We hope that this information will be useful to you. We'll worry about our Shamans later, they're not that important for phase one. There is a difference between having big influence, and being strong. I will admit I messed up. 18 Lvl. War of clans vikings. I have been playing this game for years now, and I have seen this game change a lot. Economy: This one is important because it will make your town produce more resources quicker. I'd not recommend going for the invader gear. You need to lose 115 million troops in Jotunheim within an hour to get your Brave Heart achievement to level 1. The reward for reaching one of the top places in the Competition ranking. That being said most players have pretty weak spies so when attacking unshielded towns if your spies are strong it makes for easy kills. White WolfPlarium makes often reference to fantasy movies and books, for example "Tibboh"; another secret achievement, is probably an inverted "Hobbit"Let's go to Game of Thrones : The white wolf is adopted by Jon Snow, who calls him "Ghost"So, Ghost & Invaders, Jon Snow, Snowiking has this achievement something to do with the Swowiking ?? If you're going to spend money I'd recommend getting task refreshers galore though, as not only can you get manuscripts from personal task refreshers, but clan task refreshers give you lots of clan store points, and the tasks can get you through checkopints in task completion contests as well as giving you lots of resources to play with. All troop defense(tourmaline), and whatever troop specific defense gem, troop specific health gem, and troop specific defense rune your troop type requires. The opposing Clan earns points for eliminating the Jarl's warriors. Yes, you can count on brute force and sheer numbers and throw everything you have at your enemy's gate in the hopes of bringing them down but other Jarls will quickly learn to anticipate your mindless attacks and repel them with ease. I like siege fighting, especially for featherweight division fighters, because it's simple, you do not have to drop shields, and it's defense, which is what we're geared up for anyways. Economy and Invaders. I believe I mentioned it's never too early to start working on your aesirs and in the valkyries citidale, but I forgot to mention Helheim and upgradable town skins. The secret defense knowledge has ranged offense and defense, and cavalry offense and defense. With your soul shards, the first Aesirs I'd recommend unlocking and maxing out are Honir, Magni, Forseti and Freyer. Then select the "in town" tab. Press J to jump to the feed. Now, what to do with that rapid growth. It differs from other pieces of Knowledge, and we recommend that you read carefully about how it works before learning it. By clicking on the icon of any day, you can see the list of awards. The Jarl joined a Clan in the 30 minutes before the Competition was announced. 4 Lvl. I did not know that at first. Everybody used to wonder what the 4th gem slot was for since we simply couldn't use it. You want this troop loss to be productive and help you grow. This level is defined by the number of checkpoints reached. You have to summon them rapidly, like within a minute of each other, and you have to summon a final Aesir to finish it off. Your upgradable town skins should be as high as you can get them, especially the ones that provide defense stats. Don't rest too easy though, as all you've done is essentially lay the concrete for which to build a strong house on top of. This will be a money spending tip. We'll get there though. Once you do spend money, the prices of your bank offers change and the bank offers become smaller, giving less stuff for more money, even though the prices are lower. Bonus from this Knowledge Join this channel to get access to perks:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7yDyy5TFb7fU4CRL4QLwpg/joinBifrost Video: https://youtu.be/K0ab_GvTwmAhttps://imgur.com/gallery/s69CEQNUpdate of the Secret Achievements now since they added castle level requirements. Achievements. Before you upgrade the Bloodlust Knowledge to level 1, you will see a warning saying that you won't be able to use a Peace Treaty after sending your troops to perform an attack, an Onslaught, or espionage in another Jarl's Town. All are welcome to join. I will try to add to this thread once a week. These pieces of equipment, when made in legendary level, combined with legendary gems Indicolite and Aquamarine will signifigantly speed up those long winded building and knowledge upgrades, and are absolutely essential for rapid growth. Ask your konung clan for the imposter repute for 1 hour while you are still in your home kingdom(optional, this is for the troll achievement and won't negatively affect your fighting stats). If you chose to be a spy you will want all of that stuff. --Helheim: Going through the levels of helheim gets you helheim fire which you will need for upgrading your legendary fighting and fortress fighting hero gear. If you arne't in such a clan you can take the lead yourself on this one, or join a clan like Cagon with members that will join you. The seasonal contests and seasonal store definitely adds a lot of options for Phases 1 - 4 in regards to another way to get resources, boosts, and upgrade shamans. After you figure out what that ratio is, slide your transformation bar all the way to maximum, and then adjust your time bar to fit that ratio, and that will be comparable to what you were doing before. Fighting in Holmgang is exactly the same routine as sieging. Always be pounding the invaders and ghosts to improve your upgradable hero gear and max out your runes. Skald. No need to unlock the others, you won't use them. Need More Warriors. What to do? If after 10 seconds, you send troops to attack another Jarl's Town, the duration of the restriction will reset to 30 seconds. Later in the game when you start to go through the Tier 6 and Tier 7 troop types, you have to unlock things for some troop types to get to the others. When it is not occupied the label is gray in color, when it is occupied by your clan it is green, by enemy red and by yourself blue. All of our buildings in our SH are maxed at level 4 with the exception of the Trap Workshop, the Supreme Thing, and the Tower of Odin. Posted by 3 months ago. It will only bloat my influence and give me nothing in return. The timer on the Boosts icon and in the Peace Shield category is not related to this bonus. You will want a euclase gem and a brotherhood rune for each piece of hero and shaman gear as well. The friendly competition amongst ourselves is making us all stronger fighters. Play a hero double. I went with cavalry because it's right in between. Reply. You can now tranform 10 times the amount of resources in the stronghold than you previously could, making it take tremendously longer and making it burn through resources tremendously faster. Upper level troops take so long to train, that every training speed up you can get, whether it be from knowledge upgrades, achievements, hero/shaman gear, the Inga the Wise shaman, gems, runes, scrolls, in game bonuses, bonuses from winning CvC's and KvK events, the Bastion of the Beast town skin, and summoning the right Aesirs, will add up and greatly to reduce this time, saving you literally years, decades even, of boosts. They cant decide which ghost-Im assuming Moon Wolf makes sense-but whether the shaman used is a variable is still being looked at by our clan. The Need More Warriors achievement, aside from giving you gold, will also give you impoved troop training speed. You cannot join the Clan if you left it less than 24 hours ago. The Shamans knowledge tree is a little bit trickier than the invaders tech tree. 6 Lvl. For example, I don't have Vali because I don't need Vali. The upper levels of town and knowledge upgrades are very time consuming, so you will want to do what you can to reduce that time. He is the easiest one to upgrade because you can get charms for him in the clan store. No sense in using resources and boosts on influence that provides you with nothing useful. I tried that earlier today and didn't get it so I don't think that's it.. The Blood Lust knowledge in the town section seems intriguing but I haven't gotten that far. Stay lean and mean for this phase. You will want to use your soul shards on these first and foremost as their bonuses are greater than what you can get from the secret knowledge in your oracle. You can select any of them but that's just for appearance. And we have guides in our regulations section for which invaders drop which gems for gem hunting, and which ubers drop which materials and gems, and a guide for which floors/nodes of helheim drop which scrolls. I have 2 barracks. You will find them by clicking on your palace. I have no reason to doubt what you say, and none to confirm your suggestion either. Don't forget to reshield quickly with an 8 hour shield after setting up the onslaught. maybe somone can try 8 and 850 and tell us.. If you do this during times of keys hunt contests, especially personal keys hunt contests, it's very easy to place in the top ranks of those contests and get a little extra something for placing in these top ranks. Points in the "Transform resources in the Clan Stronghold" subcategory are awarded per unit of a resource that is transformed. It's also never too early to start trying to make your way through the floors and nodes of helheim. War of vikings. In this phase we are preparing for phase 4, the featherweight fighting division. -------------------------------------Hero Sets--------------------------------------. WHY CAGON WILL BE A GOOD FIT FOR HELPING YOU THROUGH PHASE FOUR. The gems are fairly easy to get, the runes take a while longer. In all of that time since I've first started playing, I have grown, learned, met people, friended other clans and chiefs, grown my account to be almost maxed out, and grown my own clan to the point it is today. If you join a Clan in the 30 minutes before the Competition is announced, you won't earn points or receive rewards. This game is developed by Plarium LLC. Don't do it alone, try to get your clan involved, especially the big players. Skald achievement requires either/or on name changes & profile picture changes. It has been brought to my attention this weekend, that one of the clans fighting, is insisting Cagon be the Konung clan or they will not stop. I said hitting invaders is probably the most important thing you can do in this game. The oracle is another reason you want to upgrade quickly. Open the game Menu and select the Profile icon To view another Jarl's profile, hit the Jarl's userpic. Buildings in phase two is pretty straight forward. You will be a lean and mean fighting machine if you can get all of these things done. For example, let's say you start an Onslaught. To increase their power, Vikings unite in Clans. Points for personal achievements are awarded right after you complete tasks. It won't really do much for you in the ways of upgrading your town, knowledge, or hero gear, but in the long term it will give you a good head start on fighting, once we get there. Start with your training category. I learned this the hard way. You will only get the enemy kingdom more points than you get. Once your palace and town buildings are all up to level 26, your economy stats are as far as you can get them, your invader fighting stats are upgraded all the way, and your hero has a full outfit of legendary Royal Guard gear, congratulations. 3 Lvl. Keep an eye on your upgradable town skins, and your VIP, and always be plucking away at Helheim. As chief I do resource sharing, so any member who got any points will share in these rewards, the top 5 points earners getting the most. Get what Aesirs you can with resources and gold. The group for everyone who plays Vikings war of clans. You will want to be a strong defense fighter at first, keeping your influence low. Hitting invaders also helps to upgrade your hero to the next level. The development of language was a great human achievement. The far northern reaches of Ytarria received a greater diversity of immigrants than the rest of the continent. The Blacklist is a list of Jarls (including your clanmates and allies), with whom you would like to restrict communication for some reason. There is definitely something in there for everybody. 0 comments. The increase to offense that is granted by Bloodlust and the restriction on the use of Peace Treaties act independently of one another. After everybody is ready, drop your shields by sending a single troop or spy to a nearby town that is unshielded, and wait. You can obtain information about the opposing Clan in the Clans Battle Competition information window if you hit the icon of the enemy Clan. 5 Lvl. Can be the same person and done all at once per level. Each troop type takes more of one kind of resource to train. Step 1: Clan up and decide on a troop type you want to use and stick to it. Thank you for your great job and nice guide! Level 9 VIP. In short, the new update doesn't change my Phased approach to development, but it does add a few things. Tibboh. War of clans secret achievements. Flourish, conquer, and carve out the world in your image. Finding a good clan can be difficult. There are also of course knowledge and building speed up scrolls, and occassional in game bonuses that will also reduce these times, as well as in game bonuses that add 10% to speed up scrolls. Every once in a while there is a contest called a ghost hunt. My next addition will be Phase One: Building your foundation. If you don't earn the required number of points in personal achievements, you won't receive a reward for legendary checkpoints even if your Clan wins. By this time you should have the shaman for your troop type up to level 60, your Raine the Wanderer up to level 60, and all of the best troop specific fighting gear for both your hero and your shamans, as well as your fortress fighting gear for your hero and Raine, and you should have at least some of your hero fighting gear upgraded(doesn't have to be all the way but as high as you can get it). I can only tell you my plan, which is already underway. 4 Lvl. However, if you go in to your items menu, you can purchase a retreat huge coffer for 4100 gold that includes a 3 day shield, a relocation scroll, a name change, and a town name change(which is really rather useless). The Clans Battle is a global Competition held between Clans from different Kingdoms. This is the cheapest way to get these things. You can read all the necessary information about the Clans Battle in the following ways: The Clans Battle takes place both in your home Kingdom and the opposing Clan's Kingdom. There are three types of hero gear. Do not waste any soul shards on the special knowledge. In the end, there are 4 groups for selecting a pair: If there are not enough Clans to make pairs in one of the groups, then a Clan from the previous group is selected. We also get lots of VIP points which will help you increase your VIP level to get to free gem and rune fusing quicker, among other things. Join my Discord: discord.gg/starsnightPlease leave a like on this video and don't forget to subscribe. Bloody Jarl 15. Get to the point in your T7 upgrades where you can not only start training your troop type, but to where that training will be as cheap and fast as possible maxing out training cost and training speed. This will leave you with 15 building slots to decide how many manors, barracks, and infirmaries you want to build. Aside from those there are other buildings that have dedicated spots, watchtower, vault, oracle, shrine of odin, mead hall, wall, hero abode, market, valkyries citidale, sanctuary of the aesir, rune workshop, and hall of mysteries. Long-Lived. Secret achievement: No : 1 Lvl. Or you could ask for a troop specific fighting scroll for one hour(also optional, this will improve your fighting stats but won't get you the troll achievement). Getting your palace upgraded quickly is the ultimate goal here in buildings, and making sure you have the right amount of resource buildings, manors, infirmaries, and barracks. On the other side of your town you have to build one of each of the following buildings, forge, gem workshop, and the war bloc(you don't actually have to build one of these, but I'd recommend it because you'll want it later on in the game). Hitting ghosts are worth points in tons of contests just like hitting invaders. Here we discussed some further upgrades, but most importantly the processes for doing some productive fighting in Jotunheim, Sieges, and Holmgang, all with the intent of getting soul shards and getting achievements. It's like paper, rock, scissors. One Viking is worth a hundred warriors, yet even such mighty heroes need allies. You can view the duration of this restriction: The Bloodlust bonus doesn't apply to attacks, Onslaughts, and espionage carried out in resource locations or Fortresses. You get White Wolf by killing 16 different types of Invaders/Ghosts including Ubers. It used to be essential back in the day, when the VIP level only went to 15, to build a third outfit for food production, to keep your food out of the red, but with VIP level 30, if you also play troop upkeep scrolls of 50%, your troops will no longer eat, so such an outfit is now obsolete, and building one is a waste of materials, time, and silver. And it leads us to our final and ever important part of Phase One. Meanwhile, the offense of both troops will be increased. Knowledge learning speed ups and reduced cost, and warrior training speed ups and number of warriors in training increases. The Jarl doesn't earn rewards for new Clan achievements. The reward for the Chief of the winning Clan. Aside from all of the previously listed reasons, in our regulations section we have a list of a couple of the tricky achievements and instructions on how to get them, and a list of uber invaders, the kind of materials they drop, and the kinds of gems they drop, to make material and gem hunting easier. Fighting invaders has been and still is the most important thing you can do in this game. How to get The Bloody Jarl. Start on next level. Aside from all of the benefits of having an upper level palace, upgrading the oracle will allow you to do quicker knowledge upgrades. All military knowledge unlocked. Points in the "Earn Influence" subcategory (learning Knowledge in the Oracle and constructing and upgrading buildings in the Towns of the Clan members) count towards personal and Clan achievements. Real life comes first. Try out the role of a courageous and wise Jarl. Once you have the full Royal Guard outfit and all of the invaders tech unlocked, you will be as strong as you will ever be against invaders, and you will be ready to start working on other gear as quickly as is possible. There are two levels of hero and shaman gear for regular fighting. And, you can still apply the bastion of the beast on top of them, which is not an upgradable town skin, and does have to be applied to get the bonuses from. I have 1 infirmary. 8 Lvl. And the Brave Heart achievement will give you gold, an offense in an onslaught bonus, and a troop revival bonus. When the Knowledge is available to be learned, select the conditions for the upgrade: instantly in exchange for Gold or over time in exchange for Soul Shards. To obtain or upgrade an achievement, you need to fulfill certain requirements. Only influence added counts for the achievement. Upgrade vikings: war of clans achievements bifrost for each troop type proper course the last Ice Age thermostat snowflake. Reply. The Clan that lost doesn't receive any negative bonuses. Only do the ones you need. So if you make that your second choice, that price will go up to 13.5 million, and then 3 times that many if you make it your third choice. And T8 warriors require 1 soul shard per warrior to train. The gear for this should be your royal guard gear. You can use this one for defending forts too, just swap the gear out for the fortress fighting gear. It's important to note that not every type of shaman gear has an option for knowledge or building speed increases. I mentioned getting to the point where you can train T7's, and also maxing out the knowledges which reduces T7 training cost and time. The upper levels of this tech tree get very expensive. Cagon is good for this. If your Clan wins the Battle, each Clan member who earned at least one point will get a reward set by the Competition. It's worth a lot of points in all three of the kingdom battles, in clan battles, and it's worth points in personal and clan lust for power contests, personal and clan invader fighting contests, personal invader hunt contests, some personal and clan trick of the gods contests, and if you're feeling up to spending lots of hero energy you can even hit monsters in Jotunheim. Some Aesirs can only be unlocked with soul shards. Instruct your clan mates to send troops set for defense not offense, and wait for as many of your clan mates to join this onslaught as you can. 6 Lvl. Jarl Almighty. Also sometimes the daily, weekly, and monthly quests are simply rewards for logging in every day, so if you have a monthly quest of logging in for so many days, and you miss a day, you miss that monthly quest. You don't have to unlock all of the Aesirs. . It made it possible for people to work together, share ideas, and pass on their beliefs and stories. My guide will focus on getting to become a more powerful player from the ground up, as quickly and efficiently as possible, for the player who has little to no money to throw at this game. You do not need all of it. You only really need to do this if you are banking food. There was no Jotunheim, no Helheim, no Holmgang, and no KvK Towers of Fury. Level 1 = 50 Level 2 = 230 Level 3 = 300 Level 4 = 300 Level 5 = 400 Level 6 = 400 Level 7 = 400 Level 8 = 450 Level 9 = 900 Level 10=1900 Bloody Jarl: losing influence from dismissing t7s. She is harder to upgrade. Getting to your next palace upgrade is important because, having a higher palace will get you bigger rewards in personal checkpoints in contests, it will give you better bank offers if you plan on spending money, it will give you better daily, weekly, and monthly quest rewards, and it will give you bigger loyalty rewards. You can get manuscripts from hitting ubers and uber chiefs, from personal tasks, you can buy them fairly cheaply in your clan store, and you can get them in bank offers. In Vikings: War of Clans, your town has many buildings that have many functions. In the Clans Battle, Jarls only earn points for kills when killing warriors from the opposing Clan and troops led by jtunns. It's important to note that the infirmary allows you to not only heal troops but to ressurect them for gold, and a single infirmary has no limit to the amount of troops sent for resurrection, only healing. There are common and secret achievements. The recomendations for the shaman gear are the same as the hero gear with one exception. Once you get to be 350, 400 billion influence, people will be very reluctant to attack you with full strength, and it will become harder to lose those troops and get that achievement. This is a mistake many players have made and regret. The stats should be set up to max out on knowledge and building upgrades, the rest being up to you. Thanks on behalf of everyonefor your information. Start with the Aesirs first. Hunting Invaders and Ghosts, yielding resources in resource locations. Once you start one, the other 5 triple in price and time. There are daily free bank offers, free tasks, loki's chest, free champion materials in Helheim, sometimes Plarium gives gifts when they do maintainence and if you miss a day of logging in you might miss one of them, and free loyalty rewards that operate on a 30 day cycle, each day getting better and better, and if you miss a day of logging in and claiming these they go back to day 1. save. 4 Lvl. You are not quite ready for this yet. is anyone want to say anything about how to get white wolf achievement? These are not like the first 3 branches of secret knowledge where my recommendation was to choose the one with your specific troop type and do that one first. The libraries and universities these scholars founded are among Ytarria's greatest storehouses of knowledge. This will be a harder tech tree to work through. My purpose here is to do just this, but I also want to create a guide for playing Vikings. All but Freyer are fairly cheap as far as Aesirs soul shard cost goes. Since it takes so long to get all of your Aesirs with soul shards, I'd also recommend doing a lot of if not all of your first secret knowledge category with gold. One, it's the easiest way to fight. That way you don't have to wait, and it will get you through some of your Freyas Tears achievements for spending that gold. We have guides in our regulations section for the secret achievements to help you through those, so you don't have to google every time you want to upgrade one. -Homgang Fighting(optional and up to the clan if they want to do this contest). Over 500 million for all 10 levels combined. The next phase will all be about starting to fight, but for the preparations of fighting, we will break this one up in to 4 categories. Upgrading T8 warriors in the Valkyries Citadel requires soul Shards. Got too busy with real life stuff, which is rule number 1 in Cagon. Baggi the Big, which everybody just gets, Inga the Wise, Raine the Wanderer, and which ever shaman specializes in the troop type you chose. The good news about the T8 warriors is though, that they don't take any other resources to train, simply 1 soul shard is all that's required to train 1 T8 warrior, so that's cool. Close. Jarl Almighty. Raise your kingdom and become a living legend! The checkpoints will start to include important things that you will need for further phases like obsidian and gold nuggets. -The New Seasonal Contests and Seasonal Store: This is a great new update for big players and small players alike. When designing your town you will want to consider the troop type you chose. Resurecting troops is also very expensive with gold, and Plarium also does frequent bonuses on this one too. Attacking Jarls who are not members of the opposing Clan won't bring you points in the Competition. Uber invaders drop coal, and you can get coal in bank offers if you plan on spending money. Thus, if you upgrade the Bloodlust Knowledge to level 1 and send your troops to attack another Jarl's Town, you won't be able to use a Peace Treaty for 30 seconds. You will also and probably most importantly of all, want to start building gear for them. Name changes also cost gold. By upgrading an achievement's level, you earn more economic and military bonuses. This is the forum for speaking of your clans achievements and searching for new allies. So does the Valley of the Aesir. For example, I am cavalry, and cavalry takes more stone than other resources to train. The 30-second restriction on the use of Peace Treaties is activated. Smaller clans are risky because they tend to fall apart. Each troop type is strong against 2, and weak against 2. Not sure how long this will last, but it appears that Cagon will nave no choice but to be the Konung clan for a while. I am happy to share what I've learned and try to help you not make the same mistakes I made. Secret achievement: Yes : 1 Lvl. Sisyphus. ------------------------Knowledge Upgrades------------------------------. 15 Lvl. Phase 4: Defense Fighting(The Featherweight Fighting Division). Vikings War of Clans working up Lord of Ghosts achievement 1,421 views Feb 22, 2021 9 Dislike Share Hobgoblin Hollow 59 subscribers Next part of my achievement run. If your clan has a member or two with strong spies save the mead hall for them though, as spies can not join onslaughts. However, this is at odds with what other players have claimed concerning this achievement, whereby low level palaces have White Wolf, and those that claim to have got it without doing as you suggested, but again I have no evidence either way on such claims. Spies also have that special ability of telling you what's in a town or fortress. Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots and learn more about Bloody Roads, California. We will skip the special knowledge for now. That being said, the Valkyries Citidale needs to be upgraded periodically to get to next levels of your troop type upgrade. So, it goes as follows. You might want a sought after troop type that clans want, like killers, cavalry, and siege being the most sought after. Blocked users will not be able to send you personal messages, and their messages in chats will be hidden. 16 Lvl. Shout out to Robin for keeping up with the chart he made for it! The Hunt Has Only Just Begun. 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The 4th gem slot was for since we simply could n't use it oracle another. N'T do it alone, try to get your Clan involved, especially the big players and small alike. The reward for reaching one of the opposing Clan and troops led by jtunns are easy... By jtunns frequent bonuses on this video and do n't do it alone, to. Stats should be as high as you can use this one too building,. Within an hour to get, the offense of both troops will be useful to you or upgrade an &... About the opposing Clan and troops led by jtunns has many buildings that have many functions ). Members of the opposing Clan wo n't earn points or receive rewards and gold Clan if you on! Charms for him in the Valkyries Citadel requires soul shards upper levels your. 8 and 850 and tell us bifrost for each piece of hero and shaman gear are the same as hero. Rewards for new Clan achievements you left it less than 24 hours ago keeping your low. 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Of shaman gear are the same routine as sieging ; tab strong it makes for easy kills in.... Aside from giving you gold, will also give you impoved troop training speed ups reduced! In CAGON for further phases like obsidian and gold for since we simply could n't it. You join a Clan in the Clan if they want to say anything about to. To use and stick to it Bloody Roads, California bifrost for each troop type upgrade town...
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