonged to a rabbinical family whose founder in. A popular surname in the Sephardic (a Jewish diaspora population associated with the Iberian Peninsula) culture. A surname given to a happy person or someone who liked to sing, or an occupational surname for a bird catcher. Manzano - With some earnest searching, you will find plenty of information available about Jewish surnames. Garfinkel/Garfunkel diamond dealer; Holzman/Holtz/Waldman timber dealer; Kaufman merchant; Rokeach spice merchant; Salzman salt merchant; Seid/Seidmansilk merchant; Tabachnik snuff seller; Tuchman cloth merchant; Wachsman wax dealer; Wechsler/Halphan money changer; Wollman wool merchant; Zucker/Zuckerman sugar merchant. Get in touch! Miscellaneous other names included Diamond; Glick/Gluck luck; Hoffman hopeful; Fried/Friedman happiness; Lieber/Lieberman lover. Pitigliano - 34 April Fools' Jokes That Are Fool of Fun. This biblical surname comes from the Book of Joshua where it is the name of a mountain. Asurname connected with the biblical Moses, possibly fromJewish, Welsh or English origin. Mestre - Black pepper was the most valuable spice. It is derived from Hebrew and means teacher or teaching. The name refers to someone whose ancestor was a preacher or scholar. Means "thorny" in Spanish. In the Hebrew scriptures, God gives Jacob this name, because he wrestled with an angel of God. Cingoli - ", A Jewish surname with origins from a medieval word, "dreseler," meaning "to turn.". This is a variant form of the toponymic name Shapiro referring to European Jews who lived in the German city of Speyer. Abrams A reference to the biblical patriarch, Abraham. Possibly indicating the family came from a line of goldsmiths, or someone in a similar business relating to precious stones. It is an Ashkenazi Jewish last name composed of the German word salz meaning salt and berg meaning hill or mountain.. New requirement `` stein '' ( light, not heavy ), and being compassionate joy happiness! Wrestled with an angel of God associated with the Iberian Peninsula ) culture means! Hebrew tribe of Levi. ) Jew spice trade topographical or occupational name for those who writers. 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