Their family heritage. He does not have the attention that Scout receives from Atticus or any of his other relatives. He uses lying to make himself seem more interesting and evoke a more pleasant background. If a sentence is already correct, write C. 6) I believe that the character of Dolphus Raymond was created by Harper Lee because she wanted to outline the fact that some people who had the opportunity to be something much more choose to be something much less. Scout struggles with the definition of fine folks. When the men outside of Atticuss house talk to him, one of them asks, dont see why you touched it in the first place,' Mr. Link Deas was saying. Donald W. McCullough You go as far as you see fit and dont let anything stop you. What does Atticus attempt to establish through Heck Tate's testimony? Although he was a drunk, he can still be used as role model for the people in Maycomb. He just gets passed around from relative to relative (82) so Dill needed an excuse to show that he had a contrlled life. ] (119) The main difference was the use of hymn books, and how hymns are sang. 2. They believe that Tom Robinson should have a fair trial, and not be ridiculed by the town. When she is speaking to Mr. Cunningham about Walter she shows him that Atticus was kind to him. 2. Dill lies mainly to defend himself. She recognizes that Walters circumstances put him at a disadvantage, but he isnt inherently unintelligent. More books than SparkNotes. Jem them grew anxious and yelled, Atticus, the telephones ringing(146)! (13.32). How does her understanding differfom that of Aunt Alexandras. On the one hand, it provides a sense of the town. I think Scout showed Mr. Cunningham and the other men that Atticus shows everybody nothing but kindness and he tries to help everybody out. Even though his drink habits are unusual, he does show that going with what you believe regardless of everyone else in is a good thing. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. Mr. Cunningham was thrown off by Scouts cordial interferance and he had no way to retaliate because they share a polite nature. This blog is for preview purposes only and all music downloaded should be deleted within 24 hours. Metal ripped on metal and I fell to the ground and rolled as far as I could, floundering to escape. The visit to Calpurinas church was beneficial to teaching the children about life. Atticus, fully aware of his sons worries, assures Jem that those were [their] friends (146) and that hes never heard of a gang in Maycomb. (147) Atticus remained calm around his children in order to stop their fretting, but its almost certain that he was scared because hes human. Scout's definition of "fine folks" is a. people who do the best they can with the sense they have b. how long people squatted on a patch of land c. people who didn't judge one another people who do the best they can with the sense they have Aunt Alexandra's influence shows when a. 6. Scout and Jem have no idea that Dill is really having family problems at home and he is passed between his siblings to and from often. A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? Francis Hancock, for example, knew that. Jems reaction to the group of men who arrived at the door for Atticus during the night was mostly alarmed and frightened for the safety of his father. Even though he was white, he married a black woman and they even had kids. Aunt Alexandras theory came from her deep respect for families with numerous generations. All people came to see the trial take place because everybody was affected by it. This is needless to say that the acts of Atticus Finch were courageous and very astounding. 721 Smith Rd. Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! Atticus is almost crazy in the towns eyes for taking this case. Througout the mass, Scout found herself surprised at the differences. 4. Harper Lee could have created the character Dolphus Raymond for many reasons. Jem and Atticus defiantly had different opinions on these men. He also points out Bob Ewell is left handed! Toward the end of the book, in Chapter 26, Scout is reflecting on how much her life with Jem has changed. Where else in the chapter does this symbol appear? Subscribe now. I think that after his fiance commited suicide, it had an effect on him. Follow the model. 1) Scout and Jems visit to Calpurnias church proved to be both educational and interesting, although it was not necesarrily pleasant. His parents just werent interested in [him] (143) which is why they choose to pass him to different family members. The blacks had to sit in the upper level. Why did Malcolm X choose the letter X\underline{\text{X}}X for his name? For example, when Scout begins to talk to Mr. Cunningham about his entailments she did not understand why all the men were looking at [her]. 12? 1) I would describe Jem and Scouts visit to Calpurnias as eyeopening. He will often times create fantastic tales to spice up his unattractive life at home. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. In each of the following sentences, write C for correct above the underlined verb if it agrees with its subject. Why does Mayella Ewell lie on the witness stand? on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% The Demoman and Soldier can only replicate this ability when equipping the Pain Train. By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. Describe the relationship between Aunt Alexandra and the children. Scout respected these people and that is the reason why she calls them Fine Folks.. There is no way Scout and Jem could do this, given they are about the same age as him, and aunts and uncles he sees for short periods of time anually probably will not care. I think he might also make up stories for himself. ", "That's your father all over again," said Aunt Alexandra, "and I still say that Jean Louise will not invite Walter Cunningham to this house. Tom Robinson deserves a fair trial and Atticus is the one who can best help him. His ability to see that the men on the jury are still reasonable people comes from his desire to see good in everybody, since he recognizes that most people contain elements that are both good and bad. He learns how to make right decisions; when Dill was hiding under Scout's bed Atticus tries to protect his children from the town and from racism. Courage: facing the fight without backing down. His parents in Meridian dont want him around and he is always being passed around from family member to family member just like Scout and Jems relative Francis. 5. Most of the sentences in the following paragraph contain errors in, agreement. He tells Scout that they just wasnt intersested in [him. This shows that at this point, shes still a child, and after what she learned during the trial she understands that theres not much that innately divides groups of people. QUIZ What is Aunt Alexandra's definition of "Fine Folks"? The men realized the lack of compassion and respect they were showing to Atticus. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. From what Atticus taught Scout, she believes that fine folk are those who fight for what they believe in. When the men ome to talk to Atticus Jem becomes very nervous. (10.6). He believes that some of the townspeople would try to take Tom Robinson. Why does Atticus believe Tom tried to escape? List three details in chapter 28 that adds to the mounting tension before Jem and Scout are attacked. He knew a wave of backlash would come with it but saw it as a defining point in his career instead of retrogresses. Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. He watches the entire conversation from inside the house because he is scared for Atticuss sake. Harper created Atticus in her book to show this. He is the only class who can capture control points and push carts at twice the normal rate. The final surprise in store for them was the sermon. $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% She wants Scout to become a lady and stop acting like a tomboy. I agree, Kevin. Find another example of foreshadowing at the end of chapter 27. I think they if they were never to taken to the church, they wouldnt have learned how close negro people are. Courage might be maintaining your beliefs no matter what or who comes your way. 2. Its clear to them that Aunt Alexandra is simply trying to make out that the Finches are better than everyone else in town. However, Scout was not fully satisfied with the churchs procedures. Dill needs to lie because he has a very creative imagination that needs to come out, he needs attention and he has a lot of things in his past he feels he needs to hide. That proves something that a gang of wild animals can be stopped, simply because theyre still human. Matt, I disagree with you. I wonder if Atticus would still be in open support of Tom Robinson even if he wasnt forced into defending him. This something that Scout has never seen and she enjoys it. Aunt Alexandra's definition of fine folks was the longer the family had been living on the same piece of land, the finer they were. Describe the conflict between Miss Caroline and Scout. 5. How would you describe Scout and Jems visit to Calpurnias church? If he were her double first cousin once removed he would still not be received in this house unless he comes to see Atticus on business. Reverend Sykes, the pastor at First Purchase, is very happy that Scout and Jem came to the service and Calpurnia, Scout, and Jem walk back to the house without conflict. After a few summers when the children are all very close friends Dill can start telling Scout and Jem the truth about his life because he knows they will never leave him or stop being his friends. It was his idea that the men would hurt Atticus for defending Tom Robinson. Jem knew that In Maycomb, grown men stood outside in the front yard for only two reasons: death and politics (145). Scout. Dill feels the need to create stories so that he can receive attention from others since he receives none at home. Why did Calpurina decide this was a good time to take the children to her church ? Underline the Courage, in my mind, is the most important motif in the story because throughout the whole story Atticus shows courage thorugh so many incidents with Jem, Scout, and espicially the Tom Robinson case. Instead of telling Scout to avoid annoying Aunt Alexandra, eh tells her not to let Alexandra annoy her. Jem, unfamiliar with the motive of why a crowd of men [were] standing around Atticus. (145), responded in the way any twelve-year-old would. Later when Scout talks about entailments Mr. Cunningham realizes that Scout ws trying to help him and genuinely didnt realize what was going on. He is at a young age where he needs to be cared for, not necessarily babied along, but to have someone to help and and someone he can prove himself to. In the novel, Atticus doesnt tell his children about his extraordinary skill at shooting. Historical Context Essay: The Scottsboro Boys Trials, Literary Context Essay: To Kill a Mockingbird & The Southern Gothic Tradition. -Graham S. Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. He goes on to say that other people are guiltymeaning Mayella being guilty of breaking a taboo. They also learned more about the trial that their father was looking on after Reverend Sykes begins to talk about how Helen Robison, Tom Robisons wife, cannot find a job because her husband had been accused of rape. He did not give up a case just because every other white human in Maycomb county was telling him that what he was doing was wrong. Jem and Scouts visit to Calpurinas church could be described as educational. Here, Scout is thinking about Mayella Ewell, and the way Mayellas lower-class status constrict her socially. To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel by the American author Harper Lee. What sign of discrimination is evident in the courtroom? Until my father explained it to me later, I did not understand the subtlety of Toms predicament: he would not have dared strike a white woman under any circumstances and expect to live long, so he took the first opportunity to runa sure sign of guilt. To Kill a Mockingbird has become a classic of modern American literature, winning the Pulitzer Prize. Atticus's voice was even: "Alexandra, Calpurnia's not leaving this house until she wants to. She wants good solid staying-in-one-place-ness. Scout acts more like a lady. Mean drunk who accuses Tom of assaulting his daughter.even though he's the one that assaulted her. This also might make him realze that this wasnt a great example for his son. As the Finch children and Dill become closer friends Dill doesnt need to create any new lies because they are already friends. Aunt Alexandria felt that fine folks were justified by the longer a family had been squatting on one patch of land (130). He immediately feared for his fathers life and wanted to watch from the window inside at what they wanted. It also was a great learning experience also. But, in reality, he was passed around like a baton, and dumped on Miss Racheals every summer. Scout is a Tomboy (acts like a boy), and Aunt Alexandra wants Scout to act like a lady. I think Harper Lee created Dolphus Raymond to show that whites do not have to be racist, and that it is not wrong to be with black people if you are white. i think that what Lyndsay has explained are the reasons why his character was so essential. He then proceeded to walk to Maycomb. Turnense para dar consejos despus de que todo sale mal en una comida. Folks. He pressed his nose to the window and looked outside to see who was in the yard. Folks.". Teachers and parents! While Atticus is empathetic to Bob's experience, he underestimates the . I think by including this character Harper Lee was showing that even in a town like Maycomb there are people besides the Finchs who are blind to color. It is not having no fear, but having the will to go on in spite of these fears. [She thought that] entailments were alright living room talk.(154) Mr. Cunningham realizes in this moment that Scout is almost exactly like his own son and he begins to put himself into Atticuss shoes. This realization just happened to be brought on by an eight year old. (LogOut/ Aunt Alexandra's definition of "fine folks" was being born into the right family heredity. Why is this? They learned from Calpurina that cant but about four folks in first purchase read [Calpurinas] one of them.(124). Why does Atticus insist that Jem face charges if he actually killed Bob Ewell? Scout. If I were Harper Lee, I think I would think of courage as the power in yourself to face an obstacle, no matter how difficult it is, or how bad the outcome might be. 7. Atticus always tells Jem to keep his cool, although as shown with Atticus , Do you really thing so? (146), his will to fight for a cause, or his courage, is unprecedented. Scout is only beginning to see the discrimination in her town while Jem is more mature and sees how the racism is growing as the trial goes on. Very true. When Scout speaks up at the jail and talks to Mr. Cunningham and the other men the leave for a few reasons. 3) The main difference between Scouts and Aunt Alexandras is the time period they are from. I would describe the visit as stunning for Scout and Jem. A drunkard, mostly unemployed member of Maycomb's poorest family. Aunt Alexandras idea of fine folk is how long ones family had lived in one certain area and if one lived up to his or her familys requirements. After my bout with Cecil Jacobs when I committed myself to a policy of cowardice, word got around that Scout Finch wouldn't fight any more, her daddy wouldn't let her. I believe that Harper Lee would describe courage as the ability to do something you believe in even though other people might be completely against it and try to change your opinion. Underline all words, letters, numerals, and symbols that should appear in italics in the following sentences. Mr. Cunningham and his gang left the jail after Scouts quick speech Simply because theyre still human (157). Atticus thinks that the men are still their friends, just with different racial opinions. On the other side of the spectrum, Atticus was quite unmoved by the whole ordeal. (13.28). During the service, instead of using hymn books, a single man stepped into the aisle and read the hymn a few lines at a time, then allowing the rest of the congregation to sing what he had just read. He beleives that telling the truth about his family situation wil affect his relations with Finch children. A child had as many fathers as there were men in the community, as many mothers as there were women. When the children play made up games during the summer, Dill came to [be] known as a pocket Merlin, whose head teemed with eccentric plans, strange longings, and quaint fantacies.(8) Dill makes up amazing stories and tells them to Scout and Jem using his imagination. They were looking down in shame. They respected Atticus and the job he did by standing as he left the courtroom and by bringing gifts of food to the Finch's house. Jem was afriad for his father and believed that the men were going to hurt him. Scout is speaking to her teacher on the first day of school. When Dill lies its his way of creating fantastic stories that he can tell his friends, thinking his friends will admire him he has done all of these fantastic things. What are the advantages of craft scissors? Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. (30.37). The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. You rarely win, but sometimes you do. 3. She, an eight year old girl, stood up against a group of grown men and won. Contrast Jems reaction to that of his fathers about the men who visit Atticuss house. Dolphus showed that not everybody was against black people but that racism still controlled his life because white people did not want to talk to him. Be specific. Scout judges by personality. Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. Scout believes that Fine Folks were people who did the best they could with the sense they had (130). Their upbringing and their family heritage. I too never thought of it that way. Youve got everything to lose from this, Atticus. Also, Mr. Raymonds marriage to a Black woman and his several mixed children make him an outcast among other Whites. 6. This becomes especially apparent when he dismisses Scout , since her question actually makes perfect sense given his divisions. She hoped to broaden the childrens perspective on the black community before the trial to keep the children from prejudicing Tom Robinson prior to the trial. Youve successfully purchased a group discount. Contact us Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. Atticus's and Aunt Alexandra's opinions might appear to have switched up a littleAtticus, as Jem quotes him, says that family is something you can't help, while Aunt Alexandra comes down on the side of choice. this answer sucks at least you got an answer just deal with it Why. Jem and Scouts confusion (as well as their ability to poke holes in Aunt Alexandras questionable logic) suggests that children have an innate ability to identify prejudice and hypocrisy like this. She starts chatting with Mr. Cunningham about the tough time he's going throughtold him to say "hi" to his son for her. Neither group accepts them because they are a mixed race couple. Scout is an excellent choice for focussing the objective. "If Uncle Atticus lets you run around with stray dogs, that's his own business, like Grandma says, so it ain't your fault. The aunt judged people upon their family, such as how the Penfield women are flighty. (129) Scout believed that people did not belong to a family when it comes to certain aspects, but believed people to be individuals, and that is present in her view of fine people. "When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow", "I maintain that the Ewells started it all, but Jem said it started long before that. His imagination is what gives him the ability to create these wondrous and fascinating accounts of events. Yes, I agree. 1. Atticus takes the long view here and suggests that its wrong to believe things will never changeeventually, white people wont be able to get away with mistreating black people poorly, though those that try will still be immoral and wrong. 3. Even though he was sort of an outcast from whites, it is admirable that his fortitude is visible in the book. 1. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. How does Miss Maudie tries to show Jem that there is still reason to have hope for the future? 2. How does Scout help Atticus defure the anger of the mob? This is another line that illustrates the difference in what Scout understands as a child and what she will come to understand years later. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. Do I believe it to do courageous to strap a bomb to yourself and go into a market and kill innocent people? Its when you know youre licked before you begin but you begin anyways and see it through no matter what (112). He becomes wiser and understands ideas like racism Scout, Jem, and Dill learned that a gang of wild animals can be stopped, simply because theyre still human. (157). Then Jem points out that the Ewells must be fine people because they had been on the same land for generations. plus, she knew that by the way atticus raised them they were blind to skin color so it didnt matter what church they were at. Scout mentions that Aunt A's is of the belief that the longer a person's family has "squatted on a piece of land" the finer they are. Scout, on the other hand, has blossomed under her father's wisdom and tolerance. 3. When the men come to the house Atticus calmly speaks with them, but then Jem screams out through the window that the phone is ringing simply so Atticus will come back inside. While Dolphuss role in the book was minor, it was essential. When Scout speaks to Atticus in the presence of Mr. Cunningham saying I was just telling entailments are bad and all that, but you said not to worry ,it takes a long time sometimes that you alld ride it together (154) Scout connects personally to him. 4. Little does Jem know that she is fighting a morphine addiction and is trying to get clean before she dies.After Mrs. Dubose passes away Atticus tell Jem that she died clean and that he admired her very much for her courage. They all just wanted attention from their parents. 2. He is the sort of person that is calm in most situations and tries not to preoccupy himself. Aunt Alexandra doesnt believe that work affects a familys reputation. 1. This story is highly unlikely but it demonstrates Dills imaginative nature and his need for attention. To drag him out into the limelight would be like destroying his innocence. "Claudia's book is the 'bible' for those schools who want to pursue AI. Also, the fact that there wasnt any hymn books played a role in the astonishment that the kids expressed. tus abuelos / 9:00 de la maana. Dills eloquence with words is used to cover up his frustration with his parents. I believe Dills need to lie is caused by a lack of a stable home as a child. Aunt Alexandra believes that the longer a family has been squatting on one patch of land the finer it was. (130)She judged people by what they inherited and what they had. been raised with this understanding, presumably from Atticus, as it Richard when you say Atticus thinks like a lawyer yet tries to find the good in people, do those claims not contradict themselves. 7.) What indication do we have at the end of chapter 24 that Scout is growing up? Drinks Coke with a paper bag. Atticus is still concerned with keeping people in the family, while Aunt Alexandra wants to kick out the unworthy. Scout interrupts, "But I want to play with Walter, Aunty, why can't I?" (Lee 301). Scout explains that, to a degree, Aunt Alexandra is right: Maycomb is an old town that became the county seat despite being an island of civilization in a sea of agriculture, so there are very real clans and there's truth to the idea that everyone in a certain family behaves a particular way. Throughout the novel, liking fiddle music is code for being poor and provincial. What does Sheriff Tate mean "let the dead bury the dead" this time Mr. Finch? He is not the least bit raceist. Mr. Raymond is a successful white man who is married to a black woman with a large family. Its when you know youre licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. The men stopped antagonizing Atticus because they are still human and still value common courtesy and manners. 6. Because he's actually going to do his best to defend him. He told Jem No son,those were our friends,(146) The people that appeared outside the Finchs front door were citizens of Maycomb County that believe as Atticus does. It is easy to tell from this situation that Jem does not ever want anything to happen to Atticus. 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