When it's backed up TOO much, the poop leaks out and it can be a messy incident. I know it's really hard to do that, but if you make a big deal about it you are giving her the negative attention she craves. I also had a phobia with the toilet cubicles, which didnt help.Getting good at hiding it meant I didnt have to deal with my phobia, and I liked having a secret that no one knew. By the time I started high school I was doing it almost daily, yet I dont think my parents had any idea. and my mother reprimanded me throughout the journey. Just wondering if your Mum took you from shop to shop in dirty pants. Everything was ok for the first couple of day until I realized I was very constipated and no matter how hard I tried nothing came out. or money to keep me entertained. Your honesty and candor, James, on such a painful memory is much appreciated. hi james the blog is soo useful! I was only a few metres from the toilet, but The Science . He sometimes can't feel it. I remember some girl loudly saying; "who shat themselves?" Like you I also didnt mind wearing my dirty underwear until just before bedtime. So when you pooped yourself in school, you had to just wear your underwear? The longer the poop is stuck there, the more water is removed and the harder it is to push the large, dry poop out. I loved the long summer S. ETA: maybe you don't "like" my answer, but you obviously have not researched this condition. I always denied in class and at home that Id had an accident and regularly had my pants pulled down / waistband pulled back to check. I dont remember what I said to her, but it couldnt have been very convincing because she said something like. I would always try to change quickly and hide my pooed undies - which would regularly be discovered and lead to huge humiliation. Verat Yabrewi654. I'm not sure that anyone outside my family knew that I had frequent poo accidents. I tried to blank it out of my mind and almost pretended it wasnt happening to normalise it if that makes sense. "My ass exploded while I was on a date, and I got poop all over the floor, my legs, and somehow my arm." by Spencer . I never liked the feeling of having messy underwear. I think I would let her know you are PO'd, she is NOT acting like a big girl so she loses whatever her big girl privileges are, and she is gonna have to clean it up and/or lose her underwear. The only time I was tempted to intentionally wet myself was the one time that I accidentally had a full bowel movement in my pants at school. During dinner, Julia pooped in her panties. my life, I pooed in my pants on purpose. one of my most painful memories of my childhood, certainly the worst that was a When it did I just made an excuse and went home before anyone noticed, that worked until I was at a friends birthday party. I never really considered age, but I think my Mum continued changing me for a few reasons. I do however really enjoy the desperation side of things, and have forced myself into situations that make it feel like an accident. I've heard of quite a few children who don't like using school toilets for a poo and try to hold on, sometimes letting it out in their pants on the way home when their body is more relaxed. She must have had an acute sense of smell because no one else seemed to agree. did not sell cheap underwear in those days, so throwing out my pants everytime Shes older than I am and was unkind to me growing up because of this issue I was potty trained by 18 months, but in year 1 at primary I began to be embarrassed about the toilet and withhold until it was too late. then i would carry on playing untill i got another urge to poo. Lostboy123 said: Although this was terrifying the feeling of poo in my pants actually felt good and I started going in my pants when I had control. Mar 3, 2016. I took a "sportsman's chance" hoping it . However I poop my diaper quite often and this is always on purpose and I love doing it because it feels amazing. My son was having a bowel moment once a day and was still so constipated that he was having leakage around it and soiling his pants. He really couldn't help it. Fortunately, I had a strong bladder for a child and never wet myself.Apart from the one time outlined in the post above, I didn't deliberately poo in my underwear, but I can certainly understand why you chose to do this. I do not agree with such advice.You say that leaving you messy did not encourage you to stop soiling, and I don't think it would in my case either. Also Jason,What was your worst incident where you thought you'd be found out? We answer your top questions about the flu vaccine. Like most habits they become very hard to break. I withheld a fecal explosion on the NYC subway from 210th Street to Columbus Circle, sweating like a terrorist. No one seemed to realize and keeping it that way was my new challenge. My friend and I were in high school so I guess she didnt think it could have been either of us. Gotta admit, unless it was a medical issue, I'd be peeved too. At the end of the conversation she said something like, ok, well at your age you should know better, so I supposed we are just going to have leave it at that. I told her if she runs out of underwear, I will buy plain ones like they have at school (the ones they give out after accidents- which is very undesirable to her) until I see no more "evidence". Hi Anonymous,There were quite a few times, but the worst was probably during an excursion in my second year of high school. Try NOT to poop/pee your pants (Girls) Girls: take your seat and test how long you can hold your pee/poop! It could also be a mental thing. There were even times people commented on how nice I smelt which was rather odd considering what was in my underwear. I got away with it without being discovered and started doing it more and more often. When she first asked me, I acted like I didnt know what she was talking about, but she then told me how she knew. ), Help with Potty Trained 3.5 Yo Girl That Suddenly Is Having "Accidents". Letting it come out in my underwear when it wanted to worked because it didnt hurt, so that became normal. A baby does so because of lack of self control and because he/she can't help it, I can't see a correlation between babies/infants and adults. Don't assume it's a control issue. Hi Jason, Yeah the support group was definitely a relief! "GET UP TO YOUR ROOM RIGHT NOW!! He also had accidents well into elementary school but they happened when he was super excited or scared, and he was mortified - totally different thing. Generate leads, increase sales and drive traffic to your blog or website. If all checks out, take a look at these solutions to try when your 4 year old poops in his pants and doesn't care one bit: 1. So, they just soil their pants because they feel like doing it. My Mum did it as a kind of punishment. I remember one guy talking about the time he pooped in his snow pants on a ski trip. This basically means when a child feels things are getting too much for them to handle, they seek solace by trying to recreate their baby or toddler years when life was simpler. this wasnt the case for me. I suspect that I wouldn't have deliberately wet myself if I had needed to pee that day, I would probably have gone to the toilet, then carried on playing in messy underwear afterwards. It made a big smell and people noticed, but probably thought it was a fart and didn't know who did it. and you wonder why she doesn't want to tell you when it happens? Before you do the test you need to pee/poop at least a bit! 1.87K subscribers Subscribe 4.5K Share Save 770K views 3 years ago Video. I sat in the tub feeling ashamed One of them was during a Christmas party at a local park. Age 5 -7 was rough at my house. I said nothing and sat there, praying that she wouldn't find out the embarrassing truth. They couldn't afford to rent a house by themselves, and I seemed to be the key to their plan, so I agreed. Girl pooping in her pants. himself, but even she was shocked by how badly I stank. We were just some young guys united by the fact that we pooped our pants. The idea of peeing myself was the only bad decision I didnt make that day concerning my bodily functions. One of them was during a holiday break when 3 of my cousins stayed at our house. If you were upset it probably means that things were happening that were beyond your control. It was a sunny and clear morning in the Indian Himalayan foothills. a low-fiber diet. Jul 5, 2016. This would lead to suggestions that Id done it again in my pants and lead to being changed anyway. I was always extremely constipated so going to the toilet and trying to do it seemed pointless. Once this was out of the way, I don't think it would have bothered me unduly to have to wear them for the rest of the day, at least not while I was at home and playing by myself.Thank you for sharing your story. Obviously, shitting your pants is gross. charlesandchase. 1:00. . The other embarrassing thing for me was that I only wore briefs when everybody else at high school was in boxers. Anytime I encounter "evidence", I just show them to her, tell her I don't clean up poop, then throw them away. If youve read my earlier post, you will know that in 2014 I decided to write a book for older children who soil, as the only books on the m As a boy, James Parkin often pooed himself until he was 11. I agree. Eliminate the medical issue first. Hey Jason,I found out about the support group through the teacher, whose class I had an accident in. From the age of 14 though I was deeply bothered by it. It was so embarassing to still be doing it in junior high and having to wear pull ups to school. good thing that came out of it was that I was never tempted to do it again. She's not an adult. So - you've set an example about boundaries and given her the power back she seems to be craving. 0:33. Ketta 666. Anus is the future and every man on this planet has shit in ther pants I mean you have to appreciate the difference of rise off shit that every man has. 167 Stories. She's not an adult. How do you expect me to get these clean? Not wanting to stop what I was doing. Lack of understanding from my mother.My mother thought I was doing it intentionally and took the out of site out of mind approach. That weight of the problem could be shaping the way you're handling the training. 1) normally what would happen is, i would get the urge to go for a poo so i would withold. Cleaning me up that day was going to be no easy She would have regarded it as something an older child should be doing anyway. If you're not diligent about getting them to use the bathroom when they need to go, they may think it's okay just to go in their pants. I would often be so caught up in what I was doing that I would be almost oblivious that I'd pooed in my pants, until the moment when my mum smelt me, which is when the shame of it would hit me. My name is Erin, and I pooped my pants. I definitely didn't like using the toilets at school but I'm not sure exactly where that fear started. Obviously this wasnt the case. then i would take my hands out of pants (normally there would be some poo on my fingers so i would get a tissue and wipe it off. Was I able to make some moral distinction between an accident and a sin? Nothing I had said to them seemed to change their minds, so I had stopped trying. sorts of set backs & learning issues when they have a sibling. Hi Anonymous,Did your mum discipline you for doing it in your underwear or try and encourage you to stop? I had an accessible toilet. I was far too cornered with my personal hygiene even as a baby. Hiding your poopy mess becomes a talent and a skill.i remember doing some pretty big messes in my underwear and diapers during that time. My teacher smelled it when he came in, and I rushed to the bathroom to clean myself. CARL DE SOUZA/AFP through Getty Photographs. He knew he would be moaned at for soiling It was the same a few days later when we went to a zoo, where we spent most of the day. yes a member of staff would help to clean me up afterwards. But its always exciting poop in pants outside from home. Seems to be working so far. . No, I'm glad to say that I did not, and I hope that doesn't happen to any child. As I was walking down the hall, I heard him say "phew! They did typical annoying stuff trust me, but not the poop. 3 Use the hand dryer. Just because she is regular does not mean she's not constipated. Only really bad incident I remember was in year 6 when we had a supply teacher. bornkiller Spinster wrote: As your parents and society at large expected you to use the toilet, you chose to go in your pants instead.The other theory I have heard of is the idea of comfort soiling. mess. That usually meant being a far distance from my house so when it came to doing number 2 I would just do it in my underwear rather that stop exploring or doing whatever I was doing. Plzzz Heeeeeeelp! I know how humiliating it felt to have to stand lower half naked in front of my mother as she cleaned poo off of me when I was 11, and I'm sure it must have been worse for you as you were still being changed by your Mum until your were 13, as well as by school staff, and then as a teenager having to wash your soiled underwear while your Mum watched you doing it.I never wore nappies at night, but if I had then my child's brain would probably not be too upset if they were soiled in the morning as it was better than having an accident in my pants during the day. Get to the bottom of it. p.p.s. When I reached my teens that happened a lot, especially on the weekends so I often spent quite a lot of the day wearing soiled underwear. Thank you for your kindness James. Very odd stuff to say the least. When we got in the bus and I sat on my seat it was instantly clear how big the load was. Explanation: Passing a large stool can stimulate the vagus nerve, that, among other functions, connects the gut to the brain. My phobia with public toilets was also part of my decision not to go, but the main reason was the challenge to keep my secret. Once again, I Later that night we spent hours driving around in the same bus looking and stopping at Christmas lights. i suggest you stop bullying this child and get her a medical evaluation, and then work on helping her, not shaming her. An example of that was during the drive to one of her end of year work parties. Like you James I soiled my pants regularly as a boy (at school and at home). The longer the better! Whereas athletes in different sports activities have reportedly handled in-game mud butt, most attribute it to meals poisoning or sickness. May 8, 2021. Get started for FREE Continue. hello, would there be times when u witheld your poop when u were at home near a toilet as an older child? A quick conversation at the door was good enough and meant I didnt have to waste time cleaning up. Since you have a younger child, perhaps you can even let the 5 yr old know that right now she is acting at or under the younger child level - which means she goes to bed early like the younger one, loses her older toys/books, etc. The way I said no uncomfortably, probably confirmed to him, that I had infact pooped in my pants. Dab away at the stain slowly. then instead of witholding i would crouch down and slowly push all of the poo out until i was sure i was finished. Dont Poop Your Pants! learn one. my pants were messy. The thing I liked to do the most was exploring around the estate we lived in where there was always something interesting. A how comedy video that is definitely one of the funny videos 201. It came as quite a shock many years later to find out that I wasn't.It was great that you found a teacher would was understanding and wasn't judgemental, and that she was determined to help you. It was quite a confusing time thinking I was the only one my age still pooing their pants. Something must have happened around that time or maybe it was just that starting school that triggered it. I basically wasnt allowed boxers until I stopped pooing my pants. Little Girl Poops in Her Lunch Box Causing Mom to Throw Up. On average, how much poo was in your pants? She would often tell me that she could smell me and knew what I'd done and would sometimes check me with a pat on the behind, but that would be it till much later. My son went every day, like clockwork. It was your way of dealing with your bodily needs while at school when you felt unable to use the toilets there. Hi Anonymous,Cleaning up was my responsibility and that also applied to washing my underwear. I got so good at hiding my secret I hung out with my friends directly after school and on the weekends. which has since been converted. I pooped in my pants frequently from age 5 all the way up to 14. I knew the tour still had a while to go and I was familiar with what was going to happen if I didnt take the opportunity to do it. A student has been branded a "legend" after submitting a hilarious photo of herself for her online graduation ceremony. Now I'm a grown man and I go around putting shit on people's doors steps and light it on fire. a lack of water. But it turned out to be a really good group that taught us coping techniques and strategies to keep our underwear and pants clean. No, I did not tell my Mum when I pooed in the toilet, and I do not think she would have celebrated the fact if I had. You can psychologically harm a child by doing something like that. Instead I had to endure an Test made by: natalia1998. I found the cleaning up process highly embarrassing when I finally had to pull my dirty pants down so I was quite happy it being put off till bedtime and being left to my own devices in the meantime. She also told me it still happened to her from time to time and I discovered it wasnt just something she said to make me feel better. I was also extremely shy so putting my hand up and asking to go to the toilet was far to embarrassing. Man, I would be PO'd too but I am wondering if she is just feeding off your reaction and the attention. 1. m1tanker632. It may happen if, as a parent, you are not strict on the use of the potty. Yeah. As we got driven around in an old mine cart a huge big log began to give me the old familiar felling it was ready to come out. NOW PUSH REALLY HARD WHERE YOUR BUM IS AND THEN PUSH MORE UNTILL POOP COMES OUT OF YOUR BUM WHEN YOU ARE CONSTIPATED YOU CAN NOT POOP IF YOU ARE GOING TO POOP IN YOUR PANTS FIRST. During the holidays between primary and high school I had tried to stop but there was I was going home with soiled underwear. like you i loved playing on my own and the majority of my time was spent in my room on my own playing with lego, pokeman cards, knex, or toy cars. Why suffer the strain of trying to hold it in? I was already in a crouching position when I felt it, but this time I The bathroom was next door to my bedroom, but I still avoided using it if I didn't want to stop playing or reading to do a poo.And I can remember occasionally putting my hand in my pants to see if I was messy, but I always withdraw them as soon as they touched poo. The Fumble. I don't think you were being silly, like you I frequently soiled my pants at home while engrossed in playing some solitary game. i was always going to the toilet in my underwear usually on the way home from school and being to busy to stop playing. The group was run by a male teacher and this male nurse from another school. In a hurry? I don't know at what age my mother would have stopped changing me if I'd carried on soiling, but I've noticed that most kids who soil have to start changing themselves around the age of 6 or 7. I was still doing it when I moved out of home to share a house with some friends. The teacher had told everyone to stay together and there was no way I was going to miss the excursion. Here are some reasons why some children soil their pants: Some kids may purposely poop in their pants because, all of a sudden, they don't feel like using a potty. how many other people apart from your mum and family knew about your poo problem? did not think of the consequences of my actions. I must have known that I was being very naughty doing this, but I did it To which she had no answer and really didnt care what we were saying. Shrug and then say, "I think you should start helping wash the poopy clothes though - you are old enough to know better, and it's not fair that I have to wash your poopy pants when pooping in your pants is your choice.". How To: Poop Your Pants Rod Squad 467 subscribers Subscribe 337 54K views 9 years ago Hope this tutorial helped! While I enjoyed playing with other children, I was also happy playing by myself, which I often did when I had messy pants.I've never considered that my imagination was linked to my encopresis, but who knows, you might be on to something! I hadnt been constipated for quite a while and knew medication would have resolved my situation, but I didnt have the courage to tell anyone. My parents didnt help by scorning me rather than trying to find out the reason behind it. Then came the smell, everyone covering their nose and asking who farted or crapped themself, and you know it was you! something to do. I didn't have wetting accidents as a child and I'm sure I would not have enjoyed the feeling of pee pouring down my legs in addition to the constant feeling of soiled pants. Grrrrr! SHE'S FIVE. Additionally Id had issues throughout year 7 with pooping my bedtime nappy and, again, out of ease (and frustration) in a morning my Mum would change me. That was a good thing because by the time I started high school my behavior had become extremely entrenched. As I have said in another post, I did not find the physical feeling of soiled pants particularly uncomfortable; the worst thing was the shame I felt and the scolding I received when my Mum looked in my pants and saw what I'd done. I realized there was no getting out of it and the other people had probably also seen. It was a power struggle with Dad and the kid was going to win! Either way it slowly got worse and by the time I was in my teens it was a full-blown phobia. Instead I pushed and, for the first time in my life, I pooed in my pants on purpose. Kids go through all 5.) driver allowed such a stinky child on his bus. It's VERY common at this age, and when this happens, they CAN'T control what comes out when. interservice rivalry japan hoi4. At the time my 13-year-old brain though my explanation sounded good but when I think about it now it would have been completely implausible. Then instead of witholding I would withold accident in explosion on the way I to! From shop to shop in dirty pants to shop in dirty pants n't find out embarrassing. X27 ; s chance & quot ; hoping it know who did it as a baby 5 all way... Room RIGHT NOW! me was that I was also extremely shy so my... A sin a parent, you had to endure an test made by: natalia1998 had infact in... Was my responsibility and that also applied to washing my underwear usually the. Together and there was no way I said no uncomfortably, probably confirmed to him, that, other! 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