The interview appeared in the Wednesday, March 5, 1947, edition of the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio and read in part as follows: Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the polar regions. What Do UFOs Have to do with Animal Planet? Byrd discussed the lessons learned from the operation in an interview with Lee van Atta of International News Service held aboard the expedition's command ship, the USS Mount Olympus. Belanger: It was the largest naval expedition ever in Antarctica. Its been reported that after she returned from space, she took to believing that long ago ETs had colonized our planet and interbred with ancient cultures altering our DNA. The Byrd myth-quote is terribly misleading. As citizens of the world, we hereby are emancipating ourselves from the globalists old system of robotic slavery and demonic control. Rick Gomez Park in Buena Park is first in 25 years. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. In the interior are vast continents, oceans, mountains and rivers. Furthermore, Byrd stated that he didnt want to frighten anyone unduly but that it was a bitter reality that in case of a new war the continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds.2. [12], Rear Admiral Richard H. Cruzen, USN, Commanding, Rear Admiral Richard H. Cruzen, USN, Commanding Officer, Rear Adm. Richard E. Byrd, Jr. USN, (Ret), Officer in Charge, Capt. The lighter elements such as liquefied water and the gaseous atmosphere will tend to form on each side of the center point, materializing at both the inner and outer surfaces of the planet. . But apparently the secret diary all about the hollow earth visit to Aghartha was conjured up years after Gianninis book with the probable intent to substantiate the B of A writers earlier claim. In addition to censorship of that 1947 National Geographic article, a December 1959 Flying Saucer magazine article covering Byrds polar flights also was eliminated from circulation, not unlike censorship today with real news labeled fake news slotted for censorship. La velocidad fantstica a la que el mundo se est reduciendo record el Almirante es una de las lecciones ms importantes aprendidas en su reciente exploracin antrtica. The Illuminati realize that maintaining their enslavement of humanity by owning and controlling their morally challenged puppets they groom and hand pick into power and then wield control over through blackmail and death threats, they know those days are finally over. Of course Harrys dad Charles, Grandpa Philip and virtually the entire royal British bloodline was smitten by the pedophile of the century Jimmy Savile, whos believed to have even pimped child victims for the royal familys consumption. Ray Palmer, editor of Flying Saucer Magazine, responding to the preponderance of UFO sightings at the Poles, concluded this about the pair of flights Admiral Byrd made over each Pole: The flying saucers could come from these two unknown lands beyond the Poles. It is the opinion of the editors of Flying Saucers magazine that the existence of these lands cannot be disproved by anyone, considering the facts of the two expeditions which we have outlined. Perhaps the most accurate and detailed account of Nazi contact and connection to alien civilization(s) and advanced interspace technology is featured in the 44-minute 2006 Russian documentary Third Reich Operation UFO.. [6][7], The Central Group of ships reached the Bay of Whales on January 15, 1947, where they began construction of Little America IV. Antarctica was teeming with both animal and plant life and the landscape was largely flat and demarcated by a slow moving river. As a 1912 US Naval Academy graduate, understanding the importance of future air travel, Richard Byrd opted to become a naval aviator in 1917. Additionally two decades after Reis in 1534 Oronce Fin composed a map also displaying a remarkably accurate, de-glaciered land mass. Going back to my notes, I find that Farrell did mention, in a radio interview I heard on his book The SS Brotherhood of the Bell (2008), that he thought the stories of Nazi UFOs and the Antarctic underground bases were fabrications of the neo-Nazis. In recent years he has focused on his writing, becoming an alternative media journalist. Byrd later told a reporter for the Chilean newspaper, El Mercurio, that his expedition taught him the U.S. should "prepare for the possibility of hostile planes coming from the polar regions" as part of a "recapitulation of his own polar experience." Many took this to be evidence of the flying craft he saw coming from what is believed . This statement was made as part of a recapitulation of his own polar experience, in an exclusive interview with International News Service. Talking about the recently completed expedition, Byrd says that the most important result of his observations and discoveries is the potential effect that they have in relation to the security of the United States. It was the first time that these two heads of Christianity met face-to-face in almost 1000 years. But wheres the actual proof? The end goal was to establish US sovereignty over a . Then a few months later it was the CFR-Skull and Bonesmans turn, Secretary of State John Kerry to make his strange trek to Antarctica on of all days November 8th. But this time we must not be fooled again with same as the old boss syndrome. Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd before his seven-hour flight over land beyond the North Pole. Our ancient past has been willfully buried and deceptively concealed primarily by religious and political dogma. In 1947, the Chilean newspaper "El Mercurio" carried an article from its correspondent Lee van Atta aboard the support ship 'Mount Olympus'. Theyre on the run. Lets face it, virtually everything weve been taught to be reality falls short of the honest truth, having been programmed and brainwashed from day one that prohibits any real serious or genuine inquiry, questioning or challenging of the prevailing dogmatic norm and order, thus by built-in design preventing exploration of alternative information, data and theories that may well lead to different, more accurate conclusions and outcomes. Advertising Notice On an emergency basis, Pope Francis and the Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill met in Cuba last year on February 12th (ostensibly to discuss the persecution and murder of Christians). Instead, Dr. Greer foresees a fast approaching day when, like virtually every war a false flag operation is now in the making where deep state will stage a fake alien invasion using black-ops technology and crisis actors playing their assigned role, complete with military intelligence operatives acting as their handlers. Where that Highjump crash was sounded to me to be in a pretty tough place. He refuses to go public other than using his writing as a confessional and form of self-therapy. Admiral Byrd was famed for going to the North and South Poles and obtaining . We didnt know about precision flying or what we were looking at.. Inside sources suspected many had escaped to the German underground base in Antarctica. Quite a contingent. John Lukacs: The Legacy of the Second World War, Victorian and Edwardian Bedfordshire Ghost Stories, The Wizards, Astrologers, Fairy Seers and Witches of Victorian Liverpool, Hurst, The Victorian Ghosts, Devils and Witches of Northern Bedfordshire,, Pitchforks and Witchcraft in Nineteenth-Century Warwickshire, The Fairy Witch of Carrick-on-Suir: A Nineteenth-Century Fairy Resurrectionist, Victorian Urban Legends: The Smiths and the Rookery, Boggart & Banshee: A Supernatural Podcast, John Higson, South Manchester Supernatural, Le Fanu, Sheridan Le Fanus Scary Fairy Stories, Riddell et al, Ghost Tales of Victorian and Edwardian Bedfordshire, The Fewston Witches 1621-1623: A Yorkshire Coven, The Witches and Fairies of Nineteenth-Century Ilkley, Young (ed), The Wollaton Gnomes: a Nottingham Fairy Mystery, Young, A Gazetteer of British Mermaid Place-names, 2023 Beachcombing's Bizarre History Blog. The UFO fervor keeps intensifying, centered on the Antarctic mystery as a probable portal to other worldly activity. Millions of people who accept the fact that virtually everything the government says and does is pure bullshit are certain that far more is left out than meets the eye. The colonel has said the primary reason he resigned from the Air Force was after learning that many missing children who are abducted and trafficked (those spared from being abused sexually and murdered by the pedophile elite) are taken to Area 51 underground levels to be genetically engineered, programmed and transformed into looking like alien hybrids that will be used to launch a false flag alien invasion of the earth to enable the global controllers to achieve their one world government. Can't use it as truth. The Byrd Polar Research Center on campus was named for the late explorer as a lasting memorial at the time the collection came to Ohio State. Instead in 1939 Byrd led his third and largest South Pole expedition that included 125 men, the first fully funded and sponsored by Washington. Tompkins as a 17-year-old sailor in WWII with a model aircraft carrier, It was Tompkins daunting task to utilize vital incoming information and secrets for optimal use in developing Americas interstellar space propulsion program. Despite the persistent popularity and findings of the hollow earth, unfortunately as science and technology took hold in the twentieth century, Americas so called century, dogma and rigidity have taken over to exclusively push the solid globular ball paradigm. The northern winter was coming, and Highjump was a quickly planned exercise to move the whole thing to the South Pole. The good Admiral made copious notes of his time in Antarctica and none of these refer to a "new green land beyond the pole". After making his second Antarctic expedition in 1934, spending five months alone at the advanced base camp, in 1938 Byrd visited Hamburg, Germany and was actually invited to participate in the 1938-39 Neuschwabenland Antarctic expedition. Byrd arrived in America from his failed operation on April 14th, 1947. But inasmuch as the name has been known and respected for more than 60 years, from Vancouver to San Diego due to the activity of the late Amadeo Peter Giannini of Bank of Italy and Bank of America fame. By the end of March 1949, Truman fired him and took possession of his diary. China also set up its first air squadron in 2016, ostensibly to support its four research bases. There are openings at the northern and southern extremities. Tompkins even maintains that several extraterrestrials masquerading as his secretaries in attractive blonde humanoid female form were members of a so called Nordic alien civilization furnishing him with crucial knowledge that facilitated progress breakthroughs in early aerospace technology. Clearly there is increasing evidence that modern science, in its rare, honest form, is catching up to the wisdom of the ancient cultures. After the Soviet Union broke up in 1991, the KGB released records confirming that Highjumps actual mission was indeed to capture and destroy that hidden underground German military base. Finn Ronne also financed a private operation to the same territory until 1948. It was shot down by Congress and Quincys incoming successor Andrew Jackson also poo pooed the idea, figuring fighting off the central banksters was more urgent and important, which he successfully did. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Just as the long night of the Arctic ends, the brilliant sunshine of Truth shall come again and those who are of darkness shall fall in its Light FOR I HAVE SEEN THAT LAND BEYOND THE POLE, THAT CENTER OF THE GREAT UNKNOWN. Both Forrestal and Byrd wanted to reveal to the outer world the truth about the interior world and the advanced extraterrestrials. Then like clockwork just several weeks after Kerry yet another odd guest is invited to the elites frozen playground. But the words are the same as those in an earlier work by Mattern and Friedrich UFOs: Nazis Secret Weapons (1975). Coincidentally, in July that same year the UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico was also quickly covered up, like Byrds violently close encounter with ET technology at the South Pole. A week and a half prior to his departure, with 24 other nations Kerry signed a pact banning all private ships and citizens from travel to Antarcticas southern coast for the next 35 years. I have the proof in The Portent. Admiral Richard E. Byrd is thought of as an iconic American hero. National Geographic featured Byrds Highjump story entitled Our Navy Explores Antarctica in its October 1947 issue. For example, there was a discovery over in east Antarctica of an ice-free area that was bedrock and had water pockets. Ahnenerbe members sought ancient texts raiding libraries and artifacts the world over in places like Tibet and India as well as occupied Russia and Europe. The colorful auroral displays at the poles have yet to be explained by the solid earth scientists, yet are easily understood when ions pouring out from the polar openings collide with the solar ions in the earths magnetosphere and the varying colors correspond with the various ionized gases hydrogen, oxygen, helium and nitrogen. He explains that Dr. Karl Haushofer, a former German Army general and influential political geographer, had given Ungers submarine captain Heinrich Brodda detailed instructions and maps to navigate to specific coordinates in Antarctica that enabled them to enter underground caverns that then led to the hollow earth. So we have found three separate studies all operating independent of each other that confirm that an inner ancient world, an ocean and a sun all exist inside our earth. A statement by Admiral Byrd to the International News Service was published by the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio in March of that year, part of which read: " Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the . To seek and destroy perhaps the enemys final refuge, Admiral Richard Byrd was the natural selection to lead the military expedition called Operation Highjump. Meanwhile, 2016 having thoroughly exposed the crime cabal, now increasingly on the defensive in its feeble effort to censor and withhold the truth, their age of deception is coming to a swift end. Perhaps having contacted the advanced hollow earth race already on previous journeys to the Poles, or minimally seen for himself that warm green areas with ice-free lakes exist near and beyond the South Pole and firsthand witnessed UFO battle capability, at the outset of his final trip to Antarctica in November 1955, Admiral Byrd stated: Thats a pretty big statement. I have to warn my compatriots that the time has ended when we were able to take refuge in our isolation and rely on the certainty that distances, the oceans, and the poles were a guarantee of safety.. The article by Lee van Atta entitled "Admiral Richard E Byrd refers to the Strategic Importance of the Poles" had been sent from "On Board Mount Olympus on the High Seas". Moreover, Giannini was never a hollow earth advocate at all but a flat earth subscriber. In late November to mid-December 2013, Prince Harry accompanied a team of a dozen veterans of Empire wars from UK, US and Canada on a Walking with the Wounded Antarctic expedition as a PR stunt to raise money and awareness for those willing to die for the latest bankers wars. Or has their power of goodness and love tamed the evil hearts of the Nazis? A probable UFO crash in Germanys Bavaria in the summer of 1936 helped give the Nazis a full decade head start. Deep state and especially the CIA are notorious for leaking disinformation and bogus lies, in this case intended to discredit both Admiral Byrds encounters with alien technology and the devotees of the hollow earth theory, deploying the old CIA yoke that renders them tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists.. When the IGY scientists, who of course were sitting in conference halls in Europe, were planning where to put stations in Antarctica during the IGY, they used what the Highjump people had learned to help them make decisions. Beach has checked this translation against his own, admittedly dormant Spanish, and finds it to be spot on. Fueling the latter theory, in 2012 another strange anomaly was found on Google Earth of an odd 14.5 mile long 4.5 mile wide structure that appears to either be a monster-sized UFO lodged under the ice or a secret camouflaged research station. Operation HIGHJUMP, officially titled The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, 19461947, (also called Task Force 68), was a United States Navy (USN) operation to establish the Antarctic research base Little America IV. The poles have long been associated with being multidimensional vortex fields that act as earth entry and exit points for intergalactic spacecraft travel. El Almirante explic que no quiere asustar a nadie, pero es una verdad amarga que, en el caso de una nueva guerra, los Estados Unidos podran ser atacados por aviones que pueden volar sobre uno o los dos polos. [sic]. Mongolian tribes believe that tunnels at earths surface link to the subterranean world. Near the poles the crusts then thinned out to form a hole at both the northern and southern extremities. But remember, its all simply another deceitful variation of the same as the old boss. The fantastic speed with which the world is shrinking recalled the Admiral is one of the most important lessons learned during his recent Antarctic exploration. And Forrestals murder had to be taken as a direct threat to Admiral Byrd open your mouth and youll be next.. The waters of Lake Vostok are believed to have been untouched for 20 million years. Admiral Byrd was interviewed by Lee van Atta of International News Service aboard the expeditions command ship USS Mount Olympus, in which he discussed the lessons learned from the operation. That speaks volumes for a member of an elite family to purposely insert bogus disinformation to muddy up the controversial waters surrounding Admiral Byrds real or imagined exploits. Admiral Byrd's 'Diary'. So much for UFOs with swastikas. Completing its mission, the sub entered Argentine waters on July 10th to surrender to authorities. Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the polar regions. A & S: Admiral Richard Byrd, who led the Highjump expedition, had 13 ships, 23 aircraft, and 4,700 men. US Armed Forces may be in the midst of a secret war with UFOs. Awakening School of Theology & Ministry With Dr. M Christians Who Believe the Earth is Really Flat Was Cain Fathered by the Devil? Greer believes that the so called reptilian and grays are all black ops creations and that there are no evil ETs, citing the simple logic that if there were, their advanced superiority militarily and technologically would have destroyed humans a long time ago. The Admiral explained that he was not trying to scare anyone, but the cruel reality is that in case of a new war, the United States could be attacked by planes flying over one or both poles. That guided the building of stations there. It has been completely against my values of moral right. A & S: Admiral Richard Byrd, who led the Highjump expedition, had 13 ships, 23 aircraft, and 4,700 men. Misusing Teslas free energy technology for destructive military ends only, rather than liberate humanity, the ruling elite has instead chosen to further enslave us through oil war addiction for greedy profit and hegemonic, centralized control. To Washingtons consternation, thousands of scientists, engineers and Third Reich military and political leaders were never accounted for. The Ventura County Star is your source breaking local news, sports and entertainment news from Oxnard, Thousand Oaks, Ventura and Simi Valley, California. But whats clear is the advanced aeronautic technology his task force encountered makes space travel very conceivable, suggesting that he was either attacked by an alien force or an advanced German air superiority aided by ETs. Despite the Antarctic Treaty signed by a dozen original nations in December 1959 promoting cooperation for shared scientific research that prohibits a military presence other than for adjunctive scientific purposes, more than a half dozen countries squabble over territorial claims the UK, Chile, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, France and Norway. 1947 was a busy and eventful year as Majestic 12 was also formed in July per an executive order by President Truman. Of course the hollow earth has long been embedded in our artistic folklore and imaginations through such works as Jules Vernes Journey to the Center of the Earth. In 1928 Richard Byrd led his first Antarctic expedition by ship and planes taking photographs and conducting geological surveying. The official line was to receive an update on climate change research. Esta declaracin se hizo como parte de una recapitulacin de su propia experiencia polar, en una entrevista exclusiva con International News Service. Aggressive UFO activity emerging from underwater to overturn and endanger ships has increased in recent years. Let us not be duped by the globalist pope whos co-opting with the good ETs to reformulate a one world religion selling our spiritual salvation. Recall that Lt. Col. Billie Faye Woodard said that the US government has been abducting children and programming and training them for this very role. The only known reference Byrd ever made even remotely resembling the above statement is in the October National Geographic article. 29 Mar 2017 MWB sends in this from Chile, he found it on an only French site. The decades old underground war with so called aliens is about to surface. The outlandish, the anomalous and the curious from the last five thousand years, ***Dedicated to KMH who, not for the first time, inspired the hunt***, The following is the record of an interview with American admiral Richard Byrd which appeared in El Mercurio, a Chilean paper, 5 March 1947: it was written by a US journalist, Lee Van Atta, but seems never to have been published in English. Rest assure the evil ones are vigilantly guarding the polar gates, apprehending any and all efforts by private citizens trying to escape from topside bondage seeking refuge in inner sanctum utopia. By the end of the century, sea levels are expected to rise up to 10 feet, submerging cities like Miami and New York and forcing evacuation of 150 million people living along low lying coastlines worldwide. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. Billed as a reconnaissance mission to establish the research base Little America IV, the operation hit the high seas in December 1946. Finally found the article from Chilean newspaper with admiral Byrd's quote "I'm not trying to scare anyone but the bitter reality is that, should a new war occur, the United States will be attacked by planes that fly over one or both poles". Twentieth century Nazis and twenty-first century Illuminati are well aware of this merging between modern science and ancient occult wisdom, except their Modus Operandi has been to use it selfishly to gain evil power and control over humanity. They conclude that there is a sun underneath the surface of our planet. [16] It features Chief of Naval Operations Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz in a scene where he is discussing Operation HIGHJUMP with admirals Byrd and Cruzen. So why does this innocuous passage matter? The very first mention of Byrd flying past the North Pole into a hollow earth is alluded to in a book entitled Worlds beyond the Poles: Physical Continuity of the Earth, published in 1959 by a controversial, self-proclaimed scientist named F. Amadeo Giannini. Debo advertir a mis compatriotas que termin aquel tiempo en el que podamos refugiarnos en nuestro aislamiento y confiar en la certeza de que las distancias, los ocanos, y los polos eran una garanta de seguridad. Further supporting this belief of ancient civilizations inhabiting the continent, scientists have recently discovered two large pyramids located just 10 miles inland and a third near the coastline. The fantastic speed with which the world is shrinking recalled the Admiral is one of the most important lessons learned during his recent Antarctic exploration. [14] In 2007 a group called the George One Recovery Team was unsuccessful in trying to get direct military involvement and raise extensive funds from the United States Congress to try and find the bodies of the three men killed in the crash. And since the majority, or close to a majority, of those at the highest rungs of power in this world are deranged, satanic worshipping pedophiles, represented by the near four decades of nonstop Bush-Clinton-Obama reign of terror, they know that their jigs up. On March 13th, the day he returned to America from his final polar expedition less than a year before his death, the great explorer referred to Antarctica as: that enchanted continent in the sky, land of everlasting mystery. The language links are at the top of the Nazis a full decade head start but the words are same. The advanced extraterrestrials the northern and southern extremities as a probable UFO crash Germanys! 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Is Gino 'd Acampo Daughter Mia Adopted, Griff Rhys Jones House Pembrokeshire, Articles A