To see how various combinations of settings work for other NVIDIA GPUs, check out the Optimal Playable Settings section of the site. You need to get a better one or overclock it. Blurry or Unresponsive Game Go to the MULTIPLAYER option, then move one step down from QUICK MATCH to highlight the SERVER BROWSER option and hit A or X (on Xbox 360/PS3, respectively). The graph above indicates that the performance impact of Terrain Decoration is minimal, however in practice this will depend on the particular scene. This variable controls the number of frames prepared by CPU before the processing is transferred to GPU. The graph above highlights an interesting fact that at higher resolutions, the largest decline in FPS comes from the very first jump between Low and Medium Shadow Quality. For the purposes of quick comparison, below are screenshots showing the four main combinations of antialiasing in BF3. However here you can set it more precisely, and it also allows you to use values above the maximum allowed on the slider (i.e. Raising FOV requires a level restart to apply any changes, and it can also reduce performance if raised due to more of the game world being visible. This is a deliberate measure by DICE to prevent alterations to the game which would give anyone an unfair advantage. With HBAO enabled, the scene becomes dramatically richer, as some of the unnecessary glare from surfaces is reduced and is replaced with realistic shadowing, giving the grass clumps density and depth, more evenly distributed shadows on the structures, and even the rocks on the ground to the left get vastly improved shadows. Here's my setting op for 1440p. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The graph demonstrates the heavy performance impact of HBAO, but this must be weighed against the substantial image quality improvement it brings with it. Voiceover Language: This setting controls the language used for voices in the game. Ultra Settings have HBAO enabled and the result is there. You can also disable Triple Buffering as covered in the Advanced Tweaking section. The vast majority of the settings in this file correspond to those you can adjust using the in-game options menus, so it is not necessary or recommended that they be altered here. At Low, the rocks to the left become quite flat, round objects become less round, and more minor details and stripped from virtually every structure. SSAO on the other hand has less of an FPS hit, but any visual improvements it provides are relatively subtle. is stable, it fixed all the known issues. Battlefield 3 Premium Edition includes: The game and all 5 expansion packs. Disable Motion Blur. The available options are Low, Medium, High and Ultra. You will then need to click RMB again to get out of zoom mode. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Game Version Used: R3. The screenshots above show that it is difficult at first to spot major differences in the overall terrain. You can read more about Anisotropic Filtering (AF) in this guide. It shows GPU performance as Green Line and Processor Performance as Yellow Line. Terrain Quality: This setting determines the geometric complexity of the terrain, which is the surface on which everything sits in the game world. UDP: 53, 88, 3074. I believe this is covered in the Johan Andersson Battlefield 3 Presentation tech talk at the NVIDIA GeForce Lan 6. Stuttering Fix Please enable Javascript in order to access all the functionality of this web site. The impact is greater still at higher resolutions, and on most systems can take the game from being playable to unplayable. All the screenshots were taken as the soldier was spinning around quickly from left to right. - A Me. It also depends on ones preference as some like better visuals over performance while most of the PC gamers prefer smooth experience even if they have to compromise over graphics a bit. It is a very useful program that lets you adjust bf3 settings from outside the game, it even features more advanced settings than those that are found by default in the game, these settings are used to increase the performance of Battlefield on your system. Edit: Another thought I just had: Know your screens refresh rate (Hz). If you have Battlefield games before, you should know Battlefield 3 uses vertical FOV. Edit: As Jkid stated below, lowering the resolution can give you a lot more FPS. Subtitles: If set to Yes, text subtitles will be shown under spoken text. The default zoom binding is your Right Mouse Button (RMB), and when this option is set to 'Hold Button', you will only zoom for as long as you hold down RMB; as soon as you let go, you revert to normal view. Battlefield 3, or BF3 (development code-name: 'Paris') is the twelfth installment in the Battlefield Series and was developed by DICE. Shadows and blur effects eat up some memory and if you set them to low, you will have a noticeable increase in FPS without loosing much of the eye candy. For those relatively new to the Battlefield series, the key frustration most people voice with Battlefield games is the feeling that they've shot enough rounds into the enemy to kill them three times over, but the enemy still lives. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. GameTime.MaxVariableFps 60 - This command allows you to cap your framerate to the FPS value you specify (e.g. Screenshot comparisons are provided where relevant to highlight the impact on image quality of changing these settings. I have two 4770's that are always at 50-60% on low graphics. This is particularly the case if you notice slowdowns during heavy combat. These are the settings I use for my gameplay. The aim is to ensure that during gameplay neither lines spike frequently to very high levels, as this indicates that the particular resource is being overtaxed, and possibly causing lag and instability. The screenshots above provide some indication of the difference. For example, if you are in a tank, the game will show a '[LMB] Fire' prompt on the right of the screen, hinting that you should press your Left Mouse Button to fire the tank's gun. Motion blurring has its advantages and disadvantages. Like you said, it listed a bunch of High and Ultra settings in BF3 for the GTX 560, but that only gets you 30-40 FPS, which is too low for a competitive online shooter. This setting can change up how Battlefield 5 performs on the player's PC because for one, it'll look even better and players will see a small boost in frames which is a big deal for shooters. To benefit from VSync without taking the performance hit, you can enable Triple Buffering , which should already be enabled by default in BF3. Use render.perfoverlayvisible 0 to close the overlay. TCP: 80, 443, 9988, 20000-20100, 22990, 17502, 42127 Doesn't play many competitive games however, when it comes to FIFA, it's a whole different story. These are covered on the next few pages. At Medium, High and Ultra the amount of grass, bushes and flowers incrementally increases. AA will blur everything, thus cause less visibility. It is a very useful program that lets you adjust bf3 settings from outside the game, it even features more advanced settings than those that are found by default in the game, these settings. At Medium, the most noticeable changes are: the shadows become smooth and soft-edged, and slightly more atmospheric through the use of SSAO; jagged lines throughout the scene are softened through the use of some post-processed Antialiasing; and there's more detail on surfaces, such as the soldiers' uniforms, due to higher resolution textures and 4x Anisotropic Filtering. The choice primarily comes down to whether you like the effect or not. I was running it on HIGH for a while, but then when I changed it to MEDIUM the game ran so much smoother, and I didn't notice too much of a quality difference. It is the sequel to Battlefield 2 and was released on October 25, 2011 [2] for the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Before you scroll further, its recommended that you have a look at the specs recommended to run Battlefield 3. To disable these prompts, set this option to No. At the very least make sure to update your graphics drivers to the latest available version, as the latest drivers are specifically optimized for Battlefield 3. However it's obvious that High FXAA does the bulk of the work in cleaning up the scene. Thank you to everyone who has contributed below, Here's the best settings if you have a computer like mine: Low. When and how was it discovered that Jupiter and Saturn are made out of gas? It's no secret that the Xbox . Put Undergrowth Quality Low I got too annoyed with my dinosaur that I went out and bought a gtx 560 just for battlefield. Terrain: Low- Similar to Effects, not much difference between low and ultra. The main difference is that the 4x MSAA tidies up the slightly jagged vertical lines of the lamp posts and buildings to the left, and this is more noticeable on more distant objects during actual gameplay. This is much more noticeable during gameplay than in a static screenshot comparison. disabling all trees, etc.) setting (It is under the Devices->Controllers), it has to be set to "Use USB Cable". AA Post: Low- Minimal performance difference between Low and Ultra so if you can, go Ultra. Vehicle Mouse Sensitivity: This slider is independent of the general Mouse Sensitivity slider and controls the sensitivity of mouse movements only when you are in a vehicle. A great many problems and performance issues, especially stuttering, crashes and slowdowns, can be traced directly to sub-optimal settings in Windows and out-of-date or badly configured drivers. Meanwhile Texture Quality rises and Anisotropic Filtering reaches its maximum of 16x, making surfaces much more detailed throughout. the reason they're at low usage is because your CPU is bottlenecking them. For example if your monitor runs at 60hz it can only show up to 60FPS. GPU's are usually at ~99% to get maximum frame rates. Fullscreen: If you want to run BF3 in a window on your Desktop, as opposed to taking up the entire screen, then select Off here. The game is heavily biased towards prone firing. Mouse Lag ? The higher the slider, the greater the amount of blurring which occurs during fast motion, such as when spinning around. I remember reading somewhere that stated that graphics quality will in no way create advantages for players. If you notice that your system is constantly stuttering or momentarily freezing, or you frequently see textures being streamed in while you're moving around, then lower Texture Quality to see if this helps reduce the issue. Furthermore, during fast-paced action, and at normal viewing distance, even Low textures can look acceptable at a casual glance. Battlefield 3 has stirred the interest of FPS gamers like few other games in recent times, mainly because it combines compelling online gameplay with superb graphics and immersive audio. Don't let the name fool you, Hardcore mode is not only for veteran players. As for the lag, is it a split-second freeze every now and then? Thanks for the tips. The Video options are covered on the next few pages, but below we look at the Controls, Gameplay and Audio settings. When you have a machine that can run Battlefield 3 with everything maxed out, you surely have bragging rights but it isnt the case, mostly. Powerful new features. Ultra also adds other subtle improvements not necessarily visible here, such as further softening of shadows, and higher detail on distant objects and terrain. At Medium, the shadows are softer and thus more realistic, however there is actually some loss of detail in the shadows compared to Low. You can disable this FPS counter by opening the console again and typing render.drawfps 0 and pressing Enter. Finally, there is the Custom option, which when selected, allows access to all of the individual graphics options, letting you to customize your graphics to achieve the best compromise between image quality and performance. Some weapon mods further improve accuracy, such as the foregrip , or the laser sight which boosts hip-firing accuracy. The graph shows that Mesh Quality reduces performance incrementally, and its impact is more pronounced at lower resolutions. The image is still acceptably detailed, but when in motion, the jaggedness becomes an eyesore. The downside to reducing the slider is that it may make character movements more jerky in the game. See you on the Battlefield! Barely noticeable and gives a generous amount of frames by turning this setting low. Similarly, look at the mountains in the distance and they too become rounder as this setting is raised. Graphics Quality: This setting controls your overall graphics quality, allowing you to choose from four separate presets: Low, Medium, High and Ultra. If you do, raise it slightly until things are smooth. Turn off Origin in the game to fix this Settings > In Game > Enable Origin In Game. If your frame rates are extremely low then you should first try to turn off V-sync (make sure its also set to off on your graphics card settings) and Antialiasing options. Within it is a dark gray window with arrows on its edges, indicating the maximum extent to which the Heads Up Display (HUD) elements, such as your compass and ammo counter, can be displayed on your screen. Do EMC test houses typically accept copper foil in EUT? Raw Mouse Input: When set to On, this option is designed to make mouse movement more accurate by ensuring that your mouse input is processed directly by BF3, and doesn't have any mouse acceleration or other Windows-related changes forced upon it. Reload Hint: If set to Yes, the game will prompt you with a flashing '[R] Reload' text hint at the bottom right of the screen, just below your ammunition counter, whenever your weapon has nearly expended all the ammunition in its current magazine. Version 12. Lowering this setting may reduce terrain detail slightly, however to maintain fairness in multiplayer, it does not substantially alter the terrain - otherwise you would have unusual situations, such as some players appearing to float in mid-air, because they're standing on what they see as a small hill on their screen, but that hill doesn't exist on yours. If this option is set to Inverted, the arrangement is reversed, so that moving your mouse forward will make your character look down for example. Out of curiosity he says. However if you look closely at the two white mounds at the bottom of the screenshots, just to the left of the player's hand, you can clearly see that as this setting is increased, the tips of the hills go from being angular to smoother and more rounded. In practice the amount of blurring also depends on how quickly you're moving, so it is difficult to show in a precise manner in a screenshot comparison. You can squeeze performance out of your system just by tweaking the graphics settings or in some cases, change few console variables. TCP: 80, 443, 9988, 10000-10100, 17502, 42127 Performance information is also provided for every setting, although bear in mind that the precise impact on your particular system depends on your specific hardware combination and your other game and system-wide settings. The number of resolutions and refresh rates available here is limited by the capabilities of both your graphics card and monitor. My CPU however(AMD Quad @ 3.6Ghz) and Memory, 4GB @ 800mhz are always around the 80-90%. In large outdoor multiplayer maps with lots of terrain decoration such as Caspian Border, the impact will be more noticeable. However less than 100 of these CVARS are unlocked, and fewer still have any impact on the multiplayer component of BF3. i upgraded to a i5 2400k and now my gpu runs at 99% almost all of the time on bf3. Those who get stuck while joining the server should try the following tweak: render.drawfps 1 Ultra textures are loaded when you are up close to an object. Open your console in BF3 ~ key and Enter: render.perfoverlayvisible 1 Reduce your mouse sensitivity. The available options are Low, Medium, High and Ultra, however a DirectX 11-capable graphics card is required in order to enable the High or Ultra settings, because at these settings, tessellation and displacement mapping are used which require DirectX 11 hardware support. Comparison images, benchmarks, etc Stereoscopic 3D: Battlefield 3 now supports stereoscopic 3D. Buildings, rocks and trees for example are constructed of these meshes, which are then wrapped in textures and have various effects added onto them to complete the illusion of a realistic three-dimensional object. If you expect to run this game well I'd recommend having at least 6gb of RAM, preferably 8 or above. If you are continuously being disconnected from the game then you should log into your router and Turn OFF UPNP. Battlefield 3 has in-game options to alter certain graphics related parameters that can affect your FPS and gameplay experience. From this baseline, we vary individual settings to measure their effect on performance and image quality. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Battlefield 3 is designed around the new Frostbite 2 engine developed by DICE. Finally, if you're experiencing lag in BF3, refer to the How to Get Rid of Lag article to correctly determine the source of your lag and what if anything you can do about it. DirectX: Version 12. I would shoot for mostly High settings, as that is what the designers intended. By default triple buffering is enabled in Battlefield 3, so if after enabling V-sync, you experience input lag (slow responsiveness), you can disable triple buffering to reduce this lag. It's strange that your 4770's only reach 60%. At Off, you can see quite a bit of jaggedness throughout the scene, which is even worse when experienced in game as the jagged lines will shimmer and crawl quite noticeably when you move. The screenshots above show that as Mesh Quality is reduced from Ultra to High, some of the buildings lose minor details, particularly noticeable on the portions furthest from the viewer. Here's the best settings if you have a computer like mine: Low Low Low Low Lo- game crash strangler317 11 yr. ago It appears as though downloading more memory would help you. To successfully conduct any tweaking, you will need some way of objectively measuring your performance in Frames Per Second (FPS). The screenshots above show the effects when Motion Blur is first set to Off, then when enabled and the 'Motion Blur Amount' slider is at the far left (0%); at the middle position (50%); and at the far right (100%). Joystick Sensitivity: This slider only determines the sensitivity of controllers like joysticks and gamepads, not the mouse. Enabling VSync removes tearing but aside from capping the framerate, it can also reduce your FPS by up to 50% or more, and importantly, introduce some mouse lag. Why was the nose gear of Concorde located so far aft? Save this file and place it in your main Program Files (x86)Origin GamesBattlefield 3 directory. Vertical Flight: This setting works in the same manner as Vertical Look, however it only affects flight controls, not soldier or land vehicle controls. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? I'll have to look for an official quote. Red Dot: 60-75. 2X Scope: 99. Following are some screenshot comparisons that will elaborate the difference: Check the shadow quality in all four images. However as texture detail rises, so too does the amount of Video RAM (VRAM) needed to hold these textures on your graphics card for quick access. If you don't want to mess with those options then you should. The default value is 70 degrees. Minimum: GeForce 8800 GT 512 MB RAM Medium = "good performance": Most important visual features enabled High = "what the game is designed for": All major features on except MSAA (if you have DX11. The available options are: Enhanced Stereo Mode: If set to On, this setting enhances stereo to simulate a wider audio field for those using speakers or headphones which don't have surround sound functionality. The settings below have no significant impact on performance. Change Field of View (FOV) to 90. To change the default keys and buttons bound to specific actions, look under the Key Bindings section of the Options screen in BF3, and set them to suit your taste. The graph demonstrates quite clearly that the performance impact of Anisotropic Filtering on modern graphics cards is relatively minor. Running BF3 in windowed is best done if you want to reduce the game's screen resolution to improve performance, but still maintain a crisp image. Easiest way to remove 3/16" drive rivets from a lower screen door hinge? You need to see every PIXEL out there, not smudge them into the background. This just keeps evolving: It seems like most people running Intel/Nvidia have better performance than AMD users. So instead of seeing a person jerkily warping from point to point, you see smooth animated motion all the way along. October 20, 2018. The full range of video settings can be found under the Video tab of the Options screen. Any way to make the game easier on the CPU? ui.Drawenable 0 - If this command is set to a value of 0, it will remove the Heads Up Display (HUD) and any other screen overlays. Almost as important as any in-game setting is the way your Windows installation is configured. I'm not completely sure about this, but a RAM upgrade could help. instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. It also offers options which you otherwise couldn't tweak in-game.Realmwar. In the performance graphs shown, for each setting we start with a "baseline" where all options are set to the High video preset, as well as setting Fullscreen to On and VSync to Off. Enable HBAO in your graphics settings. The game is definitely more fun when it's running at 60fps. It is part of the design of the game: Possibly the best tip of all if you're still being frustrated is to try Hardcore mode. Terrain Decoration: This setting only affects visual decoration objects on terrain, such as grass, bushes, small rocks, and debris. The graph demonstrates the clear jumps between each quality level. Brightness: This slider controls the level of brightness for the in-game image. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Bullet spread and hence accuracy in BF3 is greatly dependent on whether you are firing from the hip (highly inaccurate); crouching (more accurate); or prone (highly accurate). disabling all trees, etc.). Enemy icons are going to be the exact opposite as all of the other ones. It is recommended that you use at least 2x AF for reasonable clarity, and 8x AF is an excellent compromise between performance and image quality. This is primarily designed for people who wish to take screenshots or make gameplay videos, as otherwise it is very difficult to play the game properly without these important screen elements. From what I've seen an i5 and 560ti are the minimum requirements to run Ultra (possibly with no AA). What are "additional points" awarded for? Other options have generally moderate impact on performance and image quality. Vertical Sync: Vertical Synchronization (VSync) is the synchronization of your graphics card and monitor's abilities to redraw an image on the screen a number of times each second, measured in Hz. Keep in mind that if your mouse movements feel laggy even after raising the Mouse Sensitivity, you should check your framerate. HDD. Effects: Low- As the article states "Being honest, we struggled to find a difference between the lowest and highest settings in the Effects Quality settings;", Mesh: Ultra-Mesh has a big effect on the overall visuals. Fullscreen Monitor: If you have multiple monitors, this setting allows you to select which one to use as your primary display monitor for BF3. This is not the same as FPS, but when VSync is On your maximum FPS will also be capped to your monitor's Refresh Rate - see your Refresh Rate value in the Fullscreen Resolution setting. Even from Low to Medium the performance impact is substantial because Medium enables most of the more fancy effects in BF3. Additionally, you can select Auto which allows BF3 to attempt to automatically adjust the various settings to suit your system's detected specifications. Recommend all user to upgrade it. Start by lowering the slider to the midway point. The vast majority of the time this isn't due to faulty hit registration as most people believe. Once you've adjusted the settings on this screen, you will be prompted to apply and save your settings before you can move on. need to check the Communication Method. Importantly, this setting requires that you quit and restart the game for any changes to be implemented. The next shot shows SSAO in effect, and the difference is minimal, best seen in the addition of a small amount of shadows to the stack of boxes to the left, the corner of the concrete wall to the top right, and the small clumps of grass to the right of the screen. If you're a sniper, you will usually kill with a single shot on any part of the enemy's body. See the Advanced Tweaking section if you want to set a custom FOV value. Here are my current settings (not limited by hardware): Mesh Quality looks to be the only setting that says it affects draw distance, but increasing it also adds more clutter. You can try values of 0, 1, 2 or 3 - higher values may improve FPS but can decrease responsiveness, while lower values do the reverse. This will allow you to snipe the problem, when you experience frequent low performance, lag, stuttering, and other performance related issues. What are the new Battlefield 3 assignments? Fire single shots or short bursts rather than a spray. Motion Blur in any amount can reduce performance during periods of fast motion. It's an easy way to get more frames and it's also barely noticeable when you're in the heat of battle, keep this setting low. (I do recommend turning shadows to medium and avoiding MSAA as the perf penalties are far too high for very little visual improvement.). At Low, there is an immediate difference, as the entire scene becomes slightly blurred and hazy. Instantly unlock 15 advanced weapons, plus gadgets, vehicle upgrades and more. Medium is aimed at mid-range DirectX 10 graphics cards. Here are the best set of sensitivity settings to use to get the most out of shotguns in Free Fire: General: 90-100. For example, expand the gray window all the way to the edges of the screen, and in turn your HUD elements will be displayed at the far edges of the screen as well, making them less obstructive. At 50% motion blur, the blurring is quite noticeable, and only slightly more blurry at 100% motion blur. Put Terrain Quality Low Changes the quality of the ground. If you want a good balance of image quality and performance, then High is ideal. 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