When Becky is not serving at Journey, you can find her. if (NM.isFlexSubPage){ // set page context In his time as a minister he has served as Discipleship Pastor, Senior Minister, Teacher, Sunday School Director and Ministry Coordinator in Tennessee and Ohio. My favorite part of being a part of that is knowing that I can be a part of that mission at a large scale, helping communities we might not reach now- be served by a life-giving church that can transform their neighborhood, city, and world.. 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There's also a web portal if that's more convenient in the moment. Meet Darlene Schroeder! n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; At Journey, our dedicated team members are the lead stakeholders in Journey's mission, vision and values. "url":"string"==typeof b.data&&0===(b.contentType||"").indexOf("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")&&Kb.test(b.data)&&"data");return h||"jsonp"===b.dataTypes[0]?(e=b.jsonpCallback=n.isFunction(b.jsonpCallback)?b.jsonpCallback():b.jsonpCallback,h?b[h]=b[h].replace(Kb,"$1"+e):b.jsonp!==!1&&(b.url+=(lb.test(b.url)?"&":"? 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Let's work together on your Christ journey. Our Staff | Journey Christian Church Meet our amazing team. When Dan isnt at Journey you can find him: Enjoying the arts--in particular, anything with canary yellow in it. By the way, we utilize a check-in system that ensures a safe environment for your child and also allows for efficient drop-off and pick-up for parents. The ministry of Mountain is shared by all those who commit to the mission of making more and better disciples, and . Journey Kids is available on Sunday mornings and is led by staff and volunteers who will be there each week to care for and love on your child. 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