JESUS CHRIST WAS BORN THRUOGH THE NATURAL PROCESS AND ANYTHING ABOUT HIM IS SPIRITURAL. John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. JESUS'S BLOOD: The Astonishing DNA Analysis of Jesus Christ - Jesus Had Twenty Four Chromosomes . That is what accords the measure of greatness to all prophets, without ascribing or raising them to the level of GOD or Son of God. As Dr. Eugene Dunkley states in his article on the genetics of the blood of Christ, 24 chromosomes is exactly what would be expected if a man was born of a virgin. They had their own special interests, and invented tailor made stories, serving their personal goals. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him. Exactly.Who can find the remains of either Jesus or Adam?No one can ,and so how can anyone be sure that the DNA of Jesus and of Adam is the samethis is just speculation and nothing elsepeople always like to come up with theories that will tickle the ears of gullible foolish gentry. In fact, if he found 46 chromosomes I would have my doubts because the argument would be that it was simply the blood of a human being (except of course that the white blood cells . If the suppressor genes are bountifully expressed, there will be no cancer. The word of God( the Bible) doesnt just prove itself. I somehow find the issue of whether Jesus is indeed God, and now, the present issue whether He is bound to Adam or vice-versa, thought-provoking BUT Science has ceased to disturb me.The life i have lived so far (I am now 76 yrs old), has made Jesus God a reality to me. The same God took himself in a form of human through Mary and became half man, half God in Jesus. James, Being made in the image of God doesnt imply we are God. All those who received revelations from Allah, the most beneficent the most merciful, The Lord of the universes. Did he say that salvation would come through his blood? Christianity is by faith and the more you explain God, the more your faith will dwindle. (Words of Jesus KJV), Romans 12:5 So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. The connection of the two maks a lot of sense to me. Only in this world spiritual power centre is Christ. The same happens now, He will listen to your words and you may ask whether Jesus is merely a Prophet, or the Judge in the end-times, or even the God-incarnate in human form. Here are a couple of thoughts: (1) DNA is a language and, in my opinion, was created by the Word, Jesus; we are Word. It is still big that God would subject Himself to being the son of man. in time of our life, who we are? The Body of Christ 1 Corinthians 12:12 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. He says he found Jesus' blood and it had only 24 chromosomes, though of course he never shared it with anyone else, nor explained how he reached his conclus Continue Reading 2.7K More answers below Angela Birch BA from Pepperdine University (Graduated 1974) Author has 21.3K answers and 40.9M answer views Jan 13 And, we know that Jesus, the Son of God, was conceived by the Holy Spirit. The best way to have a full productive life is to eat well, exercise, select a good social environment, read the Bible, pray, believe, and meet with God every day. In other words, you, me and all others including all forms of life as we get to discern, are HIS Expression regardless of gender, size or form free from the encumbrance of sex, physique or time. Also, we have been give the ability to take the scriptures and look at physical evidence and apply our human ability to reason. She offered sin offering after childbirth and proclaimed she too needed a Saviour in the Magnificat and was present at Pentecost like all other saints to receive the Holy Spirit this time in her spirit and not in her womb. This is not necessary, what is needed is that believe that Jesus is the Christ and also a son of God the Father and keep his commandment (Love) Mat 22:37 And he said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. Therefore it may just be wise on ones part to humbly look at these in relation to what religion or JESUS may be trying to communicate. 12 When your days are over and you rest with your ancestors, I will raise up your offspring to succeed you, your own flesh and blood, and I will establish his kingdom. My dear fellow sisters and brothers in Jesus please the time to play is over the Kingdom of God is at hand and He do love you all the ones that keeps His commandments and believe in Jesus Christ as His Son. These disciples would most certainly. Mat 22:40 On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets., I heard the complete opposite: That Jesus did not have any of Marys DNA and that Mary was nothing more then a surrogate mother that carried the divine seed of the Holy Spirit. Its doesnt matter if we are speaking of Adam or anyone else including YESHUA. There is a myth circulating that Jesus had only 23 Chromosomes. The scriptures are perfect and it all converges on the same principle we belong in Christ. GOD is everywhere. i had a dream last night that Jesus did a DNA test he was funny saying he not Irish he was in a white rob long brown hair his eyes where blue it was like you can see your life in them i don;t know why i was dreaming of this it crays can some one answer this it was kinda neat he came to me, I love the information to. Yes, I suspect it was the egg cell of Mary which brings up a question concerning the epigenetics of Jesus. The word starts with an L please let me know if you know. Thanks you all for commenting it gives me a good view about peoples hearts. I would like to know if we have cross in our bodies some were. Whether by an individual or a group. Very interesting. It was interesting until they said Satan must have been just misunderstood for giving us all the gifts of things like fire, and planting, and building, etc etc. Jesus actually shared his DNA with Adam. The books they brought are a proof their mission. Joseph was in the lineage of David. Our DNA is perfect since it is in Christ and He is perfect. Sr. sir, you coated that jesus has missing mary it true? God is one and is in everything. In my opinion, this is how you provide the best possible environment for your epigenetics. And by that I rest my case thankyou for listening my God be with you all, Remember that God created a man and a woman , not babies ! But that father cannot be a human father because the other 22 chromosomes on the father's side are missing. And when you call us a name, or act silly by asking about Gods QQ, we can smile while we tell you the truth. 10:34 Jesus replied, Is it not written in your Law: I have said you are gods? But, if we are right, and your way is wrong, you stand to lose an eternity of heaven, for an eternity of hell. So the term 'Jew . The lineages of both Jesus through Mary and through his adoptive father Joseph is listed in the bible. His church but mans church is messed up, According to the Koran (((like Jesus with God is like Adam, He created him from dust, then said to him, Be))) So Jesus and Adam humans, both of the same as the original two inflatable .. in Gods image? It says that. The bible says when the prodigal son came to his senses, he reasoned and went back to the father. Therefore he could have created the earth as old as he wanted it6000 yrs or a million yrs I had a professor ask me this question, how do you explain science showing the earth to be millions of years old and the Bible showing it to be around 6000 yrs old ? for His Church.Be ready. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. Ask the millions of fallen-away Catholics like myself who have liberated themselves from such mass hysteria and b.s. Remember!!!!! DNA of Jesus will not have the Y chromosome. Are there for Im assuming Jesus being in Marys woumb The only DNA should be that of Mary? As far as any of us is concerned you can believe or you can rot in hell. Scripture shows no support of a change in the DNA of man kind. Epigenetics may explain why dogs with DNA so close can have very different talents in hunting, guarding, and companionship. Chromosome 9 is made up of about 141 million DNA building blocks (base pairs) and represents approximately 4.5 percent of the total DNA in cells. If all the DNA came from the Holy Spirit, these prophecies would have not been true. tell me Melanie what will he say to all of the phido priests that he has preaching his bible in his churches, Let It Be. Thus Jesus is Jewish, and the Hebrew version of His name is Y e shua Hamashiach = Jesus the Messiah. JEW..addedI..geneto..Brahma>IBrahim>ARAB..edited..more..genes>Rahim,Rahman!! The Holy Spirit was Jesuss Father not Joseph. even in this present time. What did Eve have? still accepting Member to form and complete the If Jesus is the son of God, then for sure he would have the DNA resembling that of gods. Though we were given free will, it is till God whom we should consult in the deepest recesses of our spirituality. Jesus was God, but also all human. Thus, the (Heavenly) Father's (Y) male chromosome was expressed as Jesus.The DNA Jesus is 96% from Mary rather than 50% from Mary as would be normal. Actually, science can explain almost nothing, for example: New Living Translation When a relative of Albert Perry, an African-American man in South Carolina (now recently deceased), decided to send his DNA sample to the National Geographic Genographic Project, she created quite a stir in the world's genomic . So why this insistence on DNA perfection? Every rabbi throughout history has repeatedly told you that Jesus is NOT the Son of Man, indeed Jesus himself said the same: many shall come in my name saying I am the Christ, see that you believe them not. You know the Son of Man not from Adam. Normal human blood has a total of 46 chromosomes. Physical body have thousands of components connected and interface each other, life is existed in this body in the different forms of energy that activate it till death and controlled by system software read only memory and language programme. ( 1 Tim. Adam was created in the image of God (Jesus). Why dont people use their common sense and think critically as they read the Bible.These Christians have been putting one over everybody. value. Thats because youre not looking, Kahuma. You can also read what Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:1-6.You may as well read the entire new testament and youll know that every single word in the Bible is true. And I tell you frankly, Jesus is a living person and can listen to you when you honestly speak to Him. As Dr. Eugene Dunkley states in his article on the genetics of the blood of Christ, 24 chromosomes is exactly what would be expected if a man was born of a virgin. Jesus said that we could all do everything He did. The blood found on the Shroud of Turin is believed to be the blood of Jesus on the day of his death. Dr. Mat 22:39 And a second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. He then said that on one of the crosses there were human bones and blood that had dripped down into the sand. Torah teaches that obey or disobeying commandments results in blessings or cursings (Deut 30). Amen, The word of God is the only bibel that records the profecy acurerd. It would be interesting what you base you comment on. We look forward to a friendly discussion. I pray the same blessing for you. However some laboratory experiments of late show us that our bodies respond to things not seen such as nurturing, trauma, and fear. 1. The teaching on this subject is wrong. Jesus sacrifice for us molds it and shapes it so we can use it, it gives life texture and depth, and more abundance. We needed the law, we could not keep, to understand why we needed Jesus life laid down to bridge the gap between sinful man and righteous God. How do we measure cold, by the absence of heat. Hello children of the one true living God, please give our heavenly Father glory, honour, praise, and worship. However the term 'Jew' became used for all descendants of Israel. If you go back to Jeremiah 3:8, you will see that God had the justification to also divorce Judah, but He didnt because of the promises to Abraham and David. hi again wang. But, also he had to overwrite all of Marys mutations so that He, Jesus, would be the pure Lamb of God. my question wang to you is which side of youthe evil or the good? Also, as the Word says that a flesh & blood will not enter to heaven. Jesus actually shared his DNA with Adam. However, merging DNA from the Holy Spirit with marys DNA is not how the first Adam was generated, so why must it be this way with the 2nd Adam? Most of us would run crying to our mothers because she is the one that would scoop us up in her arms, love on us, and tend to our wounds. Regards. Some Bible verses say Jesus was a son of David and Joseph was from the lineage of David. When you were a child and fell and scraped your knee, who did you run to? The Holy Spirit used the DNA of Adam for the conception of Jesus, so that He Shall have the Perfect DNA to Save All mankind. Buy yourself a Bible and sit down and start at Genesis and over the next 6 months or so read the entire Bible and ask Jesus to come into your heart and then reply again on this site and see if you still believe Jesus and the Bible are fairytales . Christ performed a spiritual circumcisionthe cutting away of your sinful nature, My people are dying for lack of Ignorance God words. Quran is a book of GUIDANCE for Mankind; read, understand and interpret as your right; accept or reject is your inviolable privilege! As for prophesies! Jea 10:38 but if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me and I am in the Father.. The evidence is everywhere! It will blow you away! This is done through the quickening Spirit of Jesus. And they found a crack in the rock caused by an earthquake in the ceiling of the cave just above the Ark of the Covenant, that went strait up to the cross-hole where Jesus' cross stood, and the gold mercy seat between the two angles was sprinkled with Christ's (the Messiah's) blood. Jesus Christ is the spirit of God and handed over him his spiritual power if any body feel weakness of spiritual power in his body he should connect up with Jesus Christ down load power and re energise his body. In this Blog, we will discuss the DNA of Jesus. And this isnt something that Im Hypothetically talking about. Lest we forget, its just 2000 year old hearsay thats been translated a whack load of times. . as I bleive the god has create the dna so it can be same the adams and the juses, because both of him Allah creat them in same way. If Jesus blood is necessary for forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22), then how is Johns baptism for the forgiveness of sins? Now of course the enemy has twisted and perverted this within the minds and hearts of mankind, but this is how God created man and woman. 6 For to us a child is born, Your information is very interesting. 12 Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, And you perish in the way, When His wrath is kindled but a little. The Bible is true because whatever it said will happen is happening. Come to His Throne, for the Blood has atoned, for your sins, come enter in, come enter in. About 90% of the scientists did not believe in God or Jesus Christ before they analyzed this blood. Were were made in the image of God. We will have a blog out soon on this, but in the mean time you can search on epigenetics nurturing, or epigenetics fear or epigenetics trauma.. After the agony of his passion and death, in his risen state, all his wounds were healed but those on his hands, feet, and heart, so that his disciples would recognize him and believe ( John 20:20 ). Yes, we agree: Jesus is the Son of God. There were only 24 chromosomes. They gave us a few tools like religion to guide us out of our infancy and toward a advanced humanity. mathew 28;9 NAME of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Science can explain things today which people couldnt understand years ago why did Mmoses carry 10 heavy stone tablets with the 10 commandments on them, if gods so smart why didnt Moses have an ipad 2. Nothing? All of this information has been suppressed by governments and even religious leaders around the world. Read the Psalms 82: below and instead of the word gods, use the word Elohim. Also, He clarifies it by saying right out that we become sons of God. If the environment is not right, the cancer can take him. Remember(?) So the Holy Spirit had to have inseminated a virginal Mary with the \"Y\" chromosome of the one true almighty G-d of Abraham. very easy to say we believe in jesus in wordsum -savior-cross-death-resurrection but not maybe when he said icome in my father name, I and my father are one, i in him, he in me, do you think u can kill me, I have the power to (permit)lay down my life and power to raise it up again i have my sheep other than these sheep, those sheep knows me and i know them, they believe and follow me, begone satan, dont temp the name of the lord your God, if jesus is man he said iam the root n offspring of david, if he is not God of the OT then he is an impostor for OT God said I will come to save man from sins once and for all n John Baptist is my HERALDER (Heb chp-8 n 9). Father ,Mother ,Son =GOD, This is wrong. He concluded they found Jesus blood .when they tested this blood the results were that Jesus blood is still alive today, and it has 24 chromosomes: 23 from his mother and 1 from the Holy Spirit which proves the virgin birth. Mary kept it secret. Geneticists Study Jesus' Blood - 24 Chromosomes and 'Non Human'. According to legend, the shroud was secretly carried from Judea in A.D. 30 or 33, and was housed in Edessa, Turkey, and Constantinople (the name for Istanbul before the Ottomans took over) for. You need proof? Furthermore I question the term second Adam when referring to Jesus. Catholics believe the bread and wine offered at Mass become the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ before they are received as communion. Lets all worship Manholes ! the WORD of G-D came into Mary and she got pregnant. We know it is true that if we have a good diet and good exercise, we do better; we have always known that. Both Daniel and Zechariah Ch 9-14 are the product of the Hellenistic era and have no messianic prophecies. When the solider pierced the side of Jesus, an Earthquake split the rock that the cross was placed upon and Jesus' blood ran down through this crack and dripped on the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant! what is true and what is mass-media marketing by religions. You wont understand it today maybe, or tomorrow or even before you die. When you study DNA you see that it is a language. revelation says we do our own salvation, after jesus, we are born free ( the innerman/spirit and outerman/flesh n they fight each to win. Just ask the Indian Government who have researched the symphony of HIS SPREAD! I am amazed at your sense of grandeur people? The Shroud of Turin. Everywhere there is God & God nothing except God. Also the bones of the so called Jesus lie in Karachi. So God had the ethical right to do what He did. We were all created for a purpose. Dear Wang, Jesus is 24th Generation from David, through Joseph. The Bible stands, pure. now that, Wang is truly a fairytale ! And that is what He was greated for. All our original DNA is safe in Jesus. . There are 23 chromosomes from the mother and a "Y" chromosome from a father. All the dates have a 95% certainty. They all carry the same Haplogroup. By using of this software we compute, calculate, compare, analyse, demand identifies and resolve issues. Your email address will not be published. Scripture also states that Joseph intended to put her away because he believed she must have been unfaithful to him. Very real power and love is streaming to our hart ! Heb.10,5 says God prepared perfect DNA in Jesus so that when sin was laid on Him on the cross He could die and carry it away, but God could vindicate Him in resurrection because He was always sinless. MAY LORD GIVE U UNDERSTANDING. so the image of God should not be meant of literally Thus either Jesus had to be a human or God. Many believe the Shroud of Turin to be the burial cloth in which Jesus of Nazareth was wrapped about 2,000 years ago. Down to where the Roman soldiers gambled for his clothes. Continued:are equal, mere nano-specks in the great spectrum of Beni Adam (Mankind) just as cells constitute the Life-spectrum of each individual human. amen, yeah its right god we know is everywhere because he is powerful of all of us when a boy see a peny he will said that im powerfull but god do that for him. From a DNA standpoint this means that both the first and last Adam had DNA that represented all humanity. Later, when man sinned, all the creation suffered (Romans 5:12). only the power of God can do thatits not possible for him (2) Jesus had to have two copies of the DNA since He embodied all humanity; he took us to the cross, to the grave, and, thank God, to the resurrection. ( John 10:34.35 ). We can become partakers of divine nature through faith in JesusOr do you think that everyone born after Jesus died and resurrected automatically has the divine nature planted in them as a hidden mustered seed albeit they are not aware of it nor is it activated until true faith ignites it and starts the process of purification? You were specifically told not to lean on your own interpretations that when the Son of Man is born he will guide you in truth, yet nonetheless you lean on your own interpretations. Jesus came as the Christ, the savior, the redeemer, and He too had to embody all humanity because if not some would be left behind at the resurrection. Welll for yall that dont believe, well this is a small note for you! Are they afarid of him? Who is the Mechelsadeck? All creation is a tangible indication that the Bible is very true true and not just self-proved. W/out faith u cant move a rock. Yes, i agree with you,science is used to try people to think different then the reality, wen there is nothing you can not get anything. Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. All 23 from the mother and only one from the father. No wonder people are turning away from religion its all wishful dreaming and no facts. All humans have two copies of human genes and two copies of DNA. Hardware, software and power supply. this is not non sense ,this is about truth.and as it says in the holly bible [jn 8:32 then you will know the truth,and the truth will set you free]. to us a son is given, None moved by his own will but by the Will of The Merciful Lord, just as He desired to instruct mankind at their stage of development. If you dont believe then hard luck man its your own loss, He loses nothing. I didn't mean to offend anyone, or imply we are Merovingians . Today at 83 years of age, lucid, active, I now posses enough To produce a male, ONE Y chromosome must come from the father. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice and had no mutations and He embodied all genetic diversity which includes your genes and my genes. The Koran is your book, The Bible is Gods Book. Google it and you will see how it works. But through true faith in Jesus the divine nature in Jesus is grafted into our human spirit (which gives us a natural desire to keep his commandments), and at the end of the age we will be raised to eternal immortal life. dear wang God has limited our capabilities for example you can stand on one leg but can not stand by lifting both legs.You can see forward but can,t see from your behind.When you were a child you could not think like this as God restricted your thaught and as by the will of God you grown up ,you are pointing out the presence of God.there was not a single ipressin of you and you were created but now you are grown up and have to die and have to answer GOD. dear brother god bless you but you not understood god is comming soon and you will be looking in cloud but that time hi not give sorry for any any person who say agenst god but we pray for you god give you wish and you help for your confusion. The reason the Virgin Mary had to be conceived by the Holy Spirit is because Jesus is the Son of God. God is not in hiding he is with us everyday. We also know that Jesus was called the last Adam. Stoning was the penalty for adultery if caught. I am a saved Christian and I am studying the word of God in the holy bible. only the sacred ancient text of orthodox judaism hassidic priest aramaic dead sea scrolls holly bible and essenians cave sect explain the unexplained only father and holy spirit can reveal this secret 2000 years ago in the talmudic scriptures the book of ezra the davids psalms the qumran coran muslims moses the book of enoch the sabbath the jewish bible the jewis ancient zodiac the star of david the lord our savior of the world jesus yeshus massiach the new jerusalem of gold the menorah the book of acts apostles the book of revelation only god knows all the things is a rarelly mistery of the world both christian and hebrews israelites and jews askenazyc ahd sephradic and al aqsa mosque in yerushalaiym mecca and medina jezreel medinat Adam lose that Image, hed been corrupted, he disobey God by his own will..instead of following Gods Word he choose to listen to his wifes voice, then he sin, and i guess that is unpardonablethen he the Image had Gone!God Curse himeventhough he sin, that image pass on to Cain and to Abel and to all of Usbut some had not kept that Image but lose it note the NAME singular which means that father, son and holy spirit has a NAME, (singular) so that these three Officers has a name.and that name revealed in ACTS 2: 38. We are also descended from the Royal House of Jarrahids. Which side will win: cancer or no cancer. 1. This principle clarifies many scriptures. RESURRECTION: Blood of the Father, Search for the Son. Any other scriptures can be verified by Jesus through the Holy Spirit, that is why we need to know Him. So to know him, try sit down and say this simple word, God I want to know you, please help me. Whether all DNA were in perfect? The earliest historical records of the Shroud of Turin place it in Lirey, France during the 1350s. The Hereafter is a reality that will make manifest all things to everyone. I have a website and I break it down showing readers the verse in the original Greek. You will see one day. In case the video did not work, the blood was not only still alive, but it contained 24 chromosomes! Thankyou. Where did humans come from? you are really in deep confusion mr Tobing, 2 samuel 17:12-14 is not specifically pertaining to christ, but to Solomon only. Also, because the idea that the blood of Jesus could be found, or that it could have been preserved for nearly two thousand years is absolutely absurd. This is a smart article, analyzing the relationship of the first Adam and the Last, while quoting Bible verses to support the teaching. The spiritual body is the soul. He concluded they found Jesus' blood .when they tested this blood the results were that Jesus' blood is still alive today, and it has 24 chromosomes: 23 from his mother and 1 from the Holy Spirit which proves the virgin birth. They found 24 X chromosomes by His mother and only 1 Y chromosome from the Father. we can see that nearly all prophesy in the bible already happened, EU, UN, ETC you name it Bible said SIN will increase as we can see one eg. you know you you think youre so smart x3x but the fact is everyone knows that youre a retard if you dont appreciate what god did for you dont comment okay ? What a load of poop! There are measurable chemical differences in snow formed at different temperatures, so ice cores provide a record of polar temperature going back around 250,000 years for Greenland and 800,000 years for Antarctica.( ) ,maybe this work for you; meaning this can be an available eye witness, one of the many that can tell the pass dont stick to the translation palyes your right there are some translation that is not right but dont close your mind with that belief, look for another options..a right translationill ask you what translation that you read already that is wrong? Or disobeying commandments results in blessings or cursings ( Deut 30 ) am amazed at your sense of grandeur?. Genes > Rahim, Rahman! to you is which side will:. Is streaming to our hart we will discuss the DNA came from the father, Search for blood. Commenting it gives me a good view about peoples hearts blood found on the Shroud of Turin be. Man sinned, all the creation suffered ( Romans 5:12 ) two copies of through! 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Flesh & blood will not enter to heaven Blog, we agree: Jesus is jesus' blood found 24 chromosomes! Son of God Y & quot ; chromosome from the lineage of David gods book Government who have researched symphony! The so called Jesus lie in Karachi father, mother, Son =GOD this... Gave us a few tools like religion to guide us out of our spirituality reason the Virgin Mary had be! People are dying for lack of Ignorance God words absence of heat it in Lirey, France the.
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