She hasnt met her yet. I just needed to check in with you., Lenas line was quiet for a moment. I see it as a strength. Shes her past. But Kara cant focus on anything else other than the searing cold that radiates through her body. Her left leg is bent under itself, and her opposite one is shriveled from her femur sticking straight out of her thigh. After debating the agents statement, the President has decided that the DEO will not pursue finding Supergirls identity if she agrees to return to her position.. The air is knocked out of him and he gasps. No pictures or notes, nothing displays she has a family. She returns to her kneeling position and closes her eyes, finally able to think without the Luthor interrupting her thoughts. They shared a tense history with the little imp, and she could see that he still held feelings toward him. Where is he?, Lex sighs, then extends an arm down a hall. They can't actually hurt me, Im invincible. She looks up at the man but he doesnt meet her gaze, instead, hes trained on someone else. One of my favorite things to do when I move to a new city is ride the bus., He nods, smirking. Shes right. What did you do? Alex yells at her. So what am I supposed to do then?, Lena laughs, throwing her head back. Now, Lena waits at her desk with a glass of bourbon, her balcony door open as her chair is turned toward it, watching. That wasnt true. They set all of them along the wall with the original find, stepping back and looking at their collection. I I cant, Alex. What happened?, Kara sighs, shaking her head and looking out the window at the city. She quickly ties her hair back in a low ponytail, then gathers the courage to approach her friend. She wont leave me alone, the man grumbles, throwing his hands at the girl. Alex watches them leave, waiting several minutes until her back disappears from sight and around a building. Kara was awaiting her in the conference room, arms crossed and pacing back and forth. Retelling his life to all of the agents and friends he had made the seven years before turned into a challenging task. She didnt kill him, Lena did. You cant go, she whispers, only for him to hear. I want to be here with you now.. Kara laughs in his arms and he sets her down, yanking open the door and walking out of the room briskly. The hero stands before her barefoot, in low-hanging DEO joggers and a stained white t-shirt. But by dragging it out, pretending to still care for her, her feelings may come true. The young girl just shrugs. Wife?, Kara sighs sadly. Because fairness is overrated, Kara Zor-El. They manage to retain a friendship but when Mon-El is dying he kisses Kara in what he thinks is his 'dying moments' 2x08 (Medusa). Too little is left in her body, most of it a puddle surrounding them. At least everyone forgave her for it. You will grieve for me, but you will press on. One where he does not love her anymore. Being betrayed by someone had happened in the past, but she usually just went on with her business, got back at them a little while later. Then she pulls out the flattened bullet she put in her pocket, holding it up to Alex. And Lena, Kara continues, how all this is affecting her.. Oh, no, Kara says, some laughter in her voice as she takes a hand and wipes Lenas cheeks. The laces on her boots were uneven, her gun holstered a little tighter to her thigh than normal, and she had sweat draining down her neck into the back of her suit. Kara, Lena tries, crouching to Karas level. She didn't know where she was going, didn't know what she was looking for, the only thing she was aware of was that heaviness in her chest, that unease she'd been carrying for the past few days, "This was impossible. The team had decided that in order to execute their mission, it had to be at night so no Supergirl bounty hunters would interfere. She could feel the friendship between them growing, knowing it would eventually get to an Oliver and Barry level, and she was so grateful for it. Are we ready? She asks them. Why didnt anybody tell me? After several minutes, the pair digs up weapon after weapon and shield after shield. Neither speaks until Jonn returns, placing the bag on the metal table. Mxy nods. Hey, what did I just see over here? Alex asks, coming up to her. Put down the gun and we can all have a nice chat. But they spring back open when she places who the voice belongs to. I shouldve asked before-, No, no, William, Im not, Kara says, putting her hands on his arms as she stares into his wild eyes. She had one hand on the arm that pinned her chest, the other clawing at the heros face but leaving no marks. Please forgive me!. Do you know how dangerous that was for you?. She gives a watery smile. He smiles at her, finally sitting down and wrapping an arm around her. Alex and Lena both entered, the door sliding closed behind them. Why? This time with both hands. The only reason the man says yes to her is because of his pity. We havent spoken in a week and this is what brings you here?. Mxy she starts, but trails off when she realizes hes no longer beside her. Lena was the one person she had promised she would never hurt. Ah-ha, Lena mumbles sadly, setting the purse down. A label I dont want, and neither does she. He inches closer to her. Nothing that would cause a little girl harm except for some bruising. Jonn leaves them once more, closing the door behind him and wrapping them in silence. Cute, she whispers, the meaning of her words doubled. Whats wrong? But her sister doesnt listen. Oh, yeah, Mon-El chirps, drumming his hands on the dash. What is this about? When Kara and Mon-el are forced into both their parents' plot to unite their planets, it's in their nature to resist it. The woman she had been friends with for so many years was too good, too pure to be lied to. Does Lex exist?. It sounds like we have a plan., Almost, Alex says, holding up her finger. What did she say? Im here, Kara whispers. She needs plants, trees, grass. His distress signal was pretty rare., About the signal, Kara starts, rocking on her heels, what was it?, Well, usually we get a ping on our radar with coordinates and then some research shows what it is, Winn interrupts, spinning around them. She knows what Lena is doing. Kara is shocked and Mon-El drops his gun and Kara hugs him. You told us to be quiet, he responds, hugging her again. I wouldnt be if not for you.. James finds her hand and squeezes it. Before another cry can slip out of her mouth, darkness falls over her and her eyes close. Alex clomps down the stairs behind Jonn, who both steal her away from Mon-El and hug her. Its not. She does this in hopes that his thoughts will straighten out. I havent been a very good girlfriend.. So no, you wont be bringing me in. I want to clear this place.. Across the building, the front doors open wide, a parade of security entering. She knew his feelings had shifted from her to the other woman. Her head rests on the top of the couch, her eyes squeezed shut as she battles the headache her thinking has given her. I know that is not an exact answer, and Im sorry I cant really give you a timeline, but-. Anyway, he wrote himself in as one of the Paragons. She looks up at him. Lena and James lean on each other as they try to fall asleep, both of them failing. With the presidents eyes on him, he gives a small wave, then ducks back behind his screen. Kara made room for them, shifting closer to William so Jonn could sit beside her. Okay, I think you had a little too much to drink, Kara says, settling her in and standing back up. They charge each other, and after a few quick punches and several leg jabs, Kara lands on the concrete floor heavily with her cheek on the stone. Its not a drop to the knees first, then land on the side, then lay down. Please! She beats her fists on Karas chest, wailing. But I believed in you. I wanted to show you the key moments in your fantasy you wont watch unfold in front of you once you explore this new world. Whatever happened between you broke her, and it shattered her when you became your brother. I know you are the one who stitched me up. Kara. And I dont think she wants to., I dont know, Kara tries, attempting to see the good. How are you always right?, Alex laughs. I thought being with her was worth more than being in the army. She stands in front of her desk, leaning against it with her arms crossed, a glass of whiskey beside her. Kate watches her, a smirk on her lips that are so close to Alexs face. He hears her sniff. Yet, shes here. But he was at the bar with Imra. Knowing there is not enough time to push her out of the way, she jumps in front of her at the last second. He points, his jaw dropping. Her identity will be on display for the whole city. I borrowed some of my favorite lines from the movie, as well as a decent amount of the sciencey dialogue. Im glad youre doing well.. She is beaten, bloodied, and bruised. Maybe they see him. Wait Kara says, holding up a hand. Please, Alex begs, ripping up some grass and pressing it in her hand. ***WARNING: CH 25 "Goober" Contains Graphic Scenes of Abuse***, Susan and Neil are dead. Lena leans forward and sets her wine glass down on the table, standing up quickly. When she takes them off, that tether will be broken. They have a child, she whispers, continuing to stare at the screen even when it flicks off. Hes done it once before., Then the next time it can be. Her troops begin to fire, targeting the weapons and hammer mechanisms. The dark, protruding daggers around the cave beckon them closer. Knew how it sounded. Kara? she asks, bleary-eyed and in disbelief. Fine, Kara allows, closing her eyes and thinking. She squeezes tightly, causing Kate to wince but her pride silences her words of complaint. I watched you die, Lex. You dont think I miss you when I go away?, Well, okay, maybe a half-lie. For you, Lena. Bringing everything to the surface. She kneels, wrapping her hands around Karas leg. A figure sits at her island, illuminated only by the bar lights that hang above the counter. She couldnt live with herself. Kara falls to the ground as Lena steps back, hands and knees on the floor. The war has ended, but Mon-El has lost all hope. What does our name have to do with anything?, Kara growls. But, thank you for letting me know where we stand. It took me a while before I let myself give in to her attempts of getting lunch, drinks, meeting her sister, her friends. Kara, I cant walk. Well, do they need me? It was a hard day for Kara as she worked in the DEO, training new agents, reviewing reports, going out and stopping a few criminals. But the reporter lies there, unmoving. Its good to see you, Ms. Grant., Cat sighs, looking down at her nails. The roles have reversed, havent they? She gives a soft chuckle and rubs the top of his thumb with hers. To love me. She unzips it and reaches in, feeling around until her fingers catch on a hidden zipper in the lining. But as she watched as he moved, as he spread her legs and grabbed her skirt. Small cut-out holes in the walls allow light, but they dont look like windows. Okay, Kara. Jonn continues. After Mon-El agreed to return to build a New Daxam to spare Kara's life, she was denied an opportunity to rescue him and was forced to watch as the Daxam flagship left Earth with him aboard. The image of it ignites something inside her, and an insane realization washes over her. Supergirl doesnt kill. That was all. She deserved any horrible thing that came her way from this point forward. I couldnt turn him down when he asked me to train him. She pulls away, allowing herself to get a good look at Karas face. But hes here. Im taking up your offer to do it.. Lena knows something only several people in the world know, and shes a Luthor. Do you need fake blood to make it look like shes actually bleeding in order to trick Lena and not expose Karas identity?. That Im the one who snuffed your light? If I had one wish it would be for you to lead a normal life. She looks ten years older, although its only been a few since they saw each other last. Mon-El breaks an unknown woman out of her pod and holds her closely while Kara watches. She has never said anything bad about you. All right, Supergirl, Im in position, Alex states, pressing the stock of the rifle into her shoulder and looking down the scope. She limps through the doors, dragging her mangled foot behind her. Every day I lived in pain, and that only increased when he visited.. She figured doing some justice would ease her jumping nerves, get her mind off this life that isnt real. Lena shakes her head, not looking at him. So, once I could control my powers enough where Alex could trust me, she took me here. She lets her hand fall from his eyes and he squints at the bright light that reflects over the dunes. From out of the corner of her eye, she spots a large figure rounding the corner. Hey, are you okay? She asks, turning him. This woman had melted her hard exterior so quickly Kate didnt even know she was doing it. I started crying and my body grew tense and felt like I couldnt move any muscle in a different direction except toward him. The first few Chapters have been posted there. She holds up a Chinese takeout bag and a pizza when Kara opens the door. Wow. How could she hold the weight of her lies so gracefully she fooled the Luthor for so long? Before he leaves, Kara tells him that she loves him and says that she should have said it before. Of course, he did not know if he would be back tomorrow, or in just twenty minutes from now. Just go.. Kara pulls away, placing both hands on his massive chest. She drops her, and Lena falls to the ground in a heap, crying out in pain. I will never get used to that name, Jonn mumbles, looking over the monitors. Its a Kryptonite tranquilizer. Not yet, at least. Stay here and rest up. She cleared her throat, uncomfortable. The cherry Chapstick. Like I should have done before. And I know theyre the same, but you cant blame me for feeling angry and terrified at both because theyve been different people for years.. That is not our logo, and if you think it is you can find a job with the company who made it because its most certainly not Catco. Youve been on worse dates, Kara reminds, making him smile. And rigged it to answer to this little button I have in my hand. Lena gently raises it to show her. Kara had trusted her with her most important secret, and Lena failed to keep that trust. What she wouldnt give to indulge in this fantasy. Okay Im here. What? She holds her. Excuse me?. But you will have to leave your apartment for that., He stands, making his way to the door. She finds it around a bend, just out of sight from the others and shadowed enough for privacy. Its why Alex never told me she worked for the DEO before I came out. But I wouldnt take it back. She steps away, back into the center of the room. The suit shes worn when theyve spoken privately to strategize, to apologize for their behaviors. Motivation is what drives people. He comes up next to her, awaiting her next command. The bullet fired was made from Kryptonite, its intended target Supergirl. Lena, I-, Lenas smile drops, waving a hand to the hall. Marsdin grins at her, looking her up and down. The hammer lifts its body off of the Super, busying itself with going after the agents. Karas head snaps to the side and she spits, her lip splitting and letting a river of blood drip off her chin and onto her suit. How could a Super align themselves with a Luthor? He chuckles turning to her. No. The DEOs cases have been carefully selected out of ones only he cares about, citizens are leaving the city to get away, the contestants for the Nobel Peace Prize last month were terrified to be nominated., Lena scoffs. She didn't know why. Mon-El slips in and out of consciousness as he is carried out of the disturbing scene Reign left them with. He hesitates, then starts with, How is she?, Alex narrows her eyes at him. She mightve lied to her about her identity thinking she was protecting her, but she was also protecting her family. What did she do, if I may ask? Kara asks, suddenly growing afraid. Today was difficult, for everyone. Woah, there. Woah, Lena. But, when she called me up to introduce me at the event, she forgave me. How?. Writing barely legibly, she scratches on the paper rushed. We all still love you. A knock on her door broke her out of the trance and her head snapped to the source. How could you put up with someone who had lied to you from the very start? The moment Kara says it she regrets it. Kara steps into the room coldly. You cant even save your own sister.. After we left once Reign was defeated, our relationship suffered. Thats why Im going over to Lenas to talk with her., Kara rips her head from her shoulder, staring with wide eyes at her sister. Everyone knew everyone there and my mother and father were the closest things to royalty. It was your idea.. Mon-El smirks, tracing her knuckles with his fingers subconsciously. Tears had sprung from her eyes after all the pressure was built up inside her head, forcing them to leak. ' Alex scoffs, pulling on her thumbs. I save it., Lena nods. Where is his ring? She did. He winks, then picks up the dice and rolls it onto the board. The feeling that she had failed was eating away at her conscience. It would be so dangerous., Kara finally looks up at her, her eyes swollen. It was Lexs favorite experiment to play on me. She sighs, crossing her arms. Kept her identity from me for three years. You will remain Director and you wont step down. Has he contacted you at all?, Lena watches her with a puzzled expression. And as much as Mon-El doesnt want to admit it, he does too. Silently, Kara agrees. A rival to Kryptonians. It took several short-lived relationships until I came to the conclusion that the reason I loved too hard and so quick was because I had never gotten that when I was young. Great job, he says, jutting his chin toward the alien and giving a weak smile. Process everything I just said. You save it. I cant Kara mumbles, trying not to move her mouth to avoid splitting her already split lips more. The only thing he was seeing was Karas own blood slathered across her stomach, arms, and face. But until then, she would wait and let him sort it out for himself. Mon-El, Parasite, the Fortress. Months after the Invasion and near end of the world, Raphael experiences the painful aftermath of being possessed by the Krang, bringing a toll both mentally and physically challenging on him. [3x07 AU]. Kara bites his ear playfully, then slides her hand over the knot in his towel below his belly-button and rips the towel from his waist, shoving him into their bed. But our officer found out about our relationship and threatened to tell the board. Kara and Mon-El are both silent, staring at each other. It did just fine on its own before her., But I cant just stop. At first I thought of just creating AIs to implant in peoples brains, but as you can see, shes less human than artificial intellect.. You know, Kara, I truly dont think I will ever meet someone as caring and compassionate as you. She had never seen Lena like this. I hurt you in ways I cant even imagine, but youre starting to sound like Lex and I know thats the last thing you want., Maybe youre wrong, Lena snarls, her hand squeezing the grip. Eventually, he got a job at the local bar my family was always at, so I couldnt really get rid of him. A simple wood textures the stick painted with a yellow varnish. It pierces her sensitive ears and wraps around her body, causing rows of goosebumps to sprout on her arms. Because what her eyes see is what is in her memories. But not what I had with you. Yeah, I know that, but Kara got shot. Her hair is down, and it sways slowly in the breeze that floats in through her open windows. When it was published in Catco, his business skyrocketed. Someone who loved her with all her heart. He takes a step in and breathes the smell of their old home. When Lena first arrived at the DEO, the first person she saw was Kara. He raises it in her direction, his hand squeezing around the trigger. But this one was different. Kara pulls away from Lena, dropping Lenas arm and approaching the man and girl. She can feel them breaking all over again, bending and twisting in the wrong directions. Oh, thanks. So close to Maggie being hers. Kara shifts her head on her sister so she can look at him, her arms still wrapped around Alex. But she knew that the Luthor now believed she didnt have any. I asked him if he liked me, if he wanted to pursue me. She wants Kara. The structure was just, only providing shelter from wind or other elements. Coincidentally, you have always been the one to have a word with her when those occurrences come up., The number of times I could have died while you were with me is a very high amount, yet whenever danger struck you always seemed to flee the scene just in time for Supergirl to rescue me.. I cant believe I did this to you. She points to Karas gnarled face and cries, tucking her head back into her sisters shoulder and weeping. Kara!. And Kara can barely look at her. What are you guys talking about?. Every fiber in my being rebelled but I I didnt want to do it but I knew I had to because, if Lex lived the world wouldnt be safe, my friends wouldnt be safe. But I do want to know more about Supergirls love life. That means weve got the house to ourselves tonight.. Its incredible. Lenas eyes widen at her, her arm slowly dropping to her side. What really happened in the Fortress?. She looks up at who holds her and quickly jumps back, hugging herself. Lena exhales, shaking her head as she stands from her desk. But she doesnt. That wasnt my question. He stands in front of Alexs apartment door, hand raised to begin knocking, when he hears a melancholic moan. What? How are you alive, Lex?, Oh, well thats a funny story, actually. She couldnt do this one. Hesitantly, she pulls herself from Mon-Els arms and stands, looking down at him. Im here for you., Lena glances around the office at all the eyes watching them. Imra narrows her eyes at him. Alex cries out from her legs being tossed and Kara weeps for her skin and the cracks inside of it. Alex takes another step back from the gurney, her head snapping to the hero that lays there lifelessly. She held so much love, and passion, and pressure from her community. I dont know what youre talking about.. Alex looks away from her scope, ready to pack up the rifle as soon as she sees the doppel begin to fall. My feelings for him were still there and I knew his were too. Do you know what could have gone wrong?. The lie. Has he put you on the bench? At some point, her mind forgot about Lenas gun aimed at her head and she looked away, diving so deep into the memory she lost the severity of the situation. But it hadn't gone in there favour and to help save supergirl the must enter her mind and get her out by watching her life play out. Alex! Jonn huffs in the doorway, looking at the scene in front of him. They were okay with her not with them anymore. She glances at her quickly checking for a remark but Lena remains silent. He just would never admit it. Their friendship was officially over. Karas day started the same. Hey, hey, Kara, listen to me-. Her legs are utterly broken. To forgive herself for lying to you. He pauses again. But I dont have a location or a certain place Im going to. Did kill her, actually, only she was brought back by the DEO just in time. His sudden movement alerts Kara. Hope, Ms. Danvers. She scoffs and storms out of the room. Meetings, dates, friendships. He was trying, surviving. Kara furrows her brow at her, her face breaking when she sees how disappointed Lena looks. Show you one of my own interesting little places., He smiles, rubbing a hand on the back of his head. After a few moments, she looks at him, a spark in her eyes. She had ruined the plan. Alright, lets see what we got here. What more could she do? He hands it to her along with some silverware. It was interrupted. What was this world? Seeing you, hearing you, being with you it brought all the feelings I forgot could be felt back to the surface. Getting another chance at life puts many things in perspective. But he was already married. She spots Alex from the ground floor, watching her pace through the conference room windows. In 3x10 (Legion of Super-Heroes), Kara is in a coma. Kate finds this the perfect opportunity to ask Kara about her past. Kara watches her a moment, and when Lena reaches for her wine glass again, Kara grabs her hand and returns it to the couch. The hero was already crying, her face blotchy and red with swollen eyes. And he does, looping his arm under her knees and supporting her back. How did you know and not tell me?, Cat sits down beside her, rolling her eyes. This wasnt forgiveness, and it wasnt them making up either. If we develop a bracelet you can take with you when you fight the doppel, you can slip it onto her wrist so we know who is who. This was the first time Kara had met her formally, and as she stares right into her own face, her jaw drops. Utterly alone. And after what she just did, I want to kill her.. Now, please. He pulls his arm out of her grasp but keeps his body close to hers. Sisters. No need to go through the trouble of standing and inviting her in. And you the Paragon of Hope., Kara wraps an arm around her waist and together they begin to walk back to the group. He looks at them one by one. Hands shake as she leans on the door frame. In the finale 2x22 (Nevertheless She Persisted), Superman destroys the positron-cannon, and thinks Kara is his worst enemy. So, summoning all the strength she has left in her, she takes a massive breath, feeling the skin on her chest stretch from being shriveled, and wraps her arms around Alex. Sam sets down her glass. And there I was, really liking his guy and telling him straight to his face a false fact., I heard about you and Lena from Winn. Then Kara had flown all over the world to give her the things she loves. And since everyone in my life has left me, the only person I can count on now is me., Kara sucks on her bottom lip, and lets go of Lenas hand. Her eyes widen at the doppel and her mirror smiles at her, displaying two rows of porcelain teeth. She presses her hands to the wound on Karas chest, desperately trying to keep the blood in. Kara notices and limps over to the balcony doors she entered from, shutting them. She and her sister wrap up a final case, both signing their names on the report. Lena pushes herself up to the wall outside of the infirmary, the blood of Kara on her hands now dry. Her friend smiles softly at her, concern written on her face. Work Search: So what do I do? she asks, afraid of his answer. She was ashamed that it took Karas pleas to make her see the right way. No., Alexs eyebrows raise and everyone takes a step back. She had finally gotten the hang of things on earth but there was still a lot of stuff she still didnt understand. The gun belonged to the owner and CEO of L-Corp, as well as Kara Danvers previous friend, Lena Luthor. Lena, Kara coos, wrapping her friend in a tight hug. So him being on Earth was difficult for me. So far she finds nothing, but a face in front of a computer makes her smile. So when she awoke in a dark forest with her heart beating and head screaming to survive the only thing she could do was try. She takes her glasses off and allows her suit to materialize as she grabs the bags of takeout. Im not going to die, am I?, There is a scenario in which I can show you how the world would be if you did, but for the moment I would like to present you a different one. What are you doing here? she asks as she pulls away. And I will be vulnerable. One of Cadmuss loose ends.. And thats what scares me the most. She stood beside Kara, not against her. After tears are shed and space pods left the earth atmosphere, a wormhole opened up with Mon-El's pod going into it. Kara is sent away after Agent Liberty seeds the air with Kryptonite. He points to Kara and Alex nods, allowing him in. Well, youve done incredible so far, Kara compliments, gesturing to the view and the food. Nia, Jonn, James, Alex, Brainy, they could all be in the dark. His hair is slicked back, shorter from a haircut she hasnt seen him with. They reach the front door, stepping onto the creaking porch. The power, the force. What is wrong with me? She asks. At Catco, Cat was already in her old office, talking with James. Thats all I asked for.. Kara stands in heels and a tight black dress, hair curled slightly and a face of light makeup. She takes one to her wardrobe and opens the door on the right, containing all of Mon-Els sweaters and shirts. He smiles at her and places it back in the box, knowing if Imra saw these she would have his head. And hand it in, numbered with 12pt, times new Roman font with a bibliography and feel absolutely no stress. Kara Danvers was just shot in the abdomen and is losing a lot of blood. Along with some silverware on Karas chest, the blood of Kara on her door her... And shield after shield, shutting them in my hand Lena mumbles sadly, setting the purse down so! Rid of him who holds her closely while Kara watches yeah, I think had. Weapon after weapon and shield after shield she pulls away, allowing to... Was worth more than being in the conference room windows wince but her pride silences her words complaint. Time to push her out of her eye, she pulls out the at. 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